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31 minutes ago, Geo1 said:

"My goal for the season? Of course, I want to win a second gold," Hanyu said.


Hanyu added he was comfortable with the way he is skating and did not feel any pressure to rewrite his world records in the short and the free programs.


"There is not really any pressure. I am feeling comfortable with my skating. My jumps, spins and steps – I have made all of the elements my own and I am not thinking about anything extraneous."


Asked what would be required to defend his Olympics title, Hanyu said, "The most important thing is to skate cleanly. If I can do that then the results will follow naturally."


Yes, I believe in him. He is confident and ready to slay :hachimaki:

Tbh, I have been worried with the recent development in the men's field since last year. The youngsters are catching up rapidly thanks to 4Lz and 4F. I keep on wondering Yuzu's approach on the Olympic season. It's scary and understandable why fans are worried. Thank goodness he knows the game and how to hold up against these young quadsters. I feel more at ease. He has been experimenting and honing his skills with a bigger goal in mind - 2018 Olympics. If any of those youngsters catching up, he can change his layout mid-season (like 2015-2016 season) or yolo his jumps. He has a strong foundation with Chopin & SEIMEI and has the ability to pull it off. He will make sure to put a tough battle. He did that many times already. That makes him scary as hell :darklordyuzu:


I can't predict what will happen but I will just put my trust in him. He surprised me many times already and I think we will see more great things from him.


I have to be positive in order to keep my sanity alive. of course this Olympics is nerve-wrecking 

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1 hour ago, SparkleSalad said:


All of this. I'm so excited, I feel like I'm in the middle of the greatest skating story of all time that's going to climax at the Olympics. The story of last season and how it lead to that perfect skate at worlds was worthy of a movie, this season will be epic.

We are all witnessing history:bow:

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15 minutes ago, Serafine said:


Yes, I believe in him. He is confident and ready to slay :hachimaki:

Tbh, I have been worried with the recent development in the men's field since last year. The youngsters are catching up rapidly thanks to 4Lz and 4F. I keep on wondering Yuzu's approach on the Olympic season. It's scary and understandable why fans are worried. Thank goodness he knows the game and how to hold up against these young quadsters. I feel more at ease. He has been experimenting and honing his skills with a bigger goal in mind - 2018 Olympics. If any of those youngsters catching up, he can change his layout mid-season (like 2015-2016 season) or yolo his jumps. He has a strong foundation with Chopin & SEIMEI and has the ability to pull it off. He will make sure to put a tough battle. He did that many times already. That makes him scary as hell :darklordyuzu:


I can't predict what will happen but I will just put my trust in him. He surprised me many times already and I think we will see more great things from him.


I have to be positive in order to keep my sanity alive. of course this Olympics is nerve-wrecking 


Even if there's no gold, who can say anyone is better than him? He's beyond needing medals to prove it. But there will be gold, right? He'll make sure it happens.


 (All my worries went away when Brian said in that Fuji TV clip that he had no anxiety or worry about the Olympics. Brian knows the result already.)

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9 minutes ago, SSS said:

We are all witnessing history:bow:


Maybe I'm a bit delirious from all this disrupted sleep (damn you, time zones!) but I really have never been so excited about anything before. Not even Christmas before I found the receipts for the toys that Father Christmas supposedly brought in my parents' room.  


I desperately need to find some figure skating fan friends so I can talk the ear off someone who knows what I'm saying. Right now I'm just being as annoying as possible until being told to shut up and I don't know what to do with all these feelings!



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3 minutes ago, SparkleSalad said:


Maybe I'm a bit delirious from all this disrupted sleep (damn you, time zones!) but I really have never been so excited about anything before. Not even Christmas before I found the receipts for the toys that Father Christmas supposedly brought in my parents' room.  


I desperately need to find some figure skating fan friends so I can talk the ear off someone who knows what I'm saying. Right now I'm just being as annoying as possible until being told to shut up and I don't know what to do with all these feelings!



I feel you. I think I've only used figure skating terms in Spanish once and that was to translate the h&l video. In fact, I don't think I've ever said those terms in my life...

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8 minutes ago, SparkleSalad said:


Even if there's no gold, who can say anyone is better than him? He's beyond needing medals to prove it. But there will be gold, right? He'll make sure it happens.


 (All my worries went away when Brian said in that Fuji TV clip that he had no anxiety or worry about the Olympics. Brian knows the result already.)

Between Yuzu's confidence and calm and Brian's confidence and calm, I'm actually quite calm myself. Some lingering worries remain, because I think that's natural, but if things happen in the natural way, the Olympic Gold is his. At this point in time, I can't imagine anyone deserving it more than him. (And Seimei kind of states that. Yuzuru Hanyu - King on the Ice :P)


One thing's for sure for me, though. I'll definitely try my hardest to go to NHK. And maybe Milan as well (because I want to see Javi, too...) I need to see 2017-2018 Yuzu be King on the Ice, with my own eyes... :snonegai:


(BTW, we'll need some Seimei emoticons, I think... ;) )

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I think, strategy wise, repeating programs shouldn't be that much of a problem... In Sochi, Yuzuru used 1 repeat program (Parisienne Walkways) and 1 new program (R&J 2.0). He broke a record with PW but kinda flopped in R&J 2.0.


The key is to put out a good quality skate. :tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid: Not that that's easy to do, but Yuzu has the benefit of working with familiar programs and a (relatively) conservative layout, so I think he already made his job easier there. :tumblr_inline_ncmifaymmi1rpglid:


There could be some negative politicking, like people trying to portray him as lacking originality or whatever, but I don't think that will pull down his PCS at all if he skates like how he did at NHK Trophy 2016, GPF 2016 or Worlds 2017. Repeat or not, I think Chopin and Seimei are far superior to anything the other skaters have put out so far in terms of artistry and originality. Especially Seimei! :10742290:


Personally though, I feel like he should add 4Lz. But seeing Yuzuru say that he doesn't need 4Lz with such confidence makes me doubt my own reasoning... It's like when you come out of an exam feeling that you got the right answers but the smartest kid in class has different ones from you... :text-line-smiley-122: Anyway, even if Yuzu is wrong he will find out very soon (at least before the GPF, as he is going head to head with some strong rivals earlier than that) and there will be time for him to add 4Lz, since he says he can already jump it. 

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52 minutes ago, SSS said:

We are all witnessing history:bow:


As soon as he announced Seimei tbh I got this really weird feeling like 'I can't believe I'm probably going to witness an event that will probably be remembered for decades in person'

like in my bones i know, if yuzu keeps his mentality good and his health good, something very, very special is gonna happen at Pyeongchang and its weird to know i'm gonna be in the crowd when it happens

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3 hours ago, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said:

At this point, I'm actually wondering why more people aren't already doing what Hanyu 's doing. Experiment and improve like hell during the mid-cycles, and then pick the best stuff from these mid-cycles to polish for delivery to the entire world in the O-season.



I think this is a big question for the whole field of figure skating. How would this sport change in general if more and more skaters start to keep and polish their programs for several years during the Oly period. Twice is usual already but three times, the whole period?


I don´t think Yuzu is the first one with this idea but as an outstanding skater with an extremely analytical mind he is taking everything to a new level. 

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4 hours ago, Anony said:

4T-3T(rippon) holy cheese whiz :13877886:

I've also got tears in my eyes from watching this...

His jumping technique is just...awe-inspiring. Recently at my rink I've been trying to help a rinkmate fix his arms when he rotates in the air. I kept on telling him that he should go for an arm position/height similar to Yuzu's since that's more conducive to keeping his alignment in air correct. And he kept on telling me that it just does not feel natural. Then when I watch other male skaters, it occurs that what Yuzu can do with his arms when jumping, might not be natural at all. People probably just focus on pulling in tight, but not necessarily in the manner he does it with the elbows and arms held correctly (Yuzu's is fairly textbook). So natural jumper that he is, his technique might not really be "natural."


He's really going for those GOEs, and that rippon is just beautiful. 


As for his 4Lz statements, the way I'm reading it is that he'll want to confirm that he can go 5 quad layout first (which he hasn't before),and when that is truly stable, he's bringing in the big guns. That says nothing about the consistency of his 4 lz, but I have some faith that it's at the 70%-90% mark (though he probalby can't twizzle or hydroblade into it yet).  It's quite sensible really, and since he gets Seimei and Chopin he can concentrate just on his layout. And with the way he practices, he has so many options (4Lo3T, 4 Lz etc).  I said it before in the layout chat, but if a male skater says he's going to do X quads in the FS, the only guys I trust right now to actually pull it off consistently are Yuzuru and Boyang, without compromising too much on the artistry. Yuzuru's not the type to make empty declarations, and well Boyang isn't the type to declare it anyways (he's a bit sneaky).


As for history- well we haven't had a repeat Champ in the Olys for a very long time now. It's pretty uncommon in the men's or ladie's field. So yes, if he wins, he would make pretty spectacular history. 


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6 minutes ago, CupidsBow said:


As soon as he announced Seimei tbh I got this really weird feeling like 'I can't believe I'm probably going to witness an event that will probably be remembered for decades in person'

like in my bones i know, if yuzu keeps his mentality good and his health good, something very, very special is gonna happen at Pyeongchang and its weird to know i'm gonna be in the crowd when it happens


I have this feeling too, sooo strongly. I'm not superstitious or relgious but all signs point to it. Huge, big, red, flashing arrows!


Please absorb and report back all the magic for those of us left behind. :snonegai:

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17 minutes ago, wombat-poodle said:

Personally though, I feel like he should add 4Lz. But seeing Yuzuru say that he doesn't need 4Lz with such confidence makes me doubt my own reasoning... It's like when you come out of an exam feeling that you got the right answers but the smartest kid in class has different ones from you... :text-line-smiley-122: Anyway, even if Yuzu is wrong he will find out very soon (at least before the GPF, as he is going head to head with some strong rivals earlier than that) and there will be time for him to add 4Lz, since he says he can already jump it. 


Highschool flashbacks... :tumblr_inline_n18qr8XewT1qid2nw:

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