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Everything posted by rockstaryuzu

  1. Fast forward to 2032 and some fresh-faced young lad will be doing Origin all over again, tribute to Yuzu. But even his contemporaries are doing it - did you see all the hydroblades and high-kick Axel landings that popped up this season? crazy.
  2. I really like what Yuzu says there about Shae's skating and how it's helping to move him towards his 'ideal of skating' . I've always found Shae's own performances to be something completely different from other ice dancers - even back when she was with her skating partner, they stood out as people with a different concept and a unique vision. Nice to know Yuzu sees it too, and wants to incorporate it into his own work.
  3. Depending on your sources, Musashi is sometimes seen as a bit of a madman. Or at least, an obsessed man. Guess Yuzu can be like that too...
  4. I seem to recall Scott saying during an interview for the Thnak You Canada tour that the reason he and Tessa did the side-by-side Axels with Yuzu at FaOI is because Yuzu's the boss and what he wants, he gets, and they were really happy to do it for him...but I can't find the interview now.
  5. That sounds like a very well-spent evening.
  6. I'm sure Yuzu never dreamed he'd end up.in so many girls' bedrooms!
  7. Let's face it, the Japanese men in general have the most interesting and beautiful costumes. None of the others come close!
  8. There is that anime ( Houseki no Kuni) about gems that are people...and Yuzu is a known anime watcher...
  9. Yes, it's from this time last year. He's given more recent (i.e post-Saitama) interviews where he's said that the 4A is no longer a 'someday' dream, but a goal he can work solidly towards achieving.
  10. I have to say, that one is my favorite, not least because when he falls, he flips off Ice-Chan and that just makes me giggle.
  11. This looks like it's the hydroblade/leap combo....and what an incredible angle the photographer got! Amazing!
  12. What he said about Javi...he's such a sweet boy!
  13. I was thinking of a much more ...ahem...juvenile interpretation. More along the lines of 'who did that?! >green cloud< >holds nose<
  14. That looks like spray-on hair colour, such as you can buy at Halloween for costume use. It washes out easily. Looks pretty good on him though.
  15. Then it's probably one from this season. Otonal?
  16. I'm betting on the outlier being Dory. Just because.
  17. I just hope the choreo is sufficiently different from the one for the other skater Dave Wilson did a Schindler's for last year. Sometimes Wilson comes up with great things, but a lot more often his programs all look the same to me, like he's just phoning it in.
  18. My mistake, but it doesn't change my opinion of the music, which I think should be plunked into a bin marked ' Do Not Ever Use Again' .
  19. So Jason Brown just tweeted his new SP, and it's Schindler's List, by David Wilson. Not really sure how I feel about that, for two reasons: 1. DW did a Schindler's program last year for another skater, and the snippet of choreo Jason shows looks similar, and 2. I'm sick of the Schindler's List music in skating. It's fast becoming a warhorse and for what it ( the movie) is, that's really not appropriate.
  20. I'm ready to picket in support of this. WE WANT ABS!!!
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