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1 hour ago, Kizuna said:

Hmm... thought I should clear this up a little.



What Yuzu said according to this article:


"I didn't think I would ever do this program in this costume (laughs). I absolutely promise this, but I don't think I will ever skate Ballade No. 1 in this costume again, so please burn (imprint) this (image) into your eyes. A song that I like very much, steps that I like very much, a very important thing I received from Jeff."


He meant to say that it might not happen again, so the audience should etch that moment into their memories. Even if he knew that the costume was not very popular among fans (which might be why he said he promised it would never happen again), he didn't mean it to the extent that it was burning the audience's eyes. I wanted to say this as what Yuzu said had much more positive connotation. :)

Thank you for the clarification! I think I misunderstood that (or wanted to) in the middle of a flood of news :laughing: This makes alot more sense and sounds like something Yuzu would actually say

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The lesson of what we're seeing this weekend?  Yuzu is quite capable of putting together a team to produce a quality ice show on very short notice.  Unless he was thinking about it before PC getting all these pieces functioning as they were was a testimony to what his organizational prowess and star power can do.  Even if he was thinking of this beforehand, he evidently kept such thoughts to himself, knowing the whole thing could crash if he didn't get the gold.  Getting the gold gave him the stature to recruit those needed to make the project real and then it was simply a matter of turning to some of his off-ice sponsors and they provided the money, realizing that it was money spent to further elevate their most prominent endorser.  Money well spent, in other words. 


I have posted in the past that I feel that Yuzu might turn to the production of ice shows after retirement and before taking up coaching.  This show is one way he is showing potential financial backers that he is capable of getting the job done.  There are certainly ice shows in Yuzu's future but they are those with his name on then.  One thought though, and it's one that does immense credit to Yuzu, and that is I see him taking pains to not directly impact those Japanese shows he's been a part of since the summer after the earthquake/tsunami.  That means he'll probably schedule them right after the competition season ends but before the ice show season begins and also that he'll take the show outside Japan so as to avoid competition with the Japanese shows.  Taking the show out of Japan also is a means of helping strengthen the skating culture in places where the skating culture has been languishing, name the US and some of the European countries and perhaps China (are there ice shows in China?).


All this is speculation, of course, but with Yuzu's declared intention to continue to skate in competitions, but to skate to programs he's put together to satisfy his ultimate judge (namely himself) and not to garner points, I think Yuzu is laying out what he considers to be his life's ultimate goal, to make figure skating more than an athletic competition but an artistic enterprise.  By showing the world what figure skating can accomplish in his competition programs and then what it can accomplish in terms of an ice show committed to showing figure skating at it's aesthetic best, he will, in fact, become one of the true titans in the history of figure skating.  He has spent the many years of competition paying his dues so that he can then turn to the project of making figure skating conform to his dream of what he thinks it should be.  It's a dream he's not probably articulated to himself over a long span of time.  It's probably a dream that came in bits and pieces but now that he stands in the eyes of many as the greatest skater ever, it's a dream he can actually realize.  What is happening this weekend is his showing the world and the potential backers that he can make it happen.


PS - A thought just occurred to me, and that is that he might have the show confined to three performances at just one city (as he's doing right now) and having it seen as a gala introduction or gala finale to the competition season.  That would keep him out of competition with the established ice shows and also be a means of highlighting the season about to commence or the season just finished.  A further thought - the post-season placing would be the best and he could make it extra-special by inviting those skaters who had the best programs (in his eyes and as such a means of influencing the direction of figure skating) in the season just finished.  It would be a sort of Oscar ceremony for figure-skating.

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