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  On 2/5/2018 at 3:26 PM, MrPudding said:

ok but can someone please assure me that he can still win over a clean 6 quads fs


No problem!

Clean 3-quads (T,S) FS program score- 220pts. Clean 4-quads (T,S,Lo) FS program score- 223pt. International competition.(<-also, underscored on PCS because first in the group, yada yada)

Clean-ish 5-quad Fs (granted, without the Lo)- 212 pt, with Nationals inflation.

Clean-ish 5 quad FS (again, without Lo)- 204 pts. International competition.

I'm not counting a 6 quad program in, as we haven't seen that done cleanly just yet, it was always a pop or a fall.


Just a reminder, but Yuzuru can go up to 115 on a clean Chopin, while the max we've seen for other skaters is 110ish, so. They also cannot make it up here if Yuzu goes clean. Sorry, not sorry, I'm not worried about BV fight. Popfest on the other hand...ALSO WON'T HAPPEN.

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  On 2/5/2018 at 3:35 PM, guitarist said:

Ahhhh, don't say that, that is #2 in the list of "worst case scenarios" I came up with (because I figured thinking of the worst thing that could happen would make anything else seem positive in comparison. All I did was stress myself out, though...). And #1 is so horrible I'm not even gonna say it. :sadPooh:


oh no you've triggered bad thoughts in my head of what #1 could be :13877886:

ok nope time to watch happy yuzu stuff 

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  On 2/5/2018 at 3:37 PM, Aotoshiro said:

No problem!

Clean 3-quads (T,S) FS program score- 220pts. Clean 4-quads (T,S,Lo) FS program score- 223pt. International competition.

Clean-ish 5-quad Fs (granted, without the Lo)- 212 pt, with Nationals inflation.

Clean-ish 5 quad FS (again, without Lo)- 204 pts. International competition.

I'm not counting a 6 quad program in, as we haven't seen that done cleanly just yet, it was always a pop or a fall.


Just a reminder, but Yuzuru can go up to 115 on a clean Chopin, while the max we've seen for other skaters is 110ish, so. They also cannot make it up here if Yuzu goes clean. Sorry, not sorry, I'm not worried about BV fight. Popfest on the other hand...ALSO WON'T HAPPEN.



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  On 2/5/2018 at 3:22 PM, KatjaThera said:

Actually, it could be strategy, following Nathan's "I'll decide on my layout after practice." Like Lutz isn't perfect - cue in rivals feeling a bit relieved - but not saying he won't do it. And we know he landed it on his first competition, so it's not impossible he'd do it again - cue in rivals confused.


I just want Yuzu to make whatever decisions he needs to make to try to not have any regrets at the end of the day.


I'm still a bit worried about loop, though. It was very moody in the beginning of the season, even though it was supposedly good in practice, too.


I agree-part of it is strategy, and part of it is just as @Katt mentioned, there's been no news of him for a while, and media is starting to write him out to a degree. So Brian might have just mentioned it "off-hand" to keep the media back in line. 


Regarding the layouts, I'm dragging mine into the General skating thread instead. Still have some numbers to crunch. 

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  On 2/5/2018 at 3:38 PM, yuzuuu said:

oh no you've triggered bad thoughts in my head of what #1 could be :13877886:

ok nope time to watch happy yuzu stuff 


I'm sorryyyy :tumblr_inline_ncmif7esGm1rpglid:  Yeah, that's what I have to do during lunch today. I can't believe it's next week. A year ago, I thought job interviews were the most nerve-wracking thing ever. I was wrong. This is it. :13877886:

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  On 2/5/2018 at 3:43 PM, Xen said:

I agree-part of it is strategy, and part of it is just as @Katt mentioned, there's been no news of him for a while, and media is starting to write him out to a degree. So Brian might have just mentioned it "off-hand" to keep the media back in line. 


Regarding the layouts, I'm dragging mine into the General skating thread instead. Still have some numbers to crunch. 


Now I have a mental image of Brian with a whip and with a smile showing it off to media :facepalm: Why. Thank you!

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Since I give up as I don't understand anything any longer but we're almost there so it doesn't matter, can someone please just link me to where Brian said directly no 4Lz? Or is the only direct quote the one where he says all the jumps are getting good, bar the 4Lz? Thank you!

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  On 2/5/2018 at 3:58 PM, Yatagarasu said:

Since I give up as I don't understand anything any longer but we're almost there so it doesn't matter, can someone please just link me to where Brian said directly no 4Lz? Or is the only direct quote the one where he says all the jumps are getting good, bar the 4Lz? Thank you!


I think the second one. I'm assuming the first was a mistranslation. 

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  On 2/5/2018 at 3:07 PM, MrPudding said:

after soooo much secrecy why suddenly this...


Look at the wording.  Somebody has already said that the 4lz is not in good shape and not that Yuzu won't try it.  I think Yuzu is here engaging in a bit of disinformation, saying one thing and hoping people will misinterpret it.  The significant bit of news here is that everything else is going well.  I think Yuzu might also be trying some sort of surprise, perhaps a quad/quad combination.  He could do it because he normally has the speed and the height that makes it possible.  Add to that his very rapid turns in the air.  I think he could pull it off, assuming that the scoring system has base values for a quad/quad combo.  If that were to be put into his announced program it would totally discourage all the jumpers out there because even Boyang and Nathan do not have the strength and nerves to attempt something like that.  Remember that, as Johnny Weir said of Yuzu - it's not just the quads, it's the quality of the quads.  Yuzu's records are there because while his base values are competitive he can, if he skates really clean, count on maximum GOEs and PCS points.  In any case Yuzu is playing some heavy duty psychological warfare here.  He's letting everybody know that he's truly back and that they should be expecting the Yuzu of 2015 GP series and GPF.  I just hope he has the mindset that he had in the GPF in 2014, coming out of the crash in Shanghai and the podium-absence at the following NHK, where he skated what I feel was his best skate ever, despite the fall.  If that fall hadn't occurred he would have broken the FS record there.  The important thing was that he was skating to salvage the season, a season of real disaster.  He came through on it, even to the point that despite the fall he still won by some 35 points.  He's skating here to salvage not only this season but the last three also, the seasons where his overriding goal was a repeat of his Olympic gold.  With that kind of motivation I don't think it unreasonable to think he just might break the records across the board.

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Has the poor bb developed a very understandable mental block for the 4Lz? If he has, and he's decided that he'll focus on the Olympics before he sets to work battering that 4Lz block out of the way, then it would be an excellent decision to avoid it. He can still do a five-quad layout though I will cry bitter tears for the second 3A. He'll have that YOLO-3A, even a YOLO-3A combo, in reserve if he does pop a quad combo earlier. And seriously, if he does a clean four-quad two-3A SEIMEI, who can beat him?


Please don't be trolling, though, Brian. Please. I am glad the loop is behaving itself again, too.

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  On 2/5/2018 at 4:10 PM, WinForPooh said:

Has the poor bb developed a very understandable mental block for the 4Lz? If he has, and he's decided that he'll focus on the Olympics before he sets to work battering that 4Lz block out of the way, then it would be an excellent decision to avoid it. He can still do a five-quad layout though I will cry bitter tears for the second 3A. He'll have that YOLO-3A, even a YOLO-3A combo, in reserve if he does pop a quad combo earlier. And seriously, if he does a clean four-quad two-3A SEIMEI, who can beat him?


Please don't be trolling, though, Brian. Please. I am glad the loop is behaving itself again, too.



Can't it just be that a 4Lz is a jump that doubles the pressure on his right ankle (both pick and landing) and was already a moody bastard even before the injury, so it's probably best to avoid it for this one particular competition, especially with only a month of training? 

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