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Everything posted by rockstaryuzu

  1. He's also a troll king that likes to tease us, but I do think he'll bring new programs next year.
  2. So glad Evgenia is enjoying being on Team Cricket so much....
  3. So here's Keegan winning the lockdown hair contest and the 'make the most of whatever ice you got' medal: Incidentally, looks like the weather is warmer there in Alaska than it is here in Ottawa right now... -4C with frozen puddles and snow on the ground last night...
  4. As for whether Canada is considered Yuzu's country of residence - I doubt it. He's in and out of the country enough that he most likely isn't here 183 days in total in any given year. No idea what his immigration status would be but my guess is it's some kind of student-type visa, and those usually come with strict restrictions on the type of work and earning someone can do while here. Also, I've paid Canadian taxes all my life, I have friends and family who lived overseas but still filed their Canadian taxes, and I can tell you with absolute certainty that what country you pay taxes to is 100% linked to where you've earned the money, not where you're a resident. If you earn money overseas and have paid all legal taxes in the country where you earned the money, Canada does not tax you a second time on the same income.
  5. I wonder more about what kind of a visa he's on when he's here...presumably a student visa of some kind? If that's the case, then the types of income-earning work he's allowed to do here would be pretty limited. Which , in turn, affects his tax situation.
  6. You can only be taxed in Canada on income earned in Canada, or, if you're a Canadian citizen, on income earned elsewhere in the world, but not taxed in the country of earning. That's a gross over-simplification but basically how it goes. Apart from winning SCI, Yuzu doesn't make an income in Canada, at least as far as I can tell. And unless something really strange has happened, Yuzu is a Japanese citizen and therefore not a Canadian one (as Japan does not permit dual citizenship). So whatever taxes he pays, by logical deduction, he must be paying them in Japan. and this is a really weird topic...who cares about his taxes, honestly.
  7. Wanting to watch that parade live is what got me to finally join the Planet (I lurked for a bit before that). The only links I could find to the live broadcast were from here. And then I messed up the time zones, and joined the stream just as Yuzu left the float and went in to the press conference, so I had to go back and watch the whole thing from the beginning later. An hour and a bit of grinning like a fool and waving at my computer screen later, I was satisfied. I've never seen such uplifting joy. Please tell me I'm not the only one who waved back everytime the camera showed Yuzu waving at us...
  8. If you go to his YouTube channel you'll see that he's been coaching skating for the past 18 months or so. Don't know if he still is. edited to add: D'oh! @sweetwater beat me to it.
  9. ... Warn a girl before you attack her like that! My heart...Geez...
  10. ...and he's a Waseda student. That's Ivy League enough for me! So where are our +5's, huh?
  11. SC Origin has absolutely got to be in there. Also GPF Origin. And I'm partial to COR Origin too, although at the time all I wanted to do was drag the boy off the ice and give him a good talking-to for skating injured - again. H&L Helsinki for sure. PC Seimei. 4CC Ballade. Any version of HYK. Baby Romeo at Nice. and yes, COC POTO, no matter how gut wrenching (and, frankly, stupid of him) it was. Any LGC. Requiem Boston. It's all the ones that get you in the feels, isn't it? Those are what he'll be remembered for.
  12. Him and Jason Brown with the ab workouts! I guess there's no easy way to get skater abs. Also, I'm not even flexible enough to be able to do the second exercise in the warmup. Wow.
  13. I do love that photo. It makes him look like everyone's favorite cool senpai, no? TBF 'apple risotto' sounds like a dessert to me, not a savory dish
  14. Those were indeed my thoughts. And people call him inconsistent
  15. They look like they could all be from the same competition! The Under Armor doesn't even age, never mind Yuzu
  16. You're right, it does! It seems fitting though - he's our missing-from-the-ice golden boy.
  17. Lutzifer/Lady Lutz, 4Lo, 4S. 4T is an old pal who would never betray him. The others have to be courted delicately
  18. Wasn't that when he played an actual samurai lord in that movie?
  19. Could be worse! But everybody has their own taste in politician's looks I guess
  20. well, we got Trudeau, at least he's handsome and has a soothing voice...but yeah, jealous of Japan rn
  21. There must be one somewhere...haven't reached it yet though
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