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  On 11/22/2022 at 11:51 PM, Geo1 said:



Since there has been a definite end of an era for Yuzu with his announcement in July and the start of a new era with his first professional one-man ice show “Prologue” recently, I thought that it was time to share some of my personal memories of seeing Yuzu live during his competitive career.


I fully support Yuzu in his decision to quit the farce of the ISU competitions and completely understand his reasons for doing so, but I cannot help but miss the sense of anticipation and excitement that I felt when he was competing, particularly when we attended his live competitions.


As I have said before, I started down the rabbit hole of Yuzuru Hanyu when I serendipitously happened upon “Parisienne Walkways” while channel surfing during the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics. It wasn’t until September 2017, however, that we attended our first live Yuzu competition at the ACI in Montréal, Québec.




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Another memorable moment that we witnessed was YUZU AND HIS 2 SAME-SIDED GLOVES.





On the evening before the practice day, six of us had dinner at a restaurant in Montréal. Four of us were from Vancouver and I had arranged to meet with a lady Fanyu and her husband from Montréal. We were probably the last group to leave the restaurant and upon exiting it, I noticed Brian Orser and a blonde lady (probably Tracy Wilson) standing on the sidewalk apparently waiting for a taxi. Without any hesitation, I called, “HEY BRIAN!” Brian immediately looked at me and walked over. Brian was very friendly and accommodating and we chatted for a couple of minutes. I asked him whether there was any chance that we would be able to take him out for dinner during the competition. He implied that it might be possible and as a result, I kept looking for excuses to run into him at the venue. This is difficult to do surreptitiously because I am in a wheelchair with my friend pushing me! By the third or fourth attempt, I was afraid that poor Brian was going to call security on me for stalking him! LOL!


In any event, we did not go for dinner with Brian Orser at the 2017 ACI, but we did get this picture of the group of us outside the restaurant.




Dear Geo1,

Thank you for sharing these delightful memories. Your accounts are always warmly recalled and entertaining. 

May you have chance to see Yuzu live in the near future, as may we all.



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The version that Shinya Kiyozuka released is overall a bit slower than the one Yuzu skated to, but this part, starting from around 02:22 is actually faster for a few seconds. This is during the step sequence (it starts at 02:40 in this video). In the program the tempo of the music is even and precise while the one released goes a bit too fast in this part. Every note, every second of rhythm is important in a program so it's understandable there were some changes here and there.


I think it is a very nice interpretation and it's great is up on Youtube and on other platforms. Some time ago I showed the short program to my mother who is a pianist and she liked it a lot too.


  On 11/23/2022 at 12:19 PM, SaluYuzu said:

Curious to know who owns the copyright of this piece? If Yuzu commissioned it and paid for it, then he should be the owner shouldn't he? Shinya may need Yuzu's approval to amend it. 



Since it is already released it's most likely the record company that has the copyrights to the arrangement and the recording. Otherwise without releasing it it would be the arranger (Shinya Kiyozuka) who owns the copryright.

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  On 11/19/2022 at 10:16 PM, oudon02 said:


Sorry for the very long wait.
Thank you for all your input!
We will be uploading the video to this Google Drive from now on.

You can find them at https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1M7gtlto3MKzWopeBxZVUOTT18Ddayc2Q?usp=share_link

The videos that are in there now...
・Sochi Olympics 2014 FS
・PyeongChang 2018 SP
・PyeongChang 2018 exhibition 
・NHK Trophy 2019 SP
・NHK Trophy 2019 exhibition 
・Beijing Olympics 2022 SP

Sochi SP, FS and PyeongChang exhibition are from "Special Yuzuru HANYU's Tracks".
Other than that, I will upload the footage from the live broadcasts and other specials.
(All are 8K footage.)

Just a quick note.
You can download it, but please do not upload it anywhere.
(I was very saddened when I saw that someone had cut off a video I had uploaded before and uploaded it to Twitter.)
If we find you uploading, we will delete this folder immediately and you will not be able to upload videos in the future.

I have never met you, but I believe in you as a same fan of Yuzuru.
I hope you enjoy them😊.


Many thanks for sharing these. I was wondering if you plan to upload these videos here on the Planet?

The NKH Yuzuru Hanyu Special from 11/16 has different angles to that which has already been uploaded in the PH video archives and the footage was very clear.  I am happy to try and upload my screen recorded versions to the Planet if members would like me to, but unfortunately I only have them in 4K.

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  On 11/22/2022 at 1:56 PM, Mary_kyo said:


I don’t know why I didn’t remember this interview but indeed so much to unpack. He was fighting against a system and was heavily punished for following his ideals by that system. Although this made him the biggest and bravest hero in FS history in my opinion but he was very alone in this fight, so I’m glad he is out of this toxic game. Honestly, he can’t change this system when almost no one else has any problem with it and no one else is doing anything about it. For example, Kaori’s recent interview made me so disappointed in her. Since when as long as judges are satisfied, intentional wrong edge in lutz is okay? Wtf is this mindset. The whole system is just hopeless, so I'm glad I don’t have to care about it anymore.



  On 11/22/2022 at 4:56 PM, Pammi said:

The thing is, Yuzuru was actually following the rule book to the letter - everything it asked for, he worked very hard on....and the powers that be changed the rules without actually changing the rulebook, or telling anyone openly - they did it by stealth and manipulation and back room deals, that is another very sad aspect of Yuzuru's experience, he 100% worked to the rules set down by the ISU and federations, and when they realised that Yuzuru would be unbeatable using current rules, they changed course  and direction in the most dishonest way, and Yuzuru must have realised it was because it was the only way to ensure he didn't keep winning and that the USA could win Oly gold again (in 2018 was the plan...but they made sure of it in 2022). When he says he felt like he was being told to retire, he was right - that effectively is what they did to him.



  On 11/22/2022 at 7:04 PM, Mary_kyo said:

He was indeed explicitly told to retire, back in 2018. Shirota told him right after PYC as she (and everyone inside FS) perfectly knew what USFS and ISU were cooking.

Isn’t it scary how they could “manipulate” the rules without literally anyone complaining? What a scary small community of hell. While the robbery against Kim Yuna was publicly criticized, the robbery against him was never questioned by anyone. Wow.

But I’m glad he didn’t retire right after 2018. Not only we got awesome programs but we also witnessed how he can stay by his ideals without drawing back till the very end like the bravest gladiators. Proof of his golden character in 2022 after proof of his GOAT status in 2018.

  On 11/22/2022 at 10:11 PM, Sun_Rise7777 said:


Happy Birthday, Ghislain! 




In his thesis abstract Yuzu repeats the word rules twice explaining the goal of his study emphasising that thanks to his method (with inertia sensors): 


"...the position of each joint can be accurately obtained. In addition, by analyzing the skeleton, it is possible to identify the center of gravity and the contact points (where the pressure increases on the ground and the part where it is installed), and the jump strictly follows the rules. It was possible to quantitatively clarify whether the jump was strictly according to the rules.


So yes, he was following the rules and wanted others to follow them too, but there was also another set of rules: informal, shady, favouring some, where he couldn't win anyway. But as you say, Mary, he won somewhere staying faithful to himself and to his fans and now he's getting his reward somewhere else. 


Totally agree. It was not Yuzu who deviated from the rules, it was ISU, USFS and JSF through the judges who deviated the interpretation of the rules to favor their designated winners. Absolutely embarrassing that no one, NO ONE, said anything about it. 


But now Yuzu won't be there anymore, neither to be mistreated nor to be milked. Yuzu is finally free and Prologue will be back in 9 days.


By the way, it will be broadcast on Monday the 5th on CS Asahi channel 1, I highlight it to avoid confusion since Yokohama was broadcast on channel 2.


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