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Everything posted by rockstaryuzu

  1. Same. Never going to buy an all-event sight unseen again. I will wait until all the information is released before buying, or else get single day tickets, and the gala is what I'll purchase last.
  2. Get a VPN for Canada and then you can watch everything online. CBC is streaming this online right now.
  3. Just watching the CBC re-broadcadt of Pyeongchang...and THEY AIRED THE YUZU INTERVIEW IN IT'S ENTIRETY!!!!! WOO!!! It's just so exciting to get to see him properly on TV! Also, watching the ice dance again made me realize how much I miss the Shibutanis.
  4. I think Brian is just constantly afraid that Yuzu is going to let his ambition for a 5 quad program outrun his common sense, TBH. "Quality is more important" is probably his way of telling Yuzu to be careful and safe at every step.
  5. It's part of the annual Obon festival in Japan. I actually don't think it's a dance meant for performance the way flamenco is, but it's the only common Japanese dance I know about.
  6. For me, it's not so much about improving his skating or making him 'more balletic' or whatever, as it is about giving him a new set of tools that he can choose to incorporate into his movements or use to build up his techniques. Remember Yuzu is all about technique being the support for artistry. Any new movement vocabulary he can pick up will only help him with that. Instead of thinking of him inside the boxes of 'figure skater' or 'ballet dancer', think of him as a master of movement for performance. Any and all forms of performance movement could, and maybe should, be in his toolbox of skills so he can pull them out at a moment's notice in order to create something new. The hydroblade-leap combo he used in Otonal and Origin is the perfect example of this. Hydroblade is a movement you can only do on the ice. It only makes sense on the ice. But the huge leap is clearly a ballet movement, one you can see in many classical performances. Put them together and you have something beautiful and new that only Yuzu could do. Anyway, right at this very moment, ballet exercises would be a useful option for keeping his conditioning at home, provided he pushes all the furniture back...
  7. I'm laughing at the mental image of Brian as a nagging mom parroting 'Quality is more important' over and over again while Yuzu rolls his eyes and flounces on to the rink saying 'Yes, Mom. Geez! I heard you the first thousand times!'
  8. I think the secret we've uncovered here is that Chopin is hands-down Yuzu's favorite.
  9. LOL... it's destiny. Destiny, I tell you!
  10. It's wayyyy too hard to decide between PW and Seimei.
  11. Yes it is, which is why I posted it. I wouldn't be surprised if someone over at CBC is watching to see those counts rocket up.
  12. I was watching directly from my YouTube recommended list! YouTube is so weird.
  13. I'll be watching the Pyeongchang replay on CBC
  14. Hey guys. Just dropping this here because the views are so low ( only 569 after 2 days!), and they shouldn't be. It's the YouTube of the Yuzu interview with Scott Russell. Apparently it's geoblocked, but if you can get through, give it a view, so as to encourage the CBC to do more stuff like this.
  15. If ever there was a time for him to start... He can't train on ice, at least ballet you can do easily at home.
  16. Easy. Pick H&L. It's the ultimate skate ever done.
  17. Eh, only a little. He was the gold medalist in Pyeongchang, after all - and it's not like any of our men landed on the podium...oh no I said it
  18. Definitely! That was unexpected. Guess we won't be able to enjoy his skating at ACI anymore, then...
  19. I would love to see him skate with Brian, but I'm pretty sure Brian isn't ever going to perform again. But the two of them doing a program together would be so touching. I'd also love to see him skate with Jeff Buttle. I'm thinking the two of them would have a very playful and comedic energy on the ice, and that's one thing Yuzu doesn't really do, is comedy. Jeff could help him explore it.
  20. So the first batch of these is complete and ready to be mailed out to those who requested a mail-out. Everyone else, please either DM me your mailing address or else plan to come to ACI or SCI in the fall.... I still have lots, happy to fulfill any badge requests between now and the new season, just give me a shout with the following specifics: Badge design (green Seimei or snow Seimei) Sparkles or no sparkles Name(s) you want on the badge (DM if you want your real name on it) Mail to you or pick up at a competition (DM your address for mailing)
  21. Because that back is beyond compare? I've said this before and I'll say it again, I alternate between drooling over Yuzu's physique and wishing I was in as good a shape as him. I miss my teenage competitive swimmer body! Never thought I'd end up a middle-aged lump.
  22. If only they could learn to skate like him, then.
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