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2 minutes ago, WinForPooh said:

You know all these people, so-called serious devotees of figure skating, are going to look pretty damn stupid in a decade when the Internet lays out in all its glory that they dismissed one of the greatest skaters ever because he had too many fangirls. Yes, great skating analysis there, guys. Just great. Top notch.


I know there are people who just think he's cute but so what? Doesn't change his efforts and achievements. How does it affect anyone negatively? (Except me - gimme yo tickets and find an idol instead.)

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2 minutes ago, WinForPooh said:

You know all these people, so-called serious devotees of figure skating, are going to look pretty damn stupid in a decade when the Internet lays out in all its glory that they dismissed one of the greatest skaters ever because he had too many fangirls. Yes, great skating analysis there, guys. Just great. Top notch.

You're trying to speak logic. And actually, quite a few of the really really devoted FS fans in that other forum like Yuzu too. I think there are quite a number who like his skating, but would not classify themselves as "fans" (actually I'm a borderline fan XD) that exist there, and a couple of the more thorough posters do admire the qualities of his skating. Sometimes fandom is just nostalgia for a certain skaters, so it's unlikely that given their age, they have that much nostalgia for Yuzu now.


5 minutes ago, katonice said:

For me, I found Korean vocabulary to be more difficult than Japanese. Probably because of their simpler alphabet, many Korean words sound similar to me so I struggle more to remember them. 

Japanese vocab is hardest for me. For both Chinese and Korean (I studied in Seoul for a semester) vocab pronunciation was fairly consistent, but in Japanese I still can't wrap my head around why one character in one instance reads as taka, and another reads as ko-aka 高is taka in the family name takahashi, but ko in the name of Koshiro. :59227c768286a__s:

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6 minutes ago, SparkleSalad said:


I know there are people who just think he's cute but so what? Doesn't change his efforts and achievements. How does it affect anyone negatively? (Except me - gimme yo tickets and find an idol instead.)

ehh...for me even though people say he looks like an idol, i think he looks better. idols well...are chosen for their looks (and talent....but looks play a big part in it, ngl) and they spend a lot of time doing skincare, haircare, styling, working out, even makeup. it just seems like trying too hard for me. and if you're picked for your looks rather than any true talent, and your entire job is to look pretty, that's not exactly interesting. i think yuzu's attractiveness is partially how casual he is, how much he doesn't care, doesn't have time for maintaining his looks, and yet still glows as if he can't help it. plus he's so insanely talented, the most talented figure skater in history, which makes a pretty lethal combo. what are the chances? so..yeah. sappy moment over (again).

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1 minute ago, Xen said:

, but in Japanese I still can't wrap my head around why one character in one instance reads as taka, and another reads as ko-aka 高is taka in the family name takahashi, but ko in the name of Koshiro. :59227c768286a__s:

Lol when i learned that in chinese there's only one pronunciation for each character i was like "WHAT?! IS THAT POSSIBLE?!" :rofl:

i mean

http://jisho.org/search/生 %23kanji

Just look at the list of on'yomi, kun'yomi and the ones for names...  ("nyuu" is the 20th pronunciation in the name reading list...)

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16 minutes ago, PapiandPooh421 said:

If that's his voice though, his notea are kinda flat.. :acceptable:I wonder if he goes to voice lessons if his singing prowess will improve just like his skating considering the bb gives 100% in everything he does.. 


I.........don't really like a lot of Japanese singers for this reason tbh a lot of Japanese singers sound kinda..flat to me lol but i have somewhat high standards when it comes to pop singers lol

oh lordy what i would give to have Yuzu skate to something Kyuhyun sang ;A; Kyuhyun also has a bit of a tragic backstory only to rise to be like...the best so they go together nicely lol (while i'm promoting my boy...hes nice singing ballads but when he's doing musicals, wow.)

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1 minute ago, yuzuangel said:

ehh...for me even though people say he looks like an idol, i think he looks better. idols well...are chosen for their looks (and talent....but looks play a big part in it, ngl) and they spend a lot of time doing skincare, haircare, styling, working out, even makeup. it just seems like trying too hard for me. and if you're picked for your looks rather than any true talent, that's not exactly interesting. i think yuzu's attractiveness is partially how casual he is, how much he doesn't care, and yet still glows as if he can't help it. plus he's so insanely talented, the most talented figure skater in history, which makes a pretty lethal combo. what are the chances? so..yeah. sappy moment over (again).

Actually I think his skin is better than most idols' skins. Maybe it's due to the makeup, but a lot of idols look a bit "oily" to me on TV, so you can tell there is makeup on. Yuzu always looks like his skin is perfectly natural and very soft.

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2 minutes ago, Xen said:

You're trying to speak logic. And actually, quite a few of the really really devoted FS fans in that other forum like Yuzu too. I think there are quite a number who like his skating, but would not classify themselves as "fans" (actually I'm a borderline fan XD) that exist there, and a couple of the more thorough posters do admire the qualities of his skating. Sometimes fandom is just nostalgia for a certain skaters, so it's unlikely that given their age, they have that much nostalgia for Yuzu now.

I get that, I guess, but ignoring the present until it's gone and becomes the good ol' days so you can talk about it is... silly. I'm still looking for an actual critique of his skating skills, not to see if anybody can score points, but so I can understand his skating better. :/ If anybody can link me to something, I would appreciate it, too. Like that comparison gif between him and Chan - I find it easier to spot the different turns and steps when Chan does it because he does it more deliberately and Yuzu just lightning-zips through it all, and I found that analysis helpful.


And really, most of the fangirling is a big distraction from the very real stress of worrying. And a welcome distraction from real life, too. What harm does it do? Fangirling a little doesn't automatically disqualify you from being a serious when you need to be. Really, a disclaimer should not be necessary to be able to say you think Yuzu is really good at skating. (Though I see how the cult of the personality can be annoying to the highminded. Thankfully, my mind has always been in the gutter so I don't think that's a problem.)

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3 minutes ago, Xen said:

Actually I think his skin is better than most idols' skins. Maybe it's due to the makeup, but a lot of idols look a bit "oily" to me on TV, so you can tell there is makeup on. Yuzu always looks like his skin is perfectly natural and very soft.

I haven't watched many Japanese/Asian idols (not really interested) but I have to say, I haven't seen anyone glow the way he does IRL. Maybe it's the lighting, or something? But his skin is very, very, very pretty. Photos don't really do it justice.

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14 minutes ago, CupidsBow said:


I.........don't really like a lot of Japanese singers for this reason tbh a lot of Japanese singers sound kinda..flat to me lol but i have somewhat high standards when it comes to pop singers lol

oh lordy what i would give to have Yuzu skate to something Kyuhyun sang ;A; Kyuhyun also has a bit of a tragic backstory only to rise to be like...the best so they go together nicely lol (while i'm promoting my boy...hes nice singing ballads but when he's doing musicals, wow.)

Oh dear Kyuhyun<3. Just imagine Yuzu skating to "At Gwanghwamun" :smiley-love017:

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Just now, PapiandPooh421 said:

Oh dear Kyuhyun<3. Just imagine Yuzu skating to "At Gwanghwamun" :smiley-love017:


Or A Million Pieces :10636614: I would completely die. I can still sing along to At Gwanghwamun though hahaha

Kyuhyun's angel voice with Yuzu's angel skating would be heaven

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2 minutes ago, CupidsBow said:


Or A Million Pieces :10636614: I would completely die. I can still sing along to At Gwanghwamun though hahaha

Kyuhyun's angel voice with Yuzu's angel skating would be heaven

Kyuhyun's also my favorite among the Suju boys. Or you know, Yuzu can*cough* take singing lessons from Kyuhyun and then sing live at his next FaOI. 

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19 minutes ago, CupidsBow said:


I.........don't really like a lot of Japanese singers for this reason tbh a lot of Japanese singers sound kinda..flat to me lol but i have somewhat high standards when it comes to pop singers lol

oh lordy what i would give to have Yuzu skate to something Kyuhyun sang ;A; Kyuhyun also has a bit of a tragic backstory only to rise to be like...the best so they go together nicely lol (while i'm promoting my boy...hes nice singing ballads but when he's doing musicals, wow.)



I'm not sure if you mean singers or idols (to call idols singers is... generous) and I don't really know anything about the Korean idol industry but in Japan you have to be an all-rounder - a lot of it is TV work - so actual talent is probably the last thing on the list of requirements. Like most things it's about personality and looks (though I think idols in general are pretty unattractive and personalities are...) The songs and dances are all completely juvenile, too, and it becomes so embarrassing to see men of nearly 50 doing cutesy dances kindergartners can do just as well. Once in awhile there will be someone very talented in one department but it's a fluke, not a matter of training.


I've noticed the standard of Kpop seems to be a lot higher and though I'm not a fan I can appreciate the quality. That boy in the first video has a lovely voice. Again, perhaps it's a difference in what's required of an idol in different countries.

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