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2 minutes ago, ralucutzagy said:

Don't think so ... what about CiONTU and the parade ???


But those are still weeks away.  


1 minute ago, Sammie said:

He did say Yuzu is on ice but not skating. Just getting the feel of things. But in Canada :animated-smileys-hands-fingers-01: I thought for sure he was in Sendai or Japan :happy:


I thought so too, unless Brian is going to Japan. My friend said he specifically said "sees him on Monday" not just "talks to him".  

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hace 4 minutos , Danibellerika said:


But those are still weeks away.  



I thought so too, unless Brian is going to Japan. My friend said he specifically said "sees him on Monday" not just "talks to him".  

It does make sense actually if he continues rehab in Toronto. 

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I think it make sense that Yuzuru's back to Toronto for rehab, and having his coaches watch him closely ( Sorry I'm always worried when Yuzuru practice/skate alone). There's almost 3 weeks until ice show, and since he wont skate, he can go back to Japan right before it. Maybe he already back to TCC before WC. Who know's maybe he also there for new choreo :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:


The guy who posted pic seem to be a harness specialist as far as I remember

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hace 9 minutos , ralucutzagy said:

Brian going to Japan is a possibility ... maybe helping him with the show in some way

ugh ... Yuzu and his ninja mode ... :59227c768286a__s:

Yes, Brian did choreography for  FaOI last year, so it does make sense also.

Oh...I really need to know when this photo was taken!

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1 minute ago, Floria said:

Yes, Brian did choreography for  FaOI last year, so it does make sense also.

Oh...I really need to know when this photo was taken!

me too ... but, what can we do ...

well, if it's a new photo, I'm happy that he's on the ice again (even if he's not training yet) and looking good, and if it's an old photo, I'm happy to see a pic of him we've never seen before!

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1 minute ago, axelnojutsu said:

idk I don't think he'd go back to TCC right now with the show and parade coming up even if his ankle was miraculously healed instantly so I don't think it's a recent picture but only posted recently :shrug:

tbh, I think so, too, but wouldn't be great if he would be in Toronto, talking new music and choreo with his team ... planing new programs .... 

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1 hour ago, ralucutzagy said:

Don't remember seeing this before~! <3Maybe it was before Olys~!


The present and the future!  Yuzu will be winding down his career just as Stephen Gogolev will be entering it.  In case some of you don't know who Stephen is, he's the skater whose family moved to Canada and whom Brian has been training since age seven.  He started training under Brian at just about the same time as Yuzu did and he's the the lad who at age 12 was doing all the quads currently being done by the older skaters.  He's got a lot of work to do on the artistic side of skating but even now he probably could outjump Nathan and the other jumping beans.  Because of his age (currently 13) he can't compete on the senior international level but on tournaments strictly for Canadians he HAS to compete on the senior level since he's already won the lower levels.  In the Canadian nationals this season where he  competed at senior level he came in 10th.  I'll repeat - He's just thirteen.  I read somewhere, can't remember precisely where, that he's received scores that would have qualified him to compete on the senior level at world's this year.  Will he replace Javi as Yuzu's training partner?  Yes and no.  Javi and Yuzu didn't train together all the time, as far as I can tell.  The same will probably be the case with Yuzu and Stephen.  The fundamental relationship though will be quite different.  Now Yuzu will be the older, experienced one and I can see him becoming a sort of big brother to Stephen. 


Stephen, though he is younger, will pose some challenges for Yuzu, so it will not be a one-way street in their relationship. I figure Stephen's English is probably quite good since the younger one is the more easily one can pick up a language.  Also Russian is one the of the Indo-European languages, just as English is, thus there are some similarities between them that don't exist between Japanese and English (not just in terms of vocabulary but also in elements of grammar and the visual dynamics of the written language).  We know that Yuzu is wanting to improve his English and Stephen's presence might be an incentive to stick with the learning even when the going is tough. 


There is another element where I think Yuzu would be a source of wisdom and that's in coping with the problems that come when one experiences a growth spurt.  Remember how a sudden growth spurt really caused Nam some problems?  Yuzu's much closer to that age than Brian is and so he can probably remember how he coped with sudden growth and can give Stephen some advice there, although I think he will be more useful in boosting Stephen's morale when the boy starts adding inches to his height and he's having to make adjustments to his reconfigured body. 


All in all, though, I think Stephen's presence will be a goad for Yuzu to continue competing since Yuzu frequently seems to respond to concrete rather than abstract challenges (remember when he adjusted his approach to the number and type of quads because Boyang was doing more than Yuzu?)  Stephen will thus be a continuing challenge to Yuzu just as Javi was.

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