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Everything posted by Danibellerika

  1. The list is about who is famous and his fans and pooh are a large part of the "why" whether we like it or not. The list doesn't include hockey or baseball players either which we should have a pretty good handle on here, so grain of salt away I guess.
  2. @kiches and I were asked about his looks from the Japanese media when we were specifically trying to talk about the skating, so yeah, they don't care much either. I've shared this article with some of my friends who don't know a lot about skating or him and they said they enjoyed reading it, finding it insightful and finding him a bit more interesting. The guy is a champion, so maybe it's already established that he's pretty darn good and they don't think it needs much elaborating.
  3. I guess, but she appears to be writing about her own experience and quotes people she talked to herself which adds a little more authenticity.
  4. Sounds to me this is mostly about what she observed. Doesn't seem like she was granted a sit down interview to ask him anything. Also, I don't expect much from ESPN where the audience is a majority of the people to who have no idea who he is. The first thing they see is Pooh and the fans so that's naturally what will be discussed. I'll be looking for it on the newsstand over lunch since I still generally appreciate what we can find on him in English.
  5. We knew nothing of it until after. He kept quite the poker face even skating a near record short only for that free to happen. I remember getting back to my hotel room, feeling bummed (and doubly so because I could only make it to the free in person) and my cousin was suspecting he could be injured. Then the news broke.
  6. It's fun looking at these reactions to his win. I'd like to see a compilation of them all. I commend them for keeping a steady hand. I SO totally had shaky cam going on for myself. I was oddly calm for the short, but for the free I felt so extremely nervous. The closer it got to his skate I thought I was going to puke and I didn't understand how these skaters could function with nerves let alone skate well. I wanted SO badly to just fast forward to the results, but that wasn't really an option because I was there in person and it didn't get any more live than that. Completely irrational thoughts, but I was thinking them.
  7. ACI is so close and convenient that even if it's "too soon" I think it's the most attractive option. And if we're going to learn the new rules in June that still feels like plenty of time to me, especially for a guy who only had 3 weeks to really pull himself together to compete at the Olys.
  8. I see. I was thinking mental fortitude in terms of actually skating clean. Because if we're going by results and scores then on paper Nate looks a lot better than how he's ranked.
  9. Javi tends to be okay getting whatever he can get, so he kind of plays in his own sandbox. Brian has said it's mentally healthier going Javi's route where he'd be happy for a silver vs. a Yuzu who would be devastated (as would we all).The stakes always feel like so much more when only one result will do. Also, to put my money where my mouth is, Javi was clean (as in all positive GOE) with intended content exactly 5 times this quad. And then a couple other times he only did a 2a or 2t in the same seasons he does 3a and 3t so to me that's kinda eeeh.
  10. I can count as many clean free skates from Fernandez as I can count from Chan this entire quad and that's 1 (after both botched their shorts). And I can probably count as many clean shorts on one hand too. He just doesn't seem that solid to me.
  11. I didn't see this link before on their tweets. Thank you!
  12. Happy Birthday to the Planet!!! We've had a heck of a first year! But I'm so glad to have this board so we satellites can hover around and celebrate our favorite Planet together. To many more years! And how about a little cheer from the Pooh-san squad!
  13. I certainly know I wasn't watching anybody else (sorry fellas!! Yes, in that moment Yuzu sneezing was a bigger deal than your quad). When you are there though, while it's completely illogical you feel like the louder you scream the better he'll do. It was like we were really willing things to happen and screaming was the only way to do it. For Seimei, I was a little worried in the end because we were clapping pretty loudly and it was starting to sound like our clapping was getting off-beat and I didn't want that to mess him up. Watching it on the TV it doesn't sound quite as off-beat.
  14. Yes, Belinda Noonan! I'm sorry to keep calling her the Aussie lady (her name was escaping me), but she is wonderful. One of my favorites is how she says "what an outstanding short program!" She was breathless. I wish we could hear from her year round. I preferred NBC's camera work by far. I need to take the NBC versions and overlay it with other commentary. I remember being at the Olys watching his SP and you could hear a pin drop. And when he did his first sit spin a guy in my section with the press said "wooooow". It really was glorious though.
  15. Well on my headstone it will say "She died doing what she loved. It was a good life." Anyway, thank you so much guys! I thought I was going nuts for a bit there.
  16. I'm thinking it might be definitely based on location. I'm in the states. Do you have an actual TV channel aside from online? You are correct that it's not NBC, it's the Aussie lady. But on the plus side, I just checked listings for figure skating and the 4K broadcast from Olys on NBC is still on there through August! Guess I need to bug Comcast for that 4K box after all! Seeing Seimiei and Chopin at their most clear and sparkly is something we ALL deserve.
  17. My online shows the same as my tv, which is curling (makes sense because I have to log in to my cable provider to get access). I SOOOOOO prefer skating >_>_>_>_>_>_>_>_>. Question, is it NBC commentary and camera angles or was it the Aussie lady?
  18. I remember it was an hour of coverage where we only saw the top 6 performances from PC. But they replayed worlds in its full or near full entirety. And as of now they are showing curling and have been showing curling.
  19. I checked my listings and there is no skating on the schedule for the whole weekend. They pulled this the last time saying we'd see stuff from PC and it was mostly worlds replays.
  20. It's certainly what I cared about most. Results are results! Can't taken 'em away!
  21. That was my guess and I'm completely down with that. Or BOrser!
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