Turned into hopeless fan in January 2017 (no Yoi related, though I later watched that too). Here is my personal descent to hell (or ascent to heaven?)
The first time I watched figure skating was Turin Olympics 2006 because...well, because they were home games :yes: .
I fell in love for Totmianina&Marinin’s RJ (that music was fated :love:) . I also noticed “the cute swiss guy who got silver”, “the Russian guy with a big nose who according to the commentators has wonderful step sequence and is pretty much the best out there (but he couldn’t win my heart over the cute swiss guy, sorry not sorry) and the japanese lady who did that cool thing with her back (layback InaBauer, definitely fate there too :bow: ). Yet for years I merely enjoyed watching FS occasionally (let’s say once a year when TV broadcasts an Ice show during Christmas :s_blush). I admired the whole concept of “dancing on the ice”, but I felt bored with most of the programs...
I completely skipped Vancouver (don't ask me how, I don't know :rofl2:) but someway I ended watching the whole Sochi women event (and all of the drama). Actually I did stumble by chance in men's LP and this Japanese guy with a ridiculous costume :wtf: (yep, fate ) being introduced as the favourite for gold before the LP. I clearly remember turning off the tv with a scoff after the second fall.:embSwan:
Yeah, I know, karma is a bitch.
Years passed, and I downloaded a few FS performances (mainly Yuna Kim) because I wanted to show them to my family. Then I got curious and I wondered what the winners from Sochi were doing (I was still bitter at Yuna’s silver, I admit it) and so I re-discovered “the weird Japanese guy with the awful costume who fell a lot”.:rofl2:
I found his PW SP and even if at first I heartly disliked the music I was blown away by the sheer energy, speed and everything that makes PW special. I still marvel at how Yuzuru manages not to trip in his feet while launching in his huge jumps, contorting in his spins and flying on the ice (that step sequence looks still insane. By the way I have the same feeling about LGC: how on earth one cannot trip with all of THAT?). Then one video led to another and I ended watching all of Yuzuru Hanyu’s programs, and then I started searching for different commentaries, and then watching fan videos, then his interviews, documentaries, etc etc etc ...and here I am :drool: :whiteflag:
Now I feel the need to spread the Yuzu love all over the world. :grin: :s_yahoo
It has been a long journey (and it’s only been four months :omg:). I’m gonna die next season. I was already shaken by 4CC, WC and WTT, I really have no idea how (if) I can survive a whole season (and the Olympic one!!!)
My poor heart... :cry: :crybaby: