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4 hours ago, Pammi said:
Sorry if you have seen this already as it will just make you :animated-smileys-angry-041: again...

It makes me furious that they treated him like this, and ofc he knew exactly what was happening. How awful a sport it is if skaters cannot say what they think until they have left the competitive field - Yuzu did say he felt as if he wasnt rewarded tbh but people interpreted that in ways that suited them I would guess, rather than taking this GENIUS seriously. I wish other skaters were up in arms about it, and coaches!! and feds!! 


Maybe I shd have put this on salty thread...


Honestly, I just got super angry when I saw this. I have watched the video maybe 10 times, it helped me so much to even better understand Yuzu's decision. This must be difficult, but maybe also liberating for him to talk about it, finally. 

He knows everything about this sport, about his performances, other skaters' program values - as someone said, he knew exactly, in every detail how (relatively or absolutely) underscored he was and hence, mistreated. No doubt he had all the injustice quantified. 


Maybe one day he will be ready to tell us even more. He knows we know. But hearing it from him is yet another experience. 


@birnasanthank you so much! 

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Thank you @birnasan as usual! 

One thing I would like to also remind satellites is that translation takes time to be fully released (especially with teams like axelwithwings, who proofread it before publishing whole 1hr stuff), so although is good we are getting already the idea of some important questions and his answers, is also good to take everything together instead of apart. 

Good to see Yuzu finally being able to verbalize something many have already came the conclusion to (despite his betterment he was not being rewarded for it), but I would just refrain of implying there’s a single catalyst reason for his decision of retirement. He mentioned some important things during his presscon as well, let’s take everything together, I think it will paint a fairer idea of what he tried to convey to the media and his fans. 

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19 hours ago, Mary_kyo said:

"I should cherish myself as much as all who cherish me" :crybaby:Yes, finally <3 


This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].


Yuzu deserves all the love in the world, not only from his fans, but especially from himself. I think he used to be really hard on himself whenever he didn't achieve the results he wanted. This isn't unusual for someone who was a competitive athlete for most of his life. But now it looks like he has finally realized just how precious he is as a person and that so many people around the world love him not for his successes and medals, but for who he is and what he gives us regardless of competition results.


His leaving the ISU clown show was the most loving act of self-care. :heartpound:


18 hours ago, Geo1 said:


I am a fan of Yuzuru Hanyu, but not particularly a fan of figure skating, so agree with you that I have absolutely no interest in following figure skating devoid of Yuzu. I will continue to follow and support Yuzu in whatever he chooses to do and hope that the Planet will do so as well.


I used to watch and enjoy figure skating on a more or less regular basis since I was around ten years old. But it was only when I discovered Yuzu that I became a fan of someone like I never have before. I even put in the effort to learn all the rules, learned to recognize all the jumps etc. I had never bothered to do so before. Yuzu has brought the sport to heights I had never imagined possible. He has shown mastery and beauty on a level I had never imagined possible.


To me, it's a mystery how the ISU and other governing organizations could be so unbelievably stupid that they didn't recognize Yuzu for the absolute treasure that he is. Instead of promoting and supporting him in every way they could, they sabotaged him in every way they could. By doing this, they ruined the sport. The way figure skating is going, I honestly have little hope it'll survive in the long term.


17 hours ago, Xiupia said:

For all Beijing fanyus, I thought what this fan shared was really sweet, a very romantic, complex way of looking into this journey:



I know this doesn’t completely manage to trump what many are going through, especially the fans who have feelings of regret for not meeting / knowing Yuzu sooner. But may this baby cfanyu feelings also reach you, you are all now fans since the very beginning. So many new memories are about to be created! 

Let’s all continue to share in this journey 


This is such a beautiful and encouraging way of seeing it. :tumblr_inline_mto5i3wxFW1qid2nw:


13 hours ago, Perelandra said:

Hello Darling Satellites


Just a few thoughts, please ignore if they are too wildly speculative, but they might give you a smile at least and see us through until there is firm news about what Yuzu will do next


COVID put a stop to many shows including some collaborations, so there are still some unfinished projects

Yuzu was due to perform with Il Volo, the performances had been scheduled for tour in Japan and China?

Toshl is keen to have another collaboration with Yuzu, he has published this on several instances on Twitter and other platforms

Palavela  put on ice show exhibitions, they are putting on an exhibition about the painter Klimt this December just before GPF. Clearly they have both the facilities and willingness to host exhibition performances/ shows. There will be other venues which can host similar

Organisers of shows will undoubtedly be extending invitations to Yuzu from now until the end of time


So many opportunities for Yuzu as well as headlining a show that is his own brand


If he appears in Holiday on Ice in the UK, the box office will need to employ new staff and have an upgraded telecoms system to cope - just light hearted thinking, not going to happen or will it? Yuzu would be a good Prince Charming or other leading man


I'm sure Yuzu will appear in many ice shows and totally surpass anything that's ever been there before. I believe he'll produce his own ice shows too. And I do hope he'll do world tours and give his fans around the world opportunities to see and cheer for him. :cheer:


6 hours ago, JanMary said:

good luck to them lol. I've never seen ISU's big plans working in reality.


They amaze me again and again with their incompetency and their inability to read the room. They either don't have the ability to understand what the audience wants or don't want to see it. They're actually so incompetent that they believe people will fall for their cheap marketing tricks and start to support skaters just because they promote them. :dry:


6 hours ago, Mary_kyo said:

My parents and grandparents were FS fans and so since childhood, I was more and less, followed and watched the competitions with them. But now, seeing the list, no joy was sparked in my heart anymore. This is the end for me. I guess I'm following my parents path and stop watching senior competitions all together. I recommend novice competitions to everyone though, the real passionate skaters with much less corruption and politicking are there. I will crawl back to my cave and enjoy those little tiny skaters performing to their heart contents, without predetermined results and much less racism, homophobia and misogynist setbacks. 

I owe Yuzu a lot though, both to his otherworldly skating which was my source of inspiration (in personal life and also as a researcher) and his unparalleled personality that taught me a lot. I will eagerly only focus on his journey from now on and I'm so excited to see his ongoing journey toward conquering unbelievable mountains. I bet you all that the best is yet to come.  


I'm a new BTS fan and I'm so thrilled that their song "Yet to Come" isn't just a perfect fit for where they're at on their own journey, but also Yuzu's journey. It's true, the best is yet to come, both for BTS and for Yuzu. And perhaps someday they'll even work together on some project. That would be absolutely amazing! :girlsigh:

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6 hours ago, Hydroblade said:

I can see why Yuzu was so eager to please his mushroom self. I watch it and can only think of the word 厳しい: strict.

It looks as if the skill of that little mushroom didn't match the idea he wants to convey. Still amazing because MUSHROOM ON ICE, but you can tell it is no ordinary mushroom

His spins and edges were already well above novice level there. His edges are so crisp. Wow

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8 hours ago, Newprogramsplease said:



I sometimes wish Yuzu was just honest with how the judging has been so corrupted against him in the last quad. 😕 

I really do believe ISU and their blatant push for Nathan and underscoring Yuzu partly drove Yuzu to early retirement and mental breakdown. Sure it's not all their fault that Yuzu is retiring early, but it sure is partly their fault. They definitely played a part in messing with Yuzu's psych over the last 4 years. It was so horrible to watch. I sometimes wish Yuzu should have gone into a non artistic sport like swimming races and such, where objective results trump out everything else. His personality would have fitted such sports too.


I actually think that it was entirely the fault of the ISU and their cronies like the US fed and JSF that Yuzu went through such a tough four years and decided to end it for good. They were fully responsible for Yuzu's bad mental state and him doubting himself and his skating.


Yuzu is a natural born competitor and high achiever. He has always loved to compete. If the scoring and rules would've remained even remotely fair the last quad, I believe Yuzu would've continued to compete regardless of his injuries and other issues. Injuries are normal occurrences in an athlete's career. No matter how painful and frustrating they were, Yuzu has always had the mental and physical strength to deal with and overcome them.


What he could not overcome or ignore was blatant institutionalized mobbing. And if he would've spoken up against this injustice, they would've underscored and robbed him even more and probably even painted him as being a sore loser who is jealous of younger skaters or something.


Therefore, he decided to break out of this abusive environment that wouldn't allow him to win no matter how superior he was and free himself from the shackles of mistreatment. Now he can thrive and soar higher than ever. Good for him. Good for us. :ganba:

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48 minutes ago, Xiupia said:

Thank you @birnasan as usual! 

One thing I would like to also remind satellites is that translation takes time to be fully released (especially with teams like axelwithwings, who proofread it before publishing whole 1hr stuff), so although is good we are getting already the idea of some important questions and his answers, is also good to take everything together instead of apart. 

Good to see Yuzu finally being able to verbalize something many have already came the conclusion to (despite his betterment he was not being rewarded for it), but I would just refrain of implying there’s a single catalyst reason for his decision of retirement. He mentioned some important things during his presscon as well, let’s take everything together, I think it will paint a fairer idea of what he tried to convey to the media and his fans. 


I don't think most people point to a single factor behind Yuzu's decision. It's more like looking at these factors one at a time, building a bigger picture piece by piece, a process that is gradually informed by new translations coming out. I guess it's also how the discussion is clustered around certain issues, which is often the nature of sns. 


Many are still quite shocked by Yuzu's decision but all this new information coming from translation is really helping. With time, we all will have a more comprehensive view, but for now people discuss, they want to understand. There is a lot of love for Yuzu in all of this, you can see that fans really do care about him. 


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I have seen portions of the press conference translated here and there, but does anybody know where or maybe when a subbed version of the full conference might be available? (I know there are probably some people working really hard on it right now and that it's no easy feat) All the information I've been able to form my feelings on have been based on second-hand reports or news stories. It would be really great to be able to follow along while he's speaking, to hear things directly from him.

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11 hours ago, SummerMemories said:


Okay so for this tweet, I quickly translate half of it before I need to head to work LOL. Will do the remaining if no one else finish that before I come back tonight:


一般の方は今が1番スケートが上手いと思っている人が、これからも4Aに挑むという人が、現全日本王者がなぜ現役を辞めるという選択をしたのかわからないと思う。長年彼を見てきた松岡修造氏も「自分にとって負けは死も同然」というほど常に勝ちに拘り、戦略を練り、全身全霊で闘ってきた彼を知っているから驚いたろうし疑問だったと思う。彼は以前自分たちは(競技者は)ルールの枠の中で闘っていますと言っていたけれど、その枠が揺るぎないものであれば解析し戦略をたて努力の天才と言われる彼はまだそこにいたと思う。 その枠が人により大きな枠であったり、小さな枠であったり、ましてや形が変わってしまうとき彼は途方に暮れたんじゃないかな。
I think the general public might not truly understand why the person (Yuzu), who I believe is the most skillful figure skater, who talked about continue challenging 4A going forward, who stands as the top among all Japanese skaters, decided not to stay in (ISU) competitions as an amateur athlete. Even Shuzo Matsuoka, who has watched Yuzu for many years, was surprised and have questions about such decision, as he knows Yuzu as the person who feels "losing is the same as death", who has always been passion about winning, devising strategies and fighting with all his efforts.
Yuzu used to say that, as competitors / athletes, we are fighting within the rule framework, and as long as the framework is solid, he would stay there as a genius making efforts on developing analysis and strategy. Yet the current framework varies by person, could be large for some and small for others, not to mention (the latest framework) even change the shape of the sport, and I think he is at a loss when this happens.


Here is the full translation, not directly words to words as I try to make sense on some sentences.... I can't promise I'm entirely correct 



一般の方は今が1番スケートが上手いと思っている人が、これからも4Aに挑むという人が、現全日本王者がなぜ現役を辞めるという選択をしたのかわからないと思う。長年彼を見てきた松岡修造氏も「自分にとって負けは死も同然」というほど常に勝ちに拘り、戦略を練り、全身全霊で闘ってきた彼を知っているから驚いたろうし疑問だったと思う。彼は以前自分たちは(競技者は)ルールの枠の中で闘っていますと言っていたけれど、その枠が揺るぎないものであれば解析し戦略をたて努力の天才と言われる彼はまだそこにいたと思う。 その枠が人により大きな枠であったり、小さな枠であったり、ましてや形が変わってしまうとき彼は途方に暮れたんじゃないかな。
I think the general public might not truly understand why the person (Yuzu), who I believe is the most skillful figure skater, who talked about continue challenging 4A going forward, who stands as the top among all Japanese skaters, decided not to stay in (ISU) competitions as an amateur athlete. Even Shuzo Matsuoka, who has watched Yuzu for many years, was surprised and have questions about such decision, as he knows Yuzu as the person who feels "losing is the same as death", who has always been passion about winning, devising strategies and fighting with all his efforts.
Yuzu used to say that, as competitors / athletes, we are fighting within the rule framework, and as long as the framework is solid, he would stay there as a genius making efforts on developing analysis and strategy. Yet the current framework varies by person, could be large for some and small for others, not to mention (the latest framework) even change the shape of the sport, and I think he is at a loss when this happens.
In both competitions held in other countries and Japan National, even the commentators could not explain why his spin received 0 score. Those should be valid if you look at it closely. However, the judges are not judging everyone using the same standard. The standard and example are very unclear that a jump without falling could receive -5 GOE, which should be for applied serious errors, and it's mystery that only the skaters with high scores would be deducted such points. (Sorry but here I've only seen Yuzu being treated as such). Athletes believe in the frame of rules and strive with ingenuity to fight for maximum scores. Yuzu is passion about the best part of this sport. However, no matter how much he analyze, how would he think when he realize that the shape of the frame was distorted? Still, it seems that part of him want to believe (in the sport under the frame), but how many times have you seen he sitting at the K&C, turning the face from smiling to embarrassed to sorrow and (lastly) giving up, while waiting for the unusually long time to score him? I think the new rules also pushed the back of his decision.
もう競技の場での評価を自分は求めないと。あれだけ競技の場で様々な個性と戦うことを楽しみ、どんな評価にもリベンジして挑戦してきた彼が、もう自分はここに求めないと言った。一般の方には不思議だと思われるかもしれないけれど、彼を見てきた者はここまでよく頑張ったと言えるし多分スケーターたちもわかっている。記者やカメラマン、現場で彼を見てきた皆さんも言葉にしなくてもわかっていたのかな思う。その優しさが記者会見の紙面に沢山の溢れていた。 朝から長文失礼しました。
He himself has to seek for evaluation in the competition. He enjoyed fighting with various personalities in competitions, revenging and challenging any evaluation, but now he said he would not ask here anymore. Many people might find (his decision) very surprising, but those who have seen him (for a while) would know how hard he has tried (to fight for the rule) so far, and most of the skaters might know as well. I wonder if the reporters, cameramen, and anyone who present at the presscon and saw him, might sense and understand his circumstance without words. (Hence) the kindness was overflowing on the press conference.
He enjoyed fighting various personalities in the competition and revenged and challenged any evaluation, but he said he wouldn't ask here anymore. It may seem strange to the general public, but those who have seen him can say that he has worked so hard, and maybe the skaters know. I wonder if reporters, cameramen, and everyone who saw him on the scene knew it without words. The kindness was overflowing on the press conference. Excuse me for a long sentence from the morning.
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2 minutes ago, SummerMemories said:


Here is the full translation, not directly words to words as I try to make sense on some sentences.... I can't promise I'm entirely correct 



一般の方は今が1番スケートが上手いと思っている人が、これからも4Aに挑むという人が、現全日本王者がなぜ現役を辞めるという選択をしたのかわからないと思う。長年彼を見てきた松岡修造氏も「自分にとって負けは死も同然」というほど常に勝ちに拘り、戦略を練り、全身全霊で闘ってきた彼を知っているから驚いたろうし疑問だったと思う。彼は以前自分たちは(競技者は)ルールの枠の中で闘っていますと言っていたけれど、その枠が揺るぎないものであれば解析し戦略をたて努力の天才と言われる彼はまだそこにいたと思う。 その枠が人により大きな枠であったり、小さな枠であったり、ましてや形が変わってしまうとき彼は途方に暮れたんじゃないかな。
I think the general public might not truly understand why the person (Yuzu), who I believe is the most skillful figure skater, who talked about continue challenging 4A going forward, who stands as the top among all Japanese skaters, decided not to stay in (ISU) competitions as an amateur athlete. Even Shuzo Matsuoka, who has watched Yuzu for many years, was surprised and have questions about such decision, as he knows Yuzu as the person who feels "losing is the same as death", who has always been passion about winning, devising strategies and fighting with all his efforts.
Yuzu used to say that, as competitors / athletes, we are fighting within the rule framework, and as long as the framework is solid, he would stay there as a genius making efforts on developing analysis and strategy. Yet the current framework varies by person, could be large for some and small for others, not to mention (the latest framework) even change the shape of the sport, and I think he is at a loss when this happens.
In both competitions held in other countries and Japan National, even the commentators could not explain why his spin received 0 score. Those should be valid if you look at it closely. However, the judges are not judging everyone using the same standard. The standard and example are very unclear that a jump without falling could receive -5 GOE, which should be for applied serious errors, and it's mystery that only the skaters with high scores would be deducted such points. (Sorry but here I've only seen Yuzu being treated as such). Athletes believe in the frame of rules and strive with ingenuity to fight for maximum scores. Yuzu is passion about the best part of this sport. However, no matter how much he analyze, how would he think when he realize that the shape of the frame was distorted? Still, it seems that part of him want to believe (in the sport under the frame), but how many times have you seen he sitting at the K&C, turning the face from smiling to embarrassed to sorrow and (lastly) giving up, while waiting for the unusually long time to score him? I think the new rules also pushed the back of his decision.
もう競技の場での評価を自分は求めないと。あれだけ競技の場で様々な個性と戦うことを楽しみ、どんな評価にもリベンジして挑戦してきた彼が、もう自分はここに求めないと言った。一般の方には不思議だと思われるかもしれないけれど、彼を見てきた者はここまでよく頑張ったと言えるし多分スケーターたちもわかっている。記者やカメラマン、現場で彼を見てきた皆さんも言葉にしなくてもわかっていたのかな思う。その優しさが記者会見の紙面に沢山の溢れていた。 朝から長文失礼しました。
He himself has to seek for evaluation in the competition. He enjoyed fighting with various personalities in competitions, revenging and challenging any evaluation, but now he said he would not ask here anymore. Many people might find (his decision) very surprising, but those who have seen him (for a while) would know how hard he has tried (to fight for the rule) so far, and most of the skaters might know as well. I wonder if the reporters, cameramen, and anyone who present at the presscon and saw him, might sense and understand his circumstance without words. (Hence) the kindness was overflowing on the press conference.
He enjoyed fighting various personalities in the competition and revenged and challenged any evaluation, but he said he wouldn't ask here anymore. It may seem strange to the general public, but those who have seen him can say that he has worked so hard, and maybe the skaters know. I wonder if reporters, cameramen, and everyone who saw him on the scene knew it without words. The kindness was overflowing on the press conference. Excuse me for a long sentence from the morning.

Oh please ignore the last paragraph, it's a draft version and it's repeated.....

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guys have you seen this???

My heart is literally breaking, we all knew how unfairly he's been treated for the past quad but seeing him be so brutally honest right now is weirdly something that i wasn't expecting, i always assumed that he would remain somewhat quiet about it all even after he 'retired'. There must have been so much going on behind the scenes that we have no idea about, because yuzuru doesn't just say things, he is very meticulous with his words. The fact that he is describing himself as a puppet is so telling of how rotten the jsf/isu are. jesus.

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@SummerMemories thank you so much for these! 

On the continuing topic of translations and etc. We will have another interview aired today / tomorrow (depending on your timezone).


edit: someone beat me to it heh. 

Yuzu’s newer declarations feel very validating, feels very adult, and it gives me peace that he is actively taking control back over the narrative they attempted to do about his career and skating. 

I’m very proud of him - couldn’t imagine that I could get any more, here we are. 

Now waiting for the full interview. 




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34 minutes ago, isabelfm said:

guys have you seen this???

My heart is literally breaking, we all knew how unfairly he's been treated for the past quad but seeing him be so brutally honest right now is weirdly something that i wasn't expecting, i always assumed that he would remain somewhat quiet about it all even after he 'retired'. There must have been so much going on behind the scenes that we have no idea about, because yuzuru doesn't just say things, he is very meticulous with his words. The fact that he is describing himself as a puppet is so telling of how rotten the jsf/isu are. jesus.


I'm glad that he can finally speak his mind, as before, he could not, due to the ISU penalising any skater who question about the scoring :mad:. If he feels comfortable to let it all out, I want to be right here, listening to his words and supporting him. Go King! We (the fanyus) will support you 100%. 

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