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“Tough times are when I can grow.” - Yuzuru Hanyu, 17 years old, before his first World Championships (Nice 2012). copied from tsukihoshi14 on Tumblr. 


This is how I am coping with essays. I shall grow during this tough time, Yuzuru!!! my brain hurts though.. after reading 10 research papers. 

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:offtopic:I'm doing a presentation on management of exercise-induced asthma/bronchoconstriction for one of my classes and one of the passages I found (from UpToDate) stated: "A major goal is to ensure that exercise is not avoided by patients with EIB. Asthmatics should exercise as much as desired, and should be encouraged by the fact that athletes have won Olympic medals and played professional sports, in spite of symptomatic asthma." Made me smile cause I thought of Yuzu :tumblr_inline_n0o1ffHUs91qid2nw:

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2 minutes ago, omurice said:

:offtopic:I'm doing a presentation on management of exercise-induced asthma/bronchoconstriction for one of my classes and one of the passages I found (from UpToDate) stated: "A major goal is to ensure that exercise is not avoided by patients with EIB. Asthmatics should exercise as much as desired, and should be encouraged by the fact that athletes have won Olympic medals and played professional sports, in spite of symptomatic asthma." Made me smile cause I thought of Yuzu :tumblr_inline_n0o1ffHUs91qid2nw:

My PhysEd teacher in elementary school told me this countless times. Still i was pretty scared of exercise because i couldn't distinguish between trying to catch my breath because of poor physical condition and trying to catch my breath because oh my god i'm dying take me to the hospital haha


A new edition of the Daily Spread Eagle is Livee:




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3 hours ago, Forcefield said:


Might just be the latter because life's evil like that.


This was my decision for COR's FS, to sleep through it, but I woke up just minutes before Yuzu anyway because some higher power was sadistic. Since I was awake I decided to sit through it rather than be awake but not knowing what happened live. But not having the precious few skates before Yuzu's to brace myself for it was tough! I don't think I learned anything from it though because I'm still contemplating sleeping through Yuzu's Olys skate.



Ngl. I laughed. Precious Yuzu's face emoji made it even more funny.

This has been me basically since 2014 Cup of China. My body had woken up (maybe I was anxious, I definitely got acid reflex) and so I immediately went to check news/scores only to find out about the collision. 


Since then I found my body wakes me up before he skates so I just gave up and set my alarm to watch him live. Though i don’t need it because my body still wakes up early, and I still get acid reflex before he competes. I’m usually less nervous if I’m going to see him live. More things to distract me. 

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2 hours ago, MrPudding said:

Yuzu maybe your 2018 resolution should be wear normal clothing eg. jeans, shirt other than black or white more often (once a year also can, at least anywhere where we can have a single photo of that) instead of trainers. Also please keep the UA.   :tumblr_inline_np9uqhnLHU1qid2nw_75sq:

Or how about finding a more fitted trainers when you are travelling, there are lots of comfy ones that aren't too baggy :POOH:. It's not you, it's me.. tho I still accept you in anything :tumblr_inline_n18qrbDQJn1qid2nw:








I really should do my essay now but here I am talking nonsense..


Ahem, building on your "nonsense", Yuzu in anything is an aesthetic, though with him being an athlete and seeing him in training wear most of of the time, catching him in casual clothes is always a treat.


Putting casual aside and going to formal wear territory, during Sochi I think Hanyu and other athletes wore the official gray suit at the airport. So another thing to look forward to (and take my mind off the nail-biting stuff) will be Hanyu strutting through the airport in a suit once again.


Resharing official attire pic for imagining purposes.

My two shallow wishes that may realistically never be fulfilled:

1) Yuzu's suit is fitted and not big on him for once

2) he slicks back his hair while wearing this, LGC style



Source: https://mobile.twitter.com/BluecosmosH/status/937943539480064000

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2 minutes ago, Forcefield said:


Ahem, building on your "nonsense", Yuzu in anything is an aesthetic, though with him being an athlete and seeing him in training wear most of of the time, catching him in casual clothes is always a treat.


Putting casual aside and going to formal wear territory, during Sochi I think Hanyu and other athletes wore the official gray suit at the airport. So another thing to look forward to (and take my mind off the nail-biting stuff) will be Hanyu strutting through the airport in a suit once again.


Resharing official attire pic for imagining purposes.

My two shallow wishes that may realistically never be fulfilled:

1) Yuzu's suit is fitted and not big on him for once

2) he slicks back his hair while wearing this, LGC style



Source: https://mobile.twitter.com/BluecosmosH/status/937943539480064000

what do we have to do for him to have a fitted suit that's at least only one size bigger than his. by one size I mean 1-2cm bigger :war:

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14 minutes ago, Forcefield said:


Ahem, building on your "nonsense", Yuzu in anything is an aesthetic, though with him being an athlete and seeing him in training wear most of of the time, catching him in casual clothes is always a treat.


Putting casual aside and going to formal wear territory, during Sochi I think Hanyu and other athletes wore the official gray suit at the airport. So another thing to look forward to (and take my mind off the nail-biting stuff) will be Hanyu strutting through the airport in a suit once again.


Resharing official attire pic for imagining purposes.

My two shallow wishes that may realistically never be fulfilled:

1) Yuzu's suit is fitted and not big on him for once

2) he slicks back his hair while wearing this, LGC style



Source: https://mobile.twitter.com/BluecosmosH/status/937943539480064000


7 minutes ago, MrPudding said:

ok now can we please have a zoomed out video of yuzu on ice please.

This made me more sad than i'd like to admit

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2 minutes ago, MrPudding said:

what do we have to do for him to have a fitted suit that's at least only one size bigger than his. by one size I mean 1-2cm bigger :war:


If that wax figure of his was recent, I'm sure someone could take a tape measure to it and send him a custom suit. Too bad his chest grew. :drama: Another win for more buff Yuzu who has evaded the fashion police in his fanbase, lol.

But I won't complain about him gaining more muscle and meat though. 


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12 minutes ago, MrPudding said:

ok now can we please have a zoomed out video of yuzu on ice please.

What does it take just to see him in the back ground just skating pass. We already seen everyone that was injured and wd in different competition skate and/or train on either IG or clips :sorrow:

*whiny voice* why can’t we see Yuzu  :gaah:


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9 hours ago, OhYuzu said:

I relate to this a lot, :tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid:


Omg, how could I have missed this jewel? Enrique CoMa is the spirit animal of this entire fandom, his sniffling while calling the jumps is just too precious! 


Off topic: Seeing the comments on the TCCs skill concerning the recuperation of skaters, I looked up Junhwan's nationals and his 4S is just out out of this world butter smooth. I rewached it 5 times and I still find it hard to believe it was a quad. /offtopic

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Am I the only one impressed that Brian can still skate that well? I think he looks just as good as Javi, or better, on the blade!


i think it's done on purpose, the no Yuzu thing. Brian rarely posts any pictures of Yuzu on his instagram, unless in a group, so I think he really wants to protect him, knowing the interest that there is...  that's good, but it's suffering for us.... only a few more weeks guys, and then media circus will really start and the cacti will be drowning...

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At this point I think total secrecy and mystery gives him more power. If he’s struggling, his reputation is better served by keeping everyone guessing. And if he’s surprisingly strong, it will mess with his competitors’ heads far more to get that shock at the last minute. I admire how nothing seems to leak out of TCC.


Cactii, unite!

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