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38 minutes ago, CupidsBow said:

I like NPD but for the wrong reasons - like his reaction to sitting on his butt mid spin and his embarrassed little head tilt being the absolute cutest thing.


The music cut is nice but it's also a bit...boring. I didn't like RJ2 for the same reason. Yuzu suits music with a bit more punch. 

He was absolutely adorable with his facepalm :tumblr_inline_mjgka9bzqL1qz4rgp: I agree he's not physically strong enough at that time to pull off the whole performance for Notre Dame de Paris that's why we always felt it was a bit lacking... I didn't really like RJ2 for the same reason as you (I thought it kind of boring) but I liked NDP a bit better (still boring though....hahaha)

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NDP also had the unfortunate role of being the FS that followed the Big Bang that was RJ1. And I seem to remember uncle Kurt (or someone else, I forget) commenting on how NDP seemed to have been specifically created to calm Yuzu down, so he wouldn't explode all over the place. 

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2 hours ago, gummybear said:

I also feel Notre Dame de paris is an underrated programme... at first I thought the routine was quite boring but the more I watch it the more I found it interesting especially at 2:53


I like how he turns around and stares at the same spot as if there is really someone there and he's leaving her with so much emotion. The best moment of this programme imo:tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:

I haven't watched this program in a while, but watching it again I must say the music IS absolutely beautiful. The choreography/his stamina wasn't really enough atm to pull it off but I'm sure he could today. So lovely even so.

51 minutes ago, Floria said:

More on mushroom haircut topic




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8 minutes ago, Murieleirum said:

Firebird! Notre-Dame de Paris! Even POTO!!! I don't care anymore, I'm happy with everything, just let this waiting end!  :crazyshit:

so after complaining for the lack of news and going nuts on mere speculations we can all move on to the next stage and complain on the news and freak out with a bit more reason :laughing:

whatever the choice, I expect the thread (and the whole planet) to blow up :darklordyuzu:




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