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3 minutes ago, Kat said:

I hope no singing is done for wishing him a HBD. A competition is not the right place. Yuzuru is an athlete. Not a pop idol. This isnt his own venue, he is sharing it with other competitors for the sake of the competition. If it were his ice show, maybe. But that is not the case. I would be livid if another skaters fans did this and detracted from the competition and other skaters. I find it in poor taste and I would be mortified and embarrassed if any Yuzuru fans do this.


I dont consider myself a "fanyu", because by experience some fandoms can become toxic. I find it best to just enjoy who I like and engage periodically, but not get too invested...but the last thing any fan of Yuzuru needs is to give Yuzuru, and the rest of his fan community, a bad name by his fans actions. 

But it was done already in past. It's not the first time.

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12 hours ago, holina said:

I think it’s not good to sing Happy Birthday even if you start right after throwing Poohs because the next skater will already be on the ice, skating around.  I remember Nam saying that he had to skate around the Poohs at SCI when the flower girls were still collecting.  So even though the performance of the next skater hasn’t started, it may still affect the next skater.  


Probably better to do it after the trophy ceremony?  If Yuzu wins gold (please!!) then he will be so giddy and extra happy, and if he loses then it may help cheer him up a bit (it will also show him that we love him no matter whether he wins or loses and that we are never disappointed in him :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:)

I agree with you that it might not be appropriate if another skater is on the ice. Just in terms of time, it'd work. 


IMO a banner is a better solution - like if a whole series of people used big letters to spell out "Happy Birthday" or something...or if you sang it right as he finishes, while he's taking his bows before leaving the ice. 


Anyway, since I'm not going to Torino unless I miraculously acquire at least $5000 extra dollars this week, I really shouldn't say anything. 

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hace 51 minutos , CaroSkate said:


Yuzu may care and may not want to distract his competitors even a tiny bit. I think it is safer to do it in the victory ceremony or after practice.

i don't get it. yesterday everybody was upset about Yuzuru's words in the interview and everybody agreed to cheer for him louder than ever in the next event, so he'd realize how supported he is. 

but now "we shouldn't cheer for him because it's ""disruptive"" or because "others might feel bad"?". In that case shouldn't we tell other skaters fans' to stay mute too? why is it only a bad thing when his supporters do it?

Remember how loud the spanish chanted for Javi at GPF 2015, or the intense screams for the russian skaters in Sochi.. this is the nature of competitions. these athletes are used to skating in front of a crowd- don't underestimate them...

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2 minutes ago, ICeleste said:

i don't get it. yesterday everybody was upset about Yuzuru's words in the interview and everybody agreed to cheer for him louder than ever in the next event, so he'd realize how supported he is. 

but now "we shouldn't cheer for him because it's ""disruptive"" or because "others might feel bad"?". In that case shouldn't we tell other skaters fans' to stay mute too? why is it only a bad thing when his supporters do it?

No one's saying you shouldn't cheer. But there's a difference between cheering and singing 'Happy Birthday' , so pick your time wisely. 


I also think the end of practice might be the best time. It'll give him a little lift for the rest of the day while he prepares for the competition. 

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1 hour ago, quadaxelwin said:



I agree. Japanese fans on twitter were worried we might cause "meiwaku" (disturbance) to Yuzu and other skaters, and what's worse is that competitions are broadcasted live to the whole world. If his reaction is bad, the whole world would have a recorded video tape of what fanyus did wrong at a live competition. And if we are really unlucky, we might have the media writing bad press about the ill mannered fanyus. And knowing Yuzu and his Japanese culture, he would not want other skaters behind him to be disrupted by the happy birthday song during competition. They best time to do it would be before he leaves the ice after open practice. 


Competitions exist for all skaters. 


If Nathan's fans started singing happy birthday song whilst Yuzu was warming up on the ice before his music started, I would be furious at Nathan's fans.


They would feel the same anger towards us. Likewise. 

Eh, really? I can’t imagine actually being upset if Nathan’s fans sang him happy birthday after he skated, even if it was Yuzu’s turn to skate next. That seems like a weird thing to be upset by. They’re just trying to wish him happy birthday. And if you guys did get angry at Nathan’s fans, I would think you were overreacting.


Personally, I just think singing it after he does his competition skate might be awkward. It might not suit the mood/who knows how much time the fans would have to sing/I suppose some volatile judge might take offense/if we screw it up it might be embarrassing.

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I seriously think everyone is overreacting... it's just a 10 seconds song, not Yuzu fans starting a Yuzu hymn chant - ever watched a soccer game, btw? And that's more of a sport in the eyes of many than FS ever was.


That being said, discussing with my friend who has been more deeply immersed in Japanese cultures than even some young Japanese, she explained to me the two big arguments against singing Happy Birthday, from a Japanese point of view. The first one I knew, and was going to mention it as well, but the second was news to me, too.


First, birthdays aren't really celebrated in Japan. Even if they are, more recently, they're not really as big a deal there as they are elsewhere.


Second, even if someone chooses to celebrate his/her birthday, it is a private decision and a private affair. Therefore, fans singing Happy Birthday to him, would be a sort of imposition on his private life and therefore, essentially rude (well, Yuzu being Yuzu, he'd maybe just find it awkward and embarrassing).


Yes, singing Happy Birthday to Japanese celebrities happens sometimes, and apparently media/co-workers gifting cakes on one's birthday is a sort of professional ritual, and not considered an actual celebration. But the bottom line is, it might just turn out to be more awkward than fun for Yuzu - or he might worry some of the more traditional Japanese around him and at home might find it inappropriate - so it's not really worth it, IMO


Cultural differences are a real thing and we have to keep in mind that Yuzu's culture is different from most others and should try to respect it as much as possible.


As such, I think birthday banners are the best compromise, after all. It's not really worth the fan war, IMO. Yuzu will be more upset about fans fighting with fans than he would be if nobody sings Happy Birthday to him.

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9 minutes ago, shanshani said:

Eh, really? I can’t imagine actually being upset if Nathan’s fans sang him happy birthday after he skated, even if it was Yuzu’s turn to skate next. That seems like a weird thing to be upset by. They’re just trying to wish him happy birthday. And if you guys did get angry at Nathan’s fans, I would think you were overreacting.


Personally, I just think singing it after he does his competition skate might be awkward. It might not suit the mood/who knows how much time the fans would have to sing/I suppose some volatile judge might take offense/if we screw it up it might be embarrassing.


I agree with what you're saying, if we forget about the whole disruption thing, we can't really predict the mood after he skates so it might be awkward. Personally, after practice seems like a better option to me, but if fans sang after he skated, I guess whilst he's bowing/ still on the ice, it shouldn't be a problem either way.


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2 minutes ago, KatjaThera said:


First, birthdays aren't really celebrated in Japan. Even if they are, more recently, they're not really as big a deal there as they are elsewhere.


Second, even if someone chooses to celebrate his/her birthday, it is a private decision and a private affair. Therefore, fans singing Happy Birthday to him, would be a sort of imposition on his private life and therefore, essentially rude (well, Yuzu being Yuzu, he'd maybe just find it awkward and embarrassing)

And he totally didn't get birthday cakes during GPFs in past. Broadcasted on national TV.

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3 minutes ago, Paskud said:

And he totally didn't get birthday cakes during GPFs in past. Broadcasted on national TV.

I just mentioned that is a ritual in a professional context. Media and athlete are essentially co-workers in that context, so yes it happens, but it's a completely different thing from being sung to by a ton of essential strangers. We are his fans, not his friends, not his co-workers.

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3 minutes ago, KatjaThera said:

I seriously think everyone is overreacting... it's just a 10 seconds song, not Yuzu fans starting a Yuzu hymn chant - ever watched a soccer game, btw? And that's more of a sport in the eyes of many than FS ever was.


That being said, discussing with my friend who has been more deeply immersed in Japanese cultures than even some young Japanese, she explained to me the two big arguments against singing Happy Birthday, from a Japanese point of view. The first one I knew, and was going to mention it as well, but the second was news to me, too.


First, birthdays aren't really celebrated in Japan. Even if they are, more recently, they're not really as big a deal there as they are elsewhere.


Second, even if someone chooses to celebrate his/her birthday, it is a private decision and a private affair. Therefore, fans singing Happy Birthday to him, would be a sort of imposition on his private life and therefore, essentially rude (well, Yuzu being Yuzu, he'd maybe just find it awkward and embarrassing).


Yes, singing Happy Birthday to Japanese celebrities happens sometimes, and apparently media/co-workers gifting cakes on one's birthday is a sort of professional ritual, and not considered an actual celebration. But the bottom line is, it might just turn out to be more awkward than fun for Yuzu - or he might worry some of the more traditional Japanese around him and at home might find it inappropriate - so it's not really worth it, IMO


Cultural differences are a real thing and we have to keep in mind that Yuzu's culture is different from most others and should try to respect it as much as possible.


As such, I think birthday banners are the best compromise, after all. It's not really worth the fan war, IMO. Yuzu will be more upset about fans fighting with fans than he would be if nobody sings Happy Birthday to him.

I means fans did sing HBD to him at a previous competition and Yuzuru seemed pretty happy so I don't think it should be a problem now. And I'm pretty sure he's celebrated his birthday on Japanese tv with cakes etc. 


I think someone on twitter was organising a poll and included options such as 'singing during k+c' which many people opposed and now the whole thing has kind of been blown out of proportion lol 

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