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  On 8/5/2019 at 5:50 PM, KatjaThera said:

I'm actually not that pessimistic. I believe that if Yuzu manages to gain all the technical advantages he aims for and polish everything to his standards, I still don't think anyone can touch him. And that's not just blind belief. Yes, Nathan did not bring his full arsenal to Saitama and he gets candy and even higher GOE than Yuzu these days. But what Nathan did not have in Saitama was 4S and 4Lo, IIRC. Both of those aren't really worth that many points. Yuzu didn't have 4Lz and 4F, even leaving aside 4A. And his 4Lo wasn't great and the 4S badly betrayed him both times. And the difference between them was still just 20 points. And we know most of those would have been made up by a clean Otonal. So, a clean possibly underscored Yuzu with a clean and overscored Nathan are about the same level. And that's a Nathan with 4Lz, 4T and 4F and a Yuzu with 4Lo, 4S and 4T. If Yuzu adds 4F and 4Lz and Nathan brings back 4Lo and 4S, assuming they still hold back Yuzu's GOE, they'd probably still be similar-ish. Truth is, they can't lowball Yuzu TOO much, especially if he's clean. So a clean Yuzu should still get at least +3 GOE on any jump. But Yuzu also plans to bring 4A and even if it's not as big BV wise as it used to be, it's still an extra quad. On top of that, Yuzu has clean 3As and he will work on everything else, too. And I also think that, like with the Olympics, if he starts his program with clean jumps, the judges will be more willing to run with him. Politics is all good, but judges are still human and I think they'd enjoy being part of a 'historical' performance. A clean 4A for Yuzu would be a great opening to incredible scores. I think they would give it to him. It's 4A after all.


The bigger question, IMO, is how long his body will hold up and whether he'll manage to achieve these ideal levels of technicality and performance before his body gives up. I think Yuzu will only call it quits when he will know that he cannot physically keep up anymore. Until then, he'll keep trying, despite any hardships. I guess it is also possible he might at some point conclude that it's not worth it anymore. But that seems out of character for me, IMO. I think it's far more likely he'll continue until he concludes he physically no longer has the ability to win anymore.



I really gave up on any kind of skating score calculations after Worlds and WTT 2019... [funfact: my auto correction didn't know the abbreviation "WTT" and suggested "WTF" instead lol].


Possible mindgames right now:

If I skate two perfectly clean programs and the judges give me 0 GOE and 8.00 PCS everywhere (worst case scenario), I need a BV of ~53 in the SP and ~167 in the FS to win with 95% probability and a combined total of ~340 points. If they capitulate and decide to give me +5's and 10.00's, I could score ~390 with the same performance. *yeeey*

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  On 8/5/2019 at 7:41 PM, madraykin said:

Ok, I know everyone keeps talking about quints, but at the moment they are worth 0 points. Best case is it gets called as a quad and you probably get a +REP so it's just not worth it.


The time to start talking about adding them to programs is when the ISU actually gives them a value.


And if Yuzu can get just one more quad (or get back the lutz) then they're pretty much even on number of quads too (Yes, Nathan has technically landed one more in competition but we haven't seen the loop from him in ages.) 


(ETA: Normally I'm a huge pessimist so I don't know where all this optimism is coming from, but I'm just gonna roll with it for now...)


haha good mindset

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  On 8/5/2019 at 7:59 PM, Henni147 said:


I really gave up on any kind of skating score calculations after Worlds and WTT 2019... [funfact: my auto correction didn't know the abbreviation "WTT" and suggested "WTF" instead lol].


Possible mindgames right now:

If I skate two perfectly clean programs and the judges give me 0 GOE and 8.00 PCS everywhere (worst case scenario), I need a BV of ~53 in the SP and ~167 in the FS to win with 95% probability and a combined total of ~340 points. If they capitulate and decide to give me +5's and 10.00's, I could score ~390 with the same performance. *yeeey*


Oh did u mean 300 instead of 340? 340 seems kinda high for total combination score without GOE

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  On 8/5/2019 at 11:50 AM, KatjaThera said:

So... while regular people train 4A in harness, Yuzu has already upgraded to 5s... :ohmygod: I guess when the ISU proved to him he needed more jumps to beat the 'quad king' he concluded 4Lz, 4F and 4A weren't enough, so he's moving on to the next level... (and no, I'm not taking it too seriously, but hey, quints are just a half a rotation more than 4A and he has said the other quads are easier to rotate than A, hence 4A is difficult, but maybe then 5T would be about as difficult a step from 4T as 4A is from 3A...)


Everything else they say makes sense, I guess. Repeating both programs makes sense. He is very comfortable with Otonal, and maybe he could do 4Lo instead of 4S in it, for an upgrade. And Origin was meant for 4A. And deciding after this season if he goes for Beijing or not also makes sense. He'll have a better understanding of where he stands, both compared to the competition and health wise, as well as motivation wise. Personally I expect him to continue another season, because even if he manages to add all quads, I'm not sure he'd also manage to polish them as desired this season. But then it'll be Olympic Season after that. In the same time, I can't see him deciding to go to Beijing without properly preparing for it for at least two seasons. So it makes sense.


But we'll see. TSL is TSL after all...


Not that I ever believe a single word from TSL but jeeez you make so much sense it's scary.

  On 8/5/2019 at 12:17 PM, SparkleSalad said:

OT but ever since the 24hr TV announcement, my Twitter feed has been full of photos of people eating white peaches and it’s all because of an elbow. :facepalm:





:smiley-laughing021:....people brains are so fascinating!

  On 8/5/2019 at 3:29 PM, Henni147 said:


Now I'm really curious how Otonal and Origin look like without jumps at the moment...   :mischief:


Me too...one day maybe he'll show us(in the next Continue maybe?)

  On 8/5/2019 at 6:08 PM, SparkleSalad said:

See you zen-Yuzu,it's been nice to know you:lol:

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  On 8/5/2019 at 5:50 PM, KatjaThera said:

 I think it's far more likely he'll continue until he concludes he physically no longer has the ability to win anymore.



I strongly agree with this. He doesn't strike me as someone that will keep competing regardless of his placements. It's either compete for gold or retire and I believe he also said it himself.   Some poster above also said that he would likely retire if he wins everything next season but I think that's dubious. He could also think "Why retire now if I'm still having so much success?  I could keep this rythm until Beijing". There's just too many variables. The chances of him going to Beijing are getting more real though.


Also, Yuzuru does wants to bring back the 4Lz but we also need to consider that Nathan has much more competition experience with his 4Lz (and 4F). And Yuzuru's  4A could be more of a gamble than anything but that depends on how his training is going and we have no idea of it.  It may sound a bit pessimistic, but introducing a new jump (I would consider new since he only attempted it once at competition If I remember correctly), specially one where he injured himself, is not an easy task in the slightest and opens the margin for errors.  He's of course capable of it and he has the gabage of training it for the 2017-2018 season so he at least has a whole off season of training it in his run throughs besides this one but it's still new scenario. 


  On 8/5/2019 at 5:50 PM, KatjaThera said:

Yuzu will only call it quits



I read it as quiNts.  :laughing:   This talk is messing with my head. 

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  On 8/5/2019 at 12:17 PM, SparkleSalad said:

OT but ever since the 24hr TV announcement, my Twitter feed has been full of photos of people eating white peaches and it’s all because of an elbow. :facepalm:






My brain came up with some really pervy thoughts for a second before I realized what I was looking at. :darklordyuzu:

I would've associated peaches with a different body part, but okay... to each their own... :biggrin:


ETA: Talking about edible body parts... this is amazing! :xD:



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Reading Yuzu's interview reminds me how much he has sacrificed and dedicated his life to skating. He is always on a quest to produce art in its the highest level and his outlook toward winning is inspiring.  He is an example of a true king


“While others search for what they can take, a true king searches for what he can give.” - Mufasa 2019

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  On 8/5/2019 at 6:39 PM, SparkleSalad said:

How many times have we all felt so miserable and defeated and scared of the r word only for Yuzu to come back with “I’m going to land x y z and win everything”? I’ve stopped worrying about his motivation to continue because he’s obviously mentally indestructible and trying to understand his brain is just a waste of time for us mortals. Everything hinges on that precious ankle but I bet he still believes skaters peak at 30.


Anyway, Yuzu has always done something incredible the competition after being beaten by Nathan and this time the kuyashii is 9000 and his 4lz is back and he’s fixed that terrifying axis. :tumblr_inline_n18qrbDQJn1qid2nw:



  On 8/5/2019 at 6:08 PM, SparkleSalad said:


Exactly. I'm actually totally relaxed about all this. From experience, I know that Yuzu's always proven to be stronger than anybody thought possible. He's achieved greater things than anyone could've imagined. And he's overcome every obstacle that many thought to be invincible. Whenever the world thought that Yuzu couldn't possibly go any further, he's proven them wrong.


I trust him and his team. They know what they're doing. They know how to play this game. After the WC,  it was obvious how pissed and kuyashii Yuzu was. If there's anyone who knows how to turn this kind of disappointment and frustration into positive motivation and energy to achieve more than ever, then it's Yuzu.


Besides, let's not forget that Nathan's also just human. He's been quite consistent since WC 2018, but that doesn't mean that he's a machine and manages to perform at his best every time. Judges have been favoring him because of his perceived consistency and seeming domination in Yuzu's absence (on top of other questionable factors). But that doesn't mean that they wouldn't just drop him if he should falter or if another skater (namely Yuzu) also shows as much of a variety of jumps and has a BV as high or even higher than Nathan.


Anyway, I'm just grateful that Yuzu continues to compete and we get to see him and experience all this excitement for another season. To be honest, I expected him to r****** after winning the Olympics 2018. It would've made sense and I'm pretty sure any other skater would've done that. But not Yuzu. Of course not Yuzu.


I was ready to wail, moan, wallow in my misery and pity myself that I would never have the chance to see him live ever. I despaired at my life when he withdrew from WC 2018, for which I had bought tickets. But then he announced that he'd continue to compete and it was as if I was given a second chance... in fact, more than one second chance. I immediately snatched my chance and went to see him at GP Helsinki. And this year, I'm going to see him in Poohrino. :dancingpooh:


So, yes, I'm grateful to the universe, all the skating gods and mostly of course to Yuzu himself that he'll continue to bless us with his genius, inspire us with his passion and delight us with his mastery. I cherish and appreciate every moment our unikittycorn gives us on the ice. :tumblr_m9gcraReGL1qzckow:

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I deeply want Yuzu to do a quint and then sit there in the K&C looking smug, with Brian and Ghislain facepalming on either side of him, for twenty minutes as the judges and tech panel argue over how they're supposed to score something that is fully rotated, technically correct according to the list of acceptable jump takeoffs, but isn't in the book. And whoever comes after him getting an extra long warmup.

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