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One thing that is so cool about Yuzu fans is how interested everyone is in learning more about technique. I watched fs for years without knowing much at all. Learning is fun!

Haha, my shocker was the first competition I went to and didn't understand anything that was going on :xD: It's very difficult to watch FS without commentary and not knowing technical stuff as you're completely lost. Of course, I know Yuzu's programs by heart, so it's not as difficult with him as with other skaters


The other difference between the flip and the lutz in the lz is counter-rotated, the curve of entry and the curve of exit is the same for the flip but not the lutz which is why the lutz is harder and worth more points. I'm assuming a wrong edge flip and lutz will still have the same general rule, so a lutz with an inside edge will still have to exit on the opposite curve to the entry to still be a lutz and not a flip? I could be wrong but the edge isn't the only difference between flip and lutz.


And yeah the flip usually has a really short set-up while the lutz is a bit longer. Yuzu has a real short lutz entry compared to other skaters. I'm not great at recognising flips, i typically just think 'was it a real short entry and i dunno what it was? probably a flip' XD

Haha, ok, I'll pay attention next time on the curve of the jumps!

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I also get confused between the lutz and flip, especially if the skater's edge is unclear, but some posters on the old FF were explaining to me that skaters usually go into them from different entries. Like the flip will be from a 3-turn? Hopefully more knowledgeable people can explain this again.

Yeah, techpanel identifies Lz/F by entry.

They were going to change that and identify by actual takeoff edge, but gave up that idea I think...

There are

videos, maybe they would be helpful.
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What jinabee said about the curve of the jump is true. Though technically speaking, a jump is still identified by take off edge and whether it is toepick-assisted or not.


Also, agreed with Meoima. I think even without the entry or looking at the takeoff edge, you can kind of still identify it. Yuzuru did not have that typical long prep going into a lutz, for example. For some, it is quite noticeable because the gap between their thigh/leg is quite huge when doing the flip but very narrow when doing the lutz. Do I make sense?

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Yes, thanks everyone for being so nice and educating us, illiterates :D Your videos and explanations have been a great help!

Good thing that we'll always recognize Yuzu's 4Lz, as we all know 4F is not happening :D

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Kagme said:
This is completly off topic, but a few days ago I was showing some of Yuzuru's programs to a friend (who knows nothing about figure skating but was interested anyway) and one of the first I made him watch was the Boston Requiem, and at one point during a spin he said to me (without daring to let his eyes leave the screen) "Wow... It looks like the music is coming out of him" And he asked me to show him more :space: 


And his words rang so true that I felt compelled to share :smiley-love017:



Thank you for sharing! :goe: 

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raebia said:
Kagme said:
This is completly off topic, but a few days ago I was showing some of Yuzuru's programs to a friend (who knows nothing about figure skating but was interested anyway) and one of the first I made him watch was the Boston Requiem, and at one point during a spin he said to me (without daring to let his eyes leave the screen) "Wow... It looks like the music is coming out of him" And he asked me to show him more :space: 


And his words rang so true that I felt compelled to share :smiley-love017:



Thank you for sharing! :goe: 


Well I loved the fact that my friend couldn't even pronouce his name and yet could pinpoint the genius of yuzuru and his artistry through barely a few minutes of the video.

That's how special our space kitty is :space:

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The Lutz was the easiest jump for me to recognize after the Axel thanks to what jinabee pointed out- It's a bit like the skaters are skating an S from set-up to take-off when attempting a Lz


I have difficulties differenciating left and right so the jumps I struggled to differentiate the most were the flips and toeloops. Now I can identify them all right but sometimes I still get confused...

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Kagme said:
This is completly off topic, but a few days ago I was showing some of Yuzuru's programs to a friend (who knows nothing about figure skating but was interested anyway) and one of the first I made him watch was the Boston Requiem, and at one point during a spin he said to me (without daring to let his eyes leave the screen) "Wow... It looks like the music is coming out of him" And he asked me to show him more :space:


And his words rang so true that I felt compelled to share :love:


It's perfectly ON topic! :pbow: 


This reminds me of a discussion on musicality back in the-place-we-shall-not-name: whether it is natural or can be developed with time. When I watched Yuzu old programmes, somehow I think that the ability to feel the music is something that is inborn in Yuzu. There are skaters who have nice choreography, nice posture and expressive facial expressions but only very few of them can feel and deliver the emotions in the music to the audience.

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The Lutz was the easiest jump for me to recognize after the Axel thanks to what jinabee pointed out- It's a bit like the skaters are skating an S from set-up to take-off when attempting a Lz


I have difficulties differenciating left and right so the jumps I struggled to differentiate the most were the flips and toeloops. Now I can identify them all right but sometimes I still get confused...


I also have a problem with left and right, and for that I usually look if the take-off leg is the same as the landing one or not. So that in the split seconde of the preparation of the jump I am not "is it right ? left ?" but just know if it the same as the landing one. That way, even for skater who turn clockwise I am not confused.

(I still have difficulty with Lutz and Flip though, but with all these explenation given, I feel I won't have so much trouble from now on)

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I have difficulties differenciating left and right so the jumps I struggled to differentiate the most were the flips and toeloops. Now I can identify them all right but sometimes I still get confused...

Same here!

Especially with skaters who rotate in opposite direction, ie Carolina Kostner.

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Has this video been shared yet?



It's a sports entertainment TV show aired today that invited oda and talked about figure skating this time.


They talked about the quad era and around 8:30 one of the women guest mention how looking at hanyu 's jump makes her think that she can jump quads too because he made it look so easy an effortless (I am sure it's a sentiment shared by many hahah)


Oda also complimented on yuzu 's exceptional skill and short set up time that makes his jump flow so much better than others~ :goe: 

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Kagme said:
liha said:
The Lutz was the easiest jump for me to recognize after the Axel thanks to what jinabee pointed out- It's a bit like the skaters are skating an S from set-up to take-off when attempting a Lz


I have difficulties differenciating left and right so the jumps I struggled to differentiate the most were the flips and toeloops. Now I can identify them all right but sometimes I still get confused...


I also have a problem with left and right, and for that I usually look if the take-off leg is the same as the landing one or not. So that in the split seconde of the preparation of the jump I am not "is it right ? left ?" but just know if it the same as the landing one. That way, even for skater who turn clockwise I am not confused.

(I still have difficulty with Lutz and Flip though, but with all these explenation given, I feel I won't have so much trouble from now on)


Ahhh yes I try to do that, too but it only works when I'm focused. I loose track very easily... At this point I usually have more of an intuition for it- most of the time I will just know it's a T or a F from how it's set up but it's not a fool-proof method :sadPooh:

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