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6 minutes ago, Gaby said:

I'm scared. Like really really scared. I have been able to maintain my composure since the NHK  WD but not any more. There is so little time left till PC... He was off ice for the freaking months. He has to bring back all his jumps,which I'm sure he is capabale of doing, but that's not enough. He has to regain he stamina , and to be strong enough mentally to make a  comeback right before  the OG madness. Without competitive experience for 4   months it won't be a walk in the park.  My optimism is slowly abandoning me.


He has time. One month and a half is a lot of days of training and rehabilitation. He will do his best. And if he's not in his best shape physically, then I'm sorry, but it's not the end of the world if he doesn't do well at Pyeongchang. The body is a machine, and Yuzuru's mental plans don't mean anything if his body cannot make them reality. Really, he's so young, he can easily get revenge at Beijing 2022 LOL and fuck the record of being 'the first man to win Olympic golds back to back in 66 years'. It's cool, but records are just records. We love his skating because he expresses life and emotions, not numbers and records. In the end, this is what I think. 

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17 minutes ago, Gaby said:

I'm scared. Like really really scared. I have been able to maintain my composure since the NHK  WD but not any more. There is so little time left till PC... He was off ice for the  whole  freaking month. He has to bring back all his jumps,which I'm sure he is capabale of doing, but that's not enough. He has to regain he stamina , and to be strong enough mentally to make a  comeback right before  the OG madness. Without competitive experience for 4   months it won't be a walk in the park.  My optimism is slowly abandoning me.

i feel you. i'm also slowly starting to lose hope for his second ogm 😞. hope he can prove me wrong by feb

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but have u guys seen that tarot reading abt yuzu's olympic season on tumblr? so far, it seems pretty accurate. the worry and anxiety. but my fave part there is the final outcome where he'll succeed but idk i don't really believe in those stuffs but i'm holding onto it 😂

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12 minutes ago, Aotoshiro said:

I know but you know, you always have it just at the back of your head... like, the Aleksandrow's Choir's plane also had it, and look at us, it will be the anniversary soon T.T 

But! No good worrying in advance! If I fall at worst I will be able to ascend and punch skating gods in the face for not taking proper care of Yuzu! HEAR MY WARNING, SKATING GODS!

pilot error is the most common cause of crashes and stuff in recent years. If you die in a plane crash then your number was up, because they are very very very rare. Also, that wasn't a commercial plane, was it?

They will face the collective wrath of the Evil Fanyus.

5 minutes ago, Murieleirum said:

It's cool, but records are just records. We love his skating because he expresses life and emotions, not numbers and records. In the end, this is what I think. 

"Score is score. My performance is my performance" :war: i didn't want to say this ugh but what i meant about me only wanting to see him happy even if the results aren't ideal was something like Mao's FS in Sochi. So it can happen.

If that medal doesn't go to its rightful owner, it's not the end of the world: He will overcome that and just imagine the kuyashii from that. His next performance might be mind blowing, and those are the kind of performances that people hold in their hearts forever and go straight to the history books (though for me every performance of him is precious)

He has nothing to prove, he really wants it but i'm sure that if it doesn't happen, he will find another goal to conquer and we will be there to watch him show the world why he is so admired as a skater. I really want to see him shine like the sun at the top of that podium, because i want him happy and maybe a bit of a selfish reason too: it will make me tremendously happy to see him achieve that dream again.

But i trust him: whatever happens, he will find another goal and we won't be disappointed (not that he owes us anything).

I feel really shitty now, i feel a bit bad because one of the reasons is that it's hard to accept i won't be able to watch him skate until next year, and also because he must be feeling terrible (his murderface must be epic rn)  so yeah... It's been hitting me hard.

It sucks because there's nothing we can do but hope that he feels we're wishing for his recovery and happiness and... wait.

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4 minutes ago, ainjxx said:

i feel you. i'm also slowly starting to lose hope for his second ogm 😞. hope he can prove me wrong by feb


Hm Yuzu really doesn't have to prove anything to anyone. OGM? He already has one and no one can take it away from him along with all his world and gpf titles.

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Guys, Yuzuru Hanyu is a legend already - the fact widely accepted by many of his fellow skaters, he doesn't have to prove anything. If he loses in Pyongchang, it's not the end of the world, but I'm sure that if he's well, he'll fight for that title. But what matters now is his health, nothing is more important than that. 

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Just now, Gaby said:

I'm scared. Like really really scared. I have been able to maintain my composure since the NHK  WD but not any more. There is so little time left till PC... He was off ice for the  whole  freaking month. He has to bring back all his jumps,which I'm sure he is capabale of doing, but that's not enough. He has to regain he stamina , and to be strong enough mentally to make a  comeback right before  the OG madness. Without competitive experience for 4   months it won't be a walk in the park.  My optimism is slowly abandoning me.


Actually, stamina loss won't be THAT big of a problem-remember, even Dai-chan said he's doing off ice rehab so that is okay! Considering the boy was ready to jump triples after like, two weeks of practice after 03.11, makes me feel fairly confident about hm reclaiming his technical content, too, even if we're not talking about the teenager anymore, but the men in his twenties (so, let's give him credit of twice that time-it's 28 days, so still less than what is left till OG!)

Second, till the first competition of Olys, aka men Team SP, you still have 54 days, provided they allow Yuzu to be fashionably late and skip opening ceremony etc (and what can you deny your biggest frigging hope for a OGM...like, seriously, what? Maybe too early return to the ice, and that's only with the strong support of his team). I suck at math,but I'm pretty sure that's still quite a LOT MORE than two weeks between GP events, like what he had to do back at '14 GPS, and definitely more than the week he had before ACL (Do I need to remind anybody of ACL now? It happened this season, contrary to my previous argument!). And if JSF decides to let him do 4cc instead of Team Event, that's even more time before hitting Olympic ice!


Said 4CC(must feel stressed it's being mentioned so much rn xD) is still a good opportunity to check out competitive condition if he wants to (bonus: Pooh isn't banned in Taipei [last I checked] so the pooh rain will also vent his power a bit), and if he wants  to do something closer to his training base, well, I'm sure there are local competition that would beg to have him over (yes, I'm that optimistic).


And if he's not at his best at the Olys (which I don't believe, with @Xen's calendar rehab schedules in hand[ok, on the screen-you get the meaning]), well, Considering that his watered down SP can maximally reach 114, and I say maximally as in with his capabilities at his 'not best' (took that point off bc judges are stingy like that and won't give him 50PCS like, ever), while others struggle to get to 110, I'd say he has a mental advantage of winning SP, and, I'm sorry US media, if the unbeatable this season's threat wins comes from the SP score being higher than others, and Yuzuru is above that?

Also-I don't put it behind me that I'm just being mean to sQuad at this point- Yuzuru, even with lower BV programs, has potential to comfortably cross 320 total with a mistake (Ga watch Helsinki!), which, mind you, not even the History second Highest ranked skater (Shoma) does.


I send cyber hugs to you:grouphug:, as I know pessimism is a hard thing to fight, but like, remember that we are talking about this guy: 


And if this doesn't help, I found this thing (havent watched it yet, tho) which should lift our spirits a bit:



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6 minutes ago, Murieleirum said:


He has time. One😐 month and a half is a lot of days of training and rehabilitation. He will do his best. And if he's not in his best shape physically, then I'm sorry, but it's not the end of the world if he doesn't do well at Pyeongchang. The body is a machine, and Yuzuru's mental plans don't mean anything if his body cannot make them reality. Really, he's so young, he can easily get revenge at Beijing 2022 LOL and fuck the record of being 'the first man to win Olympic golds back to back in 66 years'. It's cool, but records are just records. We love his skating because he expresses life and emotions, not numbers and records. In the end, this is what I think. 

I know ,and I won't love his art any  less if he does not win that back to back OG  in  PC. See,the thing is it means worlds to him, he wants to win and to  do so decisively. I would just hate to see that sad Boston-like smile if he does  not . Not to mention that  he just deserves that gold  like no other. 

no decent updates   on his codition    do not. help to lower the level of anxiety either I guess 

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I totally understand the concern, but really whatever happens on February 16th and 17th is what was meant to happen.  We will accept whatever it is because we have to.  What Yuzu has given us already will never change and he still has more to give beyond those 2 days of competition. He is so much more than 2 days and he is already an Olympic Champ which never goes away.  I'm working on making my peace with that whether I end up super happy or super disappointed.   At least if it's the latter it will not have been my first rodeo (I survived Sasha's loss  and she didn't even have World and Olympic title performances to look back on for consolation :laughing:).  

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7 minutes ago, Hydroblade said:

pilot error is the most common cause of crashes and stuff in recent years. If you die in a plane crash then your number was up, because they are very very very rare. Also, that wasn't a commercial plane, was it?

They will face the collective wrath of the Evil Fanyus.


No it wasn't T.T It had most of their ballet, crew and three out of five solists in there (the fourth wasn't going because his child was being born, so it kinda saved it's parent already)

I will become your avatat then! (I was going to correct that to avatar, but in light of our joking about TAT adopting Yuzu, I guess it can stay xD)

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11 minutes ago, ainjxx said:

i feel you. i'm also slowly starting to lose hope for his second ogm 😞. hope he can prove me wrong by feb


I understand the feeling, but hope is really the last thing to die, so I'm sure all of us will continue to believe him no matter what our fears say until the moment his scores are announced in PC if he makes it there.


And really, as Yuzu fans we've learned to swallow our fears, tears, salt and bitterness (and in my case, pettiness) and just like Yuzu we will have to be strong and believe in him and also move on to continue to support him no matter what.


Believe me it's a collective effort. And the fandom really helps. I'll probably start crying again about how much I miss him every few days until he skates in a competition or show again.

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1 minute ago, Gaby said:

I know ,and I won't love his art any  less if he does not win that back to back OG  in  PC. See,the thing is it means worlds to him, he wants to win and to  do so decisively. I would just hate to see that sad Boston-like smile if he does  not . Not to mention that  he just deserves that gold  like no other. 

no decent updates   on his codition    do not. help to lower the level of anxiety either I guess 

This is pretty much it. I doubt anyone is going to love him less if that happens, or that anyone is going to really doubt about his capacity (sure, the media might want to play up with that but the people that matters always knows better).

It comes down to our inability to cope with his sad, defeated face :war:

1 minute ago, Aotoshiro said:

No it wasn't T.T It had most of their ballet, crew and three out of five solists in there (the fourth wasn't going because his child was being born, so it kinda saved it's parent already)

I will become your avatat then!

You'll be fine, so will be the FS team if they decide to go together. I speak as a very anxious individual who had never been on a plane before september and decided that a 6hour long flight was the best thing to fly for the first time lmao. And i've read a lot about plane crashes so i totally expected to have a full blown panic attack as soon as we encountered the tiniest bit of turbulence.  It's hard to bring down a plane (And i'm going to stop bc it's kinda off topic lol, the thing is, planes are safe, fear isn't rational but try to think that they're made to be up in the air!)

Everyone should become my avatar and then i'd die :)

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Lol sorry but now I'm imagining a scenario during which Pyeongchang is Sochi 2.0 and Yuzu makes a new WR in the Short but messes up the Free, but everybody messes up even worst than him and he ends up having the same kuyashii gold medal that will haunt him for the next 4 years :rofl:

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1 minute ago, Murieleirum said:

Lol sorry but now I'm imagining a scenario during which Pyeongchang is Sochi 2.0 and Yuzu makes a new WR in the Short but messes up the Free, but everybody messes up even worst than him and he ends up having the same kuyashii gold medal that will haunt him for the next 4 years :rofl:

If that means he’ll stay on til 2022 to try and get another one, I’ll take it :laughing:

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