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So, David Wilson VS Shae-Lynn, no, wait, Shae-Lynn and David Wilson, I mean, the FS would be recycled, like POTO 2.0, no, sorry, more like Seimei 2.0, but it will be a warhorse, or Carmina Burana, and it will be revealed in august, don't know when, today, maybe tomorrow, maybe it's Ziegeunerweisen, or Swan, we'll see the 8th August, no wait, not now, now it's the SP, and it'll be a new FS, and a new layout, but it's not ready, and lol it's a secret: go sleep baby.

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Yeah exactly, my question is this: what are they gonna show in the broadcast that will start in an hour that lasts for 2 hours and 10 minutes? We already saw Chopin, we even saw it clean... unless... the layout upgrade... 4Lutz... 




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Whatever will be, will be. Actual info is coming (sometime soon, pls, before the planet implodes XD) and I wouldn't look much into rumours that bounce around so many 'unnoficial' sources. Just a few hours more and the long wait will be over :yes2:

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1 minute ago, liv said:


Would he really go back to japan for 2weeks knowing his free program is unfinished? Leaving only september....not like him....unless hechangedhis mind...


This is why I said it's kind of better to ignore anything that isn't solid, sourced info. 
I could see that the finishing touches may not be done, sure, that's normal, a program always evolves during the season anyway but I really don't buy that it's not done, almost mid-August, especially based on a post from Weibo about rumours that relies on some J twitter. 
Better to wave it away and wait for the 2nd practice. 

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1 minute ago, Hydroblade said:

:winky:The King is playing with our hearts


Hope he's having fun then.:hopelessness: Then using us all for his amusement will at least not be a fruitless effort... With there being Prime Minister Pooh, I though we were constitutional monarchy. But probably Pooh-san is only for appearance's sake, and we're living under the ドS King's sadist dictatorship after all...


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