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1 minute ago, SparkleSalad said:


I don't know if this is a thing but the angle between his arms and torso is so perfect when jumps. Others are much more elbow-goes-in-waist HUGHUGHUG. I want to hang his jump silhouette on my wall.


I get what you mean, it just looks... natural, the way he pulls his arms in for a jump. Seamless between one position an the next all the way to how he opens in the landings. Add to that the beautiful axis and overall position he has in the air and we get a very pleasing to the eye jumping machine (weird faces notwithstanding. G-forces don't look good on anyone XD)

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9 hours ago, kaeryth said:

English Subs of TCC Media Coverage by @yuzu.fairy. :tumblr_inline_mi7tcqZmot1qdlkyg:


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Thank you so much for posting this. I feel overwhelmed with emotion listening to the melancholic flute sound  at the beginning of Seimei and watching his first pose with the hand :sadPooh: . Think about all the process of discussions, debates and conflict between Yuzu and his team, between Yuzu and himself, all the pressures, responsibilities Yuzu feels toward his own country, toward his own pride, career, .... he has a lot on his plate. I believe as ambitious and meticulous as he is, he has considered all pros and cons . Right or wrong, it's his skate, he does it his way. I completely trust his  choice and support him no matter what the outcome may be. Just my two cents:slinkaway: 

i also remember a clip where he practiced jump and only landed once after jumping 50 times., I'm tearing up now. I understand the hype about the 4 ltz but let step back and look at the big picture. He would definitely put it out there if he feels comfortable about it, wouldn't he? If we don't see it, then we know w the answer. No matter what side you are, pro Seimei or not, I'm sure nobody can disagree that he works extremely hard, like crazy to get where he is now :bow::bow:


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i was late to the party and just finished my work. I left earth and safely landed on this planet. something big must happened as the pages moved at a crazy speed. i didn't realise today is a big day. what i can say is i didn't surprise at Seimei 2.0 and part of me happy with it. he has honed his skills up to the point he can yolo his jumps. i'm actually at ease because i believe if young skaters start to catch up, he would change his layout. his competitive spirits is still high, thats great to see.


this week will be great. lots of yuzu news :yes2:

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6 hours ago, kaeryth said:

Thought bubble to hopefully ease some people's minds :7562096::

  • Re: Judges penalising him for reusing programs - as many have said, judges prolly don't rewatch programs over and over again. Now, as Yuzu fans, how many times have you personally rewatched Chopin and Seimei? Have you gotten sick of it yet?
  • Conservative layout - the goal is to win. His upping the layout may not be to everyone's liking but as we have seen, consistent clean programs seems to be the key to judges hearts right now.
  • To 4Lz or Not - maybe yes, maybe no. Honestly, the fact that he even HAS a contingency plan means that he has thought things out. Whether or not he'll have a 4Lz will prolly depend on what his competitors do.
  • Re-tirement - on the bright side, what he's doing right now makes me feel like he's not planning on re-tiring after the Olympics. He has PLENTY more to offer in the FS world.

Your post is right to the point. Thank you:thanks::thanks:

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that look while he does the hydroblade tho... he didn't do the gesture towards the judges because there were no judges yet... but oh, are the judges gonna get it...


Honestly, the thing I love the most about all of this is his confidence that grew thanks to his health. Because he is in top condition, he believes he can reach beyond his goals. And the scariest thing? He planned this all along. He knew exactly how he wanted things to go, and even though health problems came in the way, he beat them, went forward, and now he just has to reach out and grab that gold that awaits him. It's like everything is going according to his evil plan to conquer the FS world. If I had to compete against him, I'd be scared. 

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6 minutes ago, Murieleirum said:

that look while he does the hydroblade tho...

I'm afraid i am going to be forced to hide my posts when the season starts. Or refrain from posting at all. That hydroblade does things to me guys.

5 minutes ago, kamotejojo said:

:tumblr_inline_mm2wbaeqQM1qz4rgp: That smile!!! :tumblr_inline_mm2wbaeqQM1qz4rgp:\



LOOKIE AT THIS BB. AAAAH, Please skating gods! I want to see this smile throughout the season <3

5 minutes ago, axelnojutsu said:

does gofundme accept payment in souls tho? :kitty:

Hmmm... Someone did the math back in 2013 . And you are really proud of everything you have survived this off season hahaha. I WAS PROMISED A QUIET OFF SEASON AND LOOK

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