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  On 7/22/2022 at 2:48 AM, Umebachi said:


ISU office in Switzerland, not in Japan.  Also, he represented Japan in international competitions,  so it would make sense for him to thank his own federation and the national olympic committee.  


I found this tweet (in Japanese) which very precisely articulates what I, and many of us on the Planet, have felt about the ISU judging system over the last quad, especially since GPF 2019.  It's a long thread but worth translating. I will try to do so later unless someone else beats me to it.  I'm afraid Google translate does not work well here - it's ends up with word mash that makes no sense at all.  




I could help with translation as well if you haven't already finished :puddingpooh:

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Again I'm still catching up but...


  On 7/20/2022 at 8:59 PM, micaelis said:

It's going to take a while before I gather my thoughts to express my homage to that seminal human being, Yuzuru Hanyu.  Right now, though, I have some thoughts about his immediate career choice - ice shows.  There seems to be a consensus emerging that Yuzu will not hire himself out to those ice shows already existent.  Rather, he will go it alone and produce shows over which he can exert full artistic control.  Will he get the financial support to do so?  You have to be kidding.  He is the greatest draw in the history of figure skating.  The money will be there as also will be the skaters.  Indeed, because Yuzu's at the helm, his figure skating shows will be able to tour internationally because it doesn't matter where he goes sellouts will be guaranteed.  I can see, in fact, that Yuzu's company could become something similar to Cirque du Soleil, a place where retired skaters (retired gymnasts in Cirque) go to develop their skills beyond what was required to rack up the points in competition.  More importantly his shows will probably also be instrumental in making figure skating popular beyond the bounds of the traditional skating countries.  All in all, Yuzu is well-placed to place his stamp on ice shows just in the way he has made his stamp on the stuff that makes ice shows - figure-skating.


I thought the same!! :tumblr_inline_nhkezsTB3v1qid2nw::tumblr_inline_nhkezsTB3v1qid2nw:

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And I get to understand why Yuzu was so angry in the press conference with people like Nikkan who publish his "retirement" news before the press con. Reports like that hurt his fans by faking his intention. Foreign media like to quote these "explosive" news and faked news spread like cancer. 

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  On 7/22/2022 at 7:05 AM, ImmortalBeloved said:


This was creative...an infographic of all of Yuzu's jumps













I have asked the OP about the 4Lz data - the 2 popped ones recorded.

Landed - Cor2017, GPF2019, 4CC2020 (hand down)

Popped - I am pretty sure one of those is from ACI2017 - however I was there and I know @Hydrobladewas too so correct me if I am wrong - Yuzu had an injured knee, 4Lz was in the planned layout but he didn't practice it at all at the comp because of his injury - he did 3Lz in RT and the understanding was he was going to do 3Lz in the freeskate due to his injury....but it's v likely this has been recorded as a popped 4Lz. I have no idea where the other one is from; anyone? (he did pop the 3Lz (or 4Lz) in the free)

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  On 7/22/2022 at 11:05 AM, Pammi said:


I have asked the OP about the 4Lz data - the 2 popped ones recorded.

Landed - Cor2017, GPF2019, 4CC2020 (hand down)

Popped - I am pretty sure one of those is from ACI2017 - however I was there and I know @Hydrobladewas too so correct me if I am wrong - Yuzu had an injured knee, 4Lz was in the planned layout but he didn't practice it at all at the comp because of his injury - he did 3Lz in RT and the understanding was he was going to do 3Lz in the freeskate due to his injury....but it's v likely this has been recorded as a popped 4Lz. I have no idea where the other one is from; anyone? (he did pop the 3Lz (or 4Lz) in the free)


Oh thanks for clarifying!

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  On 7/22/2022 at 10:19 AM, JanMary said:


Still Chi-Eng by deepL, proof read by me


Q: We interviewed Yuzuru Hanyu, who is embarking on a new path as a professional athlete, "Please use one word to express your determination for the future?"
Yuzu: It's "羽" (wings, or feather). It's a bit embarrassed for using the kanji in my own name. But I think from now on I will be able to fly high. For example, I was a larva when I was little, and then I became a pupa, but I couldn't fly very well. It was really hard to go from pupa to moth, and until it dried, it hurts when the wind blew, and I couldn't flap my wings well when it was half dry. Now, at last, I am able to flap my wings like this. Next, I want to spread my wings well, and I want to use "羽" to express my determination for the future, with the idea that I want to fly solidly into the sky.



Fly Yuzu!!! We will always be there and support you.:heart:




Thank you @JanMaryfor this and also the other translations.:thanks:



From KOSÉ China weibo account 


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  On 7/22/2022 at 10:19 AM, JanMary said:


DeepL tarafından hala Chi-Eng, tarafımdan okunan kanıt


S: Profesyonel bir atlet olarak yeni bir yola giren Yuzuru Hanyu ile röportaj yaptık, "Lütfen gelecek için kararlılığınızı ifade etmek için bir kelime kullanın?"
Yuzu: "羽" (kanatlar veya tüy). Kanji'yi kendi adıma kullanmak biraz utanç verici. Ama bundan sonra yükseklere uçabileceğimi düşünüyorum. Mesela ben küçükken larvaydım, sonra pupa oldum ama çok iyi uçamadım. Pupadan güveye geçmek gerçekten zordu ve kuruyana kadar rüzgar estiğinde acıyor ve yarı kuruyken kanatlarımı iyi çırpamıyordum. Şimdi nihayet kanatlarımı böyle çırpabiliyorum. Daha sonra kanatlarımı güzelce açmak istiyorum ve gökyüzüne sağlam bir şekilde uçmak istediğim fikriyle geleceğe yönelik kararlılığımı ifade etmek için "羽" kullanmak istiyorum.



I love the way  expresses himself
he is aware of everything

thank you your translate

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  On 7/22/2022 at 11:05 AM, Pammi said:


I have asked the OP about the 4Lz data - the 2 popped ones recorded.

Landed - Cor2017, GPF2019, 4CC2020 (hand down)

Popped - I am pretty sure one of those is from ACI2017 - however I was there and I know @Hydrobladewas too so correct me if I am wrong - Yuzu had an injured knee, 4Lz was in the planned layout but he didn't practice it at all at the comp because of his injury - he did 3Lz in RT and the understanding was he was going to do 3Lz in the freeskate due to his injury....but it's v likely this has been recorded as a popped 4Lz. I have no idea where the other one is from; anyone? (he did pop the 3Lz (or 4Lz) in the free)



I remember the same about ACI2017. If I remember right, he didn't jump 4Lz at all in practices. The first time we saw it in competition practice was at COR and then he landed it in competition. The next time was GPF 2019 and then 4CC 2020. Maybe the OP mistook the 2Lz at JNats 2019 as a popped 4 Lz even though Yuzu announced beforehand that he wasn't going to jump 4Lz there. I don't see any other explanation.

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Tbvh, the moment the new rules came out, I was really NOT looking forward to seeing more heartbreaks for Yuzu - keeping his ideal fs while going against the scoring that is so blatantly setup against him (and skaters like him, the number of which is understandably rapidly dwindling). I mean, during the quad leading to Beijing, I was still clinging into the outrageous hope that if there's anyone who could still defy the fudging it would be Yuzu. But that's me dehumanising Yuzu, I think. In someways, he defies it anyway by capturing so wholesomely the collective hearts of Beijing Oly's viewers, despite not landing on the podium. But the injuries and bad luck made him often unable to bludgeon the fudging, and I get tired of watching that happen. If I get tired by just watching it, I can only imagine how much more tiring it must be for Yuzu. (And by 'tired/tiring', I totally mean something else that's not for any polite company). So, yeah, while I was sad when he announced he is stepping away from competition, the overwhelming emotion was more of a relief.

For me personally, the competitive landscape as it is now no longer has anything left to offer Yuzu, and the direction into which the governing body of the sport is determined to take figure skating is no longer a path Yuzu and his ideal fs can follow. So for him to choose to step away from that, finally, yeah, it's something promising. And, whatever Yuzu's new path will be I can now hope again that this will lead to a healing that we kinda desperately need, lol

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  On 7/22/2022 at 10:40 AM, SummerMemories said:

I could help with translation as well if you haven't already finished :puddingpooh:



Okay so for this tweet, I quickly translate half of it before I need to head to work LOL. Will do the remaining if no one else finish that before I come back tonight:


一般の方は今が1番スケートが上手いと思っている人が、これからも4Aに挑むという人が、現全日本王者がなぜ現役を辞めるという選択をしたのかわからないと思う。長年彼を見てきた松岡修造氏も「自分にとって負けは死も同然」というほど常に勝ちに拘り、戦略を練り、全身全霊で闘ってきた彼を知っているから驚いたろうし疑問だったと思う。彼は以前自分たちは(競技者は)ルールの枠の中で闘っていますと言っていたけれど、その枠が揺るぎないものであれば解析し戦略をたて努力の天才と言われる彼はまだそこにいたと思う。 その枠が人により大きな枠であったり、小さな枠であったり、ましてや形が変わってしまうとき彼は途方に暮れたんじゃないかな。
I think the general public might not truly understand why the person (Yuzu), who I believe is the most skillful figure skater, who talked about continue challenging 4A going forward, who stands as the top among all Japanese skaters, decided not to stay in (ISU) competitions as an amateur athlete. Even Shuzo Matsuoka, who has watched Yuzu for many years, was surprised and have questions about such decision, as he knows Yuzu as the person who feels "losing is the same as death", who has always been passion about winning, devising strategies and fighting with all his efforts.
Yuzu used to say that, as competitors / athletes, we are fighting within the rule framework, and as long as the framework is solid, he would stay there as a genius making efforts on developing analysis and strategy. Yet the current framework varies by person, could be large for some and small for others, not to mention (the latest framework) even change the shape of the sport, and I think he is at a loss when this happens.
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  On 7/22/2022 at 8:35 AM, JanMary said:

Translation of 220719 FNN Live News α (Interview on Fuji Television)


Thanks so much for this translation! Yuzuru's communication skills are so wonderful.

There are so many interviews around at the moment I am totally lost as to which I have seen translations of and which I haven't :confused: - so grateful to all the translators, I have tried to learn some Japanese over the years but am really still at the level of an under 2 year old I would guess! :animated-smileys-embarrassed-23:

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