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7 hours ago, rockstaryuzu said:

So, let's pretend: if you were one of Yuzu's 'people', such as a choreographer or a coach or so on, and one day he said to you " I think I need some inspiration - do you have any suggestions?" - what would you suggest? What interesting thing would you point out to Yuzu as a way to feed his artistic soul? 


I think I would suggest first spending time in nature, then going to a famous art museum to look at things he's never seen before. 


Anyone else? 


Very big Yes to everything in this post!


Yes to taking inspiration from nature. Mother Earth is the greatest artist of all time and the best teacher we can find.

Yes to trying out different dance styles (maybe even take a trip to the origin country and learn the dance from natives).

Yes to visiting art museums as well.


My suggestion specifically for Yuzu would also be:

This last Olympic cycle was all about looking back at his life and skating career thus far. It would be a very nice bridge to take the next cycle for a look into the future. Take a pen and piece of paper and do some brainstorming, writing down

- all things you plan or wish to do

- your predictions for the next few years about yourself

- things that you are the most afraid of

- things you're looking forward to the most


And then build your programs around these topics. Programs that help you to overcome your fears, to realize some of your wishes and be "ahead of your life" (on a meta-level).

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8 hours ago, rockstaryuzu said:

I think I would suggest first spending time in nature, then going to a famous art museum to look at things he's never seen before. 


Anyone else? 




Maybe simple, but I would tell him to watch movies. I find movies are a great source for inspiration. You have storytelling and in the best case a great soundtrack on top. I also think one does not need to interpret a movie 1:1 to the ice. Get inspired by a story, but interpret it new and choose your own music or use the soundtrack, but give it twist.

Same with books - get inspired by a story, think about it and interpret it your own way.

Watching documentarys is also something I personally find extremly inspiring, so I would recommend that as well.


1 hour ago, Henni147 said:

Update about Yuzu's LMEY video from the ARD Sportschau team:




Really now?!?

What, if not one of the most watched videos on their channel would make for an exceptional case? Sigh, lets hope we get that video back somehow.....

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:7562096:Today is the 10th anniversary of this phenomenal performance which became a turning point of Yuzu's career:7562096: :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:


Since then, Yuzu gradually started to gain more and more fans and slowly but surely build his legacy.
10 years later, the number of his fans is unprecedented in men's figure skating's history.
But Yuzu didn't enchant only us - 'regular' people. There are many famous artists, elite athletes and others that are his fans, are inspired by him and have a great respect for him. 
In this separate thread i tried to make a big compilation of various professionals praising and gushing about Yuzu's abilities, talent and personality over last 10 years, mentioning him in a positive way or simply stating they are his fans.
Thanks for all the fans here and elsewhere who posted the original sources! I hope i credited everything properly.
  • 15 dancers
  • 20 singers/bands
  • 24 other musicians
  • 29 actors
  • 19+ film/tv producers, novelist, painters and others
  • 70+ elite athletes
  • 80+ tributes by little skaters (costumes and/or programs)
On top of that, Yuzu is frequently featured in student's textbooks or study materials in Japan - a big compilation here:
I am just... so happy that there are so many different people who love and appreciate Yuzu this much :heart:.
Sometimes there are haters who claim that Yuzu has fans only because of his looks and try to invent all the wrong reasons why he is liked. But nah.
Do not let yourself to be affected by those bitter souls.
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1 hour ago, Henni147 said:

My suggestion specifically for Yuzu would also be:

This last Olympic cycle was all about looking back at his life and skating career thus far. It would be a very nice bridge to take the next cycle for a look into the future. Take a pen and piece of paper and do some brainstorming, writing down

- all things you plan or wish to do

- your predictions for the next few years about yourself

- things that you are the most afraid of

- things you're looking forward to the most


And then build your programs around these topics. Programs that help you to overcome your fears, to realize some of your wishes and be "ahead of your life" (on a meta-level).

All of the things that have been mentioned so far are great, but I really like this one!

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New exhibition stuff: keychains 6 different 770 yen each.



And for those who had hoped for good quality photos from White Legend visteria costume, Satomi Ito has a new book.



Book cover and link to Amazon



And lastly, have some Kose birthday cards



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17 minutes ago, Saawa said:
  • 15 dancers
  • 20 singers/bands
  • 24 other musicians
  • 29 actors
  • 19+ film/tv producers, novelist, painters and others
  • 70+ elite athletes
  • 80+ tributes by little skaters

This is more than 267 people! 


I want to add to my inspiration suggestions : I'd also advise Yuzu to take classes in a dance or artistic discipline he's not familiar with, such as sculpture, or modern dance.

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7 hours ago, Henni147 said:

Update about Yuzu's LMEY video from the ARD Sportschau team:




Thank you Henni. I hope the retweets on twitter will help and we can soon enjoy "LMEY" again on the Sportschau YouTube channel.:smiley-angelic001:



21 hours ago, cheerios984 said:

Thanks for the translation! I am new here! Only learnt about Yuzu because of the Beijing Olympics (and regretted not knowing him earlier). As a classical music lover, I was immediately captivated by his Rondo performance. It is so amazing to learn more about the making of this programme and what Yuzu wanted to portray from the music. I hope he can skate to it again after his recovery so that more people can appreciate this masterpiece!



Welcome to the Planet @cheerios984 :wave:



9 hours ago, Geo1 said:

Ghislain continues to remain in contact with Yuzu. Most recently, he reached out to Yuzu immediately following the March 16, 2022 earthquake to ask how Yuzu and his family fared and he was reassured that everyone was fine.


Many thanks Geo for the info. That's is really good to hear.:heartpound:

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Another interview with Shae from the new "Kiss & Cry" magazine




Even though he did not get a medal this time, I really, really want to say to him "Thank you so much for bringing this sport to everyone. "He already has 2x Olympic Gold Medals, and there is not need to prove to anyone his strength / capability. "He's just moving forward to achieving his dreams."




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1 hour ago, Pammi said:


While I understand Max's enthusiasm to see this again, if Yuzu did bring it back, I hope he would do so only as an ex or an ice show piece. First of all, Romeo and Juliet were teenagers themselves so 'maturity' doesn't actually fit the theme of the piece, and second, Yuzu probably has other things he wants to say with his skating now, things that wouldn't fit his old programs. 


I want to know what the Yuzu of today has in his heart and mind that he wants to share with us on ice. 

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7 hours ago, Geo1 said:

Ghislain continues to remain in contact with Yuzu. Most recently, he reached out to Yuzu immediately following the March 16, 2022 earthquake to ask how Yuzu and his family fared and he was reassured that everyone was fine.

Thank you so much for this information! I've been stressing about it ever since :YuzuPoohLove:

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