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Everything posted by rockstaryuzu

  1. HYK. Personally, I would have thought Etude or another watery one for Aquarius, but I'm not complaining.
  2. I honestly can't say that I think this is the best idea Russia ever had: https://twitter.com/ifsmagazine/status/1298695131877515264?s=20 they must be doing better at controlling the coronavirus than we realize because this seems like a big risk
  3. And even then, change will be a long time coming. There have been so many child sex abuse scandals in my lifetime, in so many different sectors of society, from religion to community organizations to schools to sports, that I'm now of the opinion that the problem is much broader and deeper than any one 'culture of impunity' and really speaks to a general issue of moral fibre and the lack thereof. To put it simply, there's a subset of humanity that thinks it's perfectly okay to victimize those who they hold power over, and that victimization can take many forms. Some forms - such as abusive training methods - are unique to a certain setting, but they all stem from that same basic evilness of "You're weaker than me so I can do whatever I want to you" . So how do we build a world that eliminates this idea from people's minds so completely it will never rise again? because that is how you end abuse.
  4. Still not as unlikely as Adam managing the LGC step sequence...which I'd pay good money to see if he could even do it.
  5. Oh, I missed that part. I thought the contest was open to anyone on Weibo, ie the whole platform, which is a much higher number.
  6. I have to agree, I think Yuzu in general only takes sponsorships with companies he truly feels he can support.
  7. I knew it would be someone like that... can't decide whether I hope he did it for his girlfriend to have the photo or whether he wanted it for himself. Either way that's a lot of competitive spirit!! Edited to add: apparently the guy in question has admitted to being a fanyu himself...pretty impressive. But I'm surprised that there were only 107 participants, I figured there'd be thousands.
  8. All of this love and watering from Yuzu....we need a great big giant cactus bloom heart emoji to express our thanks properly in return. These little hearts: are just not enough!
  9. Associated with the Planet, you mean? Not to my knowledge. We're from all over the world so not everyone has Line here.
  10. I'm guessing it'll be only skaters who are already in Europe competing... anyone coming from this side of the Atlantic is still facing quarantine restrictions.
  11. I imagine! This is a bit of a surprise from Brendan, IMO. I've seen him skate live 3 or 4 times, and while he definitely gets the job done, I never got the impression that he had ambitions of doing big, unusual jump combos like this. Maybe he's taking advantage of the pandemic time off from competitions to work on it and get some new skills under his belt before the Olympic year.
  12. Nice looking 4S-3A from Brendan Kerry. At least, it looks like 4S to me...I'm not so good on catching all the rotations https://twitter.com/FSIgstories/status/1297914675980570631?s=20
  13. Rika's turned into a real globetrotter. Kind of concerning in this time of pandemic, but I guess she's very determined to keep her training up.
  14. Love that Yuzu is letting his science/engineering colours show in the Citizen clips. Let that STEM flag fly! A passionate, intelligent, artistic, athletic, conscientious, and kind man....no wonder he captures so many hearts...
  15. Everyone knows the postdoc is more like the infinite sequel to the first trilogy...and my Japanese is coming along, it's probably good enough for taking measurements anyway. By the time Yuzu-sensei is at PhD level, I could probably manage.
  16. Including him offering me a job? 'Cuz that'd be awesome...
  17. That's irrelevant if they're not the ones who foot the bill for competition costs, which are usually recouped from ticket sales and TV rights, as far as I know. Also, are you talking specifically ISU Figure Skating, or the ISU as a whole, which has other sports to look after, namely speed skating and short track, which have different financial considerations altogether. I mean, there's only one country in the entire world where speed skating could even remotely make money, and that'd be Holland.
  18. First time ever in the history of academia, possibly. Another record. It occurs to me that if Yuzu were in physics, this thesis would only be part one of a trilogy. He'd expand upon it in his Master's and also his Ph.D, especially if no one else is doing this kind of research in his field. The bachelor's thesis would be like the feasibility study of the technology, to see if it did offer promise to solve the problem he's looking to solve (i.e. Can I use this stuff to get data on skating performance?). The master's would be about translating the technology from the lab to the ice and trying to get viable data from 'real world' situations. And the doctoral dissertation would be all about using the on-ice 3-D motion capture system to analyse competition programs and grab data from them that could be used for training or scoring or whatever. And the post-doc would be scoring a whole competition using 3-D motion capture and AI for the technical score. But now I'm just talking nutty-bananas, utterly whackadoodle crazy fanyu talk, ja?* *sarcasm. This is sarcasm. Also, Yuzu, if you do decide to do a doctorate or post-doc, and need a research associate who's used to painstakingly measuring tedious amounts of data in minute detail, I'm your woman. I already count electrons for a living, I have the necessary skill set.
  19. Most masters theses get published by the university the student is attached too, if the thesis is accepted by them. Normally only to put a copy in the university's library though. I wonder if Waseda makes their students' published theses available for reference online. I'm so pleased for Yuzu. Getting a thesis done is a major accomplishment. And really, what better way to use your time during a situation like this?
  20. that is very intriguing...I wonder what that might lead to... *Cough* 4A training *cough*
  21. Can't get the stream to work, and I missed it anyway. Hopefully there'll be video uploaded soon
  22. That's simple enough. The difference is audience size, which of course equates to money, and (this is my opinionated guess) the perception of figure skating as a sport only women care about. If figure skating had a mainly male audience, there would be a lot more invested in it, full stop.
  23. "White Wall-kun, who always has Yuzu's back, protecting our boy's privacy like only a blank wall can..."
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