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General Yuzuru Chat

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@Hydroblade, thank you for the beautiful theme!:tumblr_inline_mi7tcqZmot1qdlkyg::thanks: I love the coloring. It looks solemn but warm at the same time. The deep red reminds me of the color of bonfire and Nandin in the snow too. Nandin is called Nanten (南天) in Japan and believed to be a plant which brings good fortune because the name can read reversing (転=ten) adversities (難=nan), so I think it goes perfectly well with celebrating first snowfall for him!

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:tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid:I'm very happy that you like the theme. I wanted to make it cozy (which is why i added the snowfall effect too) and festive :tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid:

We are still cacti but i wish we can look at the banner and feel hope for the upcoming year (plus i added a bunch of good luck details including the very subtle golden circle lmao)

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