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Everything posted by Veveco

  1. I already saw a couple Eta: even better...
  2. More crumbs!! Yay A whole... 10 seconds
  3. Said cohost deserves to be fired for making disgustingly sexual comments to Alina.
  4. Gotta love the sport categories on sponichi: Yuzuru Hanyu NBA NFL Gymnastics
  5. It looks like they updated the schedule a couple days ago and in the end there is only 1 group. So I guess that's it. https://www.waseda.jp/top/en/news/73735
  6. New white wall from ANA message!!! That little smile with the Seimei pose
  7. Unless Yuzu has a secret hobby of drawing fanart of himself, it's not his desk, lol. I wonder where they're going with this though. Are they going to use art works in their campaign?
  8. It's hosted on YouTube, though? The stream should be solid, no? Or does it still depend on Waseda's server capacities even if streamed via YouTube? (I probably won't watch myself but I'm curious)
  9. Who had Eteri-Borser combo in their 2020 bingo card? More seriously it makes sense that she would need a Russian coach given the situation. She can't stick to remote coaching with how things are going and won't be able to go back to Canada for a while. But with her back.... I have worries....
  10. Is that the one from the SCI 2019 interview? (~0:45 to 1:20)
  11. Not surprising but sad that he didn't get a proper send-off. Wishing him the best for the future.
  12. Posting this here for inspiration: After what happened with OC no one can blame her. Joy (@BecomeTheDance) and Fukuhana (@Fukuhana7) also often provide translations on Twitter, it might be worth getting in touch with them. By the way they are both encouraging fanyus who are learning Japanese by using the hashtag #FanyuStudyClub
  13. Welcome here Sorry to hear about your bad experience. Feel free to gush about Yuzu with us here or go to the "general skating" or "other skaters" parts of the forum to talk about anyone in the skating world. I hope you'll have a good time with us.
  14. Oh I just meant it as a joke. As it happens it recently came up on my Twitter feed and I couldn't resist sharing because it's adorable.
  15. Yuzu giggling for good health and clear skin
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