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  On 11/17/2017 at 8:53 AM, Sammie said:

I don’t get it either. :scratch2: It seem like a honest answer to me. Not saying too much for reporters to spin his words. :shrug:

Is there something else that I’m not getting. :slinkaway:



Gosh, whatever Shoma does he is always criticized for it :facepalm: I don't find his answer controversial in any way, he probably doesn't want to speak about it much, which doesn't mean he is happy about the situation. 


I miss their adorable podium interactions so much :8122879:

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  On 11/17/2017 at 9:08 AM, Smultron said:


Gosh, whatever Shoma does he is always criticized for it :facepalm: I don't find his answer controversial in any way, he probably doesn't want to speak about it much, which doesn't mean he is happy about the situation. 


I miss their adorable podium interactions so much :8122879:



No wedding at the GPF this year. :( 

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  On 11/17/2017 at 9:08 AM, Smultron said:


Gosh, whatever Shoma does he is always criticized for it :facepalm: I don't find his answer controversial in any way, he probably doesn't want to speak about it much, which doesn't mean he is happy about the situation. 


I miss their adorable podium interactions so much :8122879:



No wedding on GPF podium this time :tumblr_inline_ncmif7esGm1rpglid:.


As for Shoma's comment, he actually hasn't said anything bad. I am glad most of fans didn't overreact to it.

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Saw the Shoma comment on Twitter. It seems that they're trying to spin it like Shoma doesn't care about Yuzu or his recovery. Tbh, it doesn't look that way. Imo it's just Shoma being mum with the issue because he sees it as something that doesn't concern him and also maybe he didn't want to burden Yuzu more of expectations of fast recovery. The media's spinning with their narratives again. That's just my opinion though. :shrug:

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  On 11/17/2017 at 8:45 AM, sublimeskating said:


i agree with you!  i want to see yuzu at 4CC too but i guess 4CC is too close to olympics so probably that's why he's not going to 4CC...


good to hear that the ligament is only stretched and not torn, which means it's not a serious injury (more like a bad sprain on the ankle) and it's good that brian is optimistic about yuzu's recovery.  i trust brian's word more than all the fake news articles trying to make it like yuzu's not gonna be ready for olympics or whatever.  i think yuzu and the TCC team made the right decision in going for JNats then olympics



I am happy to hear from Brian himself that the injury is not serious and the ligament is not torn. There weren't any real updates about the seriousness of it apart from  those news articles with people opining on the injury without actually seeing it. 

But from the start I was slightly optimistic about it since Ghislain said that Yuzuru could skate and jump(!) on the day of WD.

And once he is allowed to skate TCC will be the best place for him to focus on his goals while others still have to struggle throughs GPs and GPF. April showers bring May flowers.

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  On 11/17/2017 at 9:43 AM, kaeryth said:

Thank you @gladi:tumblr_inline_mueoe3Yabh1qdlkyg:




"Even on the 11th, when the free skate was held, there were many outside the venue, holding up signs that said “please sell your ticket [to me]. That more and more would come to love figure skating for its own sake, instead of one particular skater, is for sure the skaters’ greatest wish"



A really lovely sentiment and an important one, and good to hear about NHK (despite drop in TV viewership numbers). While I don't deny there is a huge gulf between Yuzu and my next 'favourite' skater, I'm so glad he was my 'gateway drug' so to speak in learning to appreciate and enjoy the skills of all the competitors and appreciate the sport as its own entity, on top of my appreciation for Yuzu in particular as a skater and person. Thank you @gladi for the translation as always!

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  On 11/17/2017 at 8:13 AM, MrPudding said:

:knc_brian2:: did you just realize that dear


Funny, I saw exactly the same two, virtually next to each other on my train back to the hotel, now. Yuzu above the door - gave me something to focus on while my feet were killing me not so softly - and Mao next to the door, much smaller. But actually both were smaller than expected :pouty:


I also just saw the P&G CM on TV. I think the grand release date was less about the release and more about when it started airing on TV... (Speaking of which... has the Ghana hot chocolate one aired? Or is it just pictures this time?)

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  On 11/17/2017 at 10:19 AM, sublimeskating said:

two: it's wrong to generalize because i'm sure there are many yuzu fans out there who also love skating and other skaters.  just because yuzu was their starting point, it doesn't mean that they don't love or respect the sport as much as fans of other skaters do.  i can't speak for others but i for one actually love many skaters - i'm not an expert but i've loved watching figure skating since i was a kid.  it's just that yuzu happens to be special and one that i like more!  :smile:


This is my case as well. I had watched figure skating since I was a child, but lost interest at some point. And I returned to figure skating because of Yuzu (and even started to skate myself). This  doesn't mean I watch only him, actually I root for many skaters. But of course he has a very special place in my heart. 

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