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Everything posted by rockstaryuzu

  1. After the way he flirted with the entire arena during his programs in Kelowna, I suppose we shouldn't be surprised...
  2. Oh Nam... isn't he already Keegan's skating wife?
  3. I just found this...does anyone know anything about it? https://twitter.com/miruru1207/status/1293312638340837376?s=20
  4. All your patients will just have to watch Yuzu along with you!
  5. It's no joke to get a driver's license in Japan. They take it seriously. I'm impressed.
  6. Don't tempt me! Would be a fabulous chance to get the lowdown on those lovely cool down exercises.
  7. Either way, technically the 'feathers' part of his name could sort of be 'practice, practice' in Chinese, then, right? Seems very fitting.
  8. I looked this up, and the description reads "four kids will enjoy a private group lesson with Brian at TCC including snacks and hot chocolate" . Sounds like a great opportunity for kids! The current bid is $650. More than I can afford, but I'd bid on it if I had kids in skating...
  9. Maybe. Anytime I watch her, what sticks out to me is her lack of speed. It's especially noticeable in her step sequences. Bear in mind, everybody except for Yuzu looks slow to me.
  10. Yes, still trying to figure that one out myself.
  11. I feel like all this kind of commentary all stems from the same place: the stereotype that an athlete can't also be intelligent or intellectual. There's a perception that physical prowess somehow comes along with a diminished number of brain cells, so whenever a skater makes no secret of their intelligence, suddenly there's this "Oh, wow! Whoa, amazing!" reaction. This despite the fact that physical activity and participation in sport has been scientifically proven to improve mental performance. Anyway. I agree with the rest of what you said. And I'm going to add that, at least in the hospital where I work, surgeons are regarded as cowboys by the other doctors. Aka, kind of reckless and overconfident, not necessarily too bright. So it's all in the perspective.
  12. Actually, it's been a year since we last saw him compete, so we don't know if this is still true. As an aside, who else is looking forward to seeing Kolyada back on the ice? Because I really am. Anyway, yes it can be hard for someone to change ingrained bad technique but it's not impossible. Ever hear the saying 'practice doesn't make perfect, perfect practice makes perfect' ? This is exactly what it's referring to - practicing good technique so often it becomes ingrained in the muscle memory, just like the bad technique used to be. And Trusova needs speed throughout her program, not just for jumps. She's not as bad as Zagitova but there's room for improvement.
  13. ....at the 4CC banquet, no less...while everyone else was after Yuzu for a photo. Camden still sounded amazed about when he mentioned it in the interview.
  14. while we're on that topic, where's "global Muse" Yuzu? KOSÉ, come on!!
  15. True, I'm going on the assumption that you pretty well have to build up all of it together - the speed, the technique, and the strength to control it all. presumably Plush understands that and will pass it on to his skaters.
  16. true but you get so much back in return - more height, more rotation, more flow coming out the other side. At least, that's what I see with Yuzu anyway. Kolyada too, come to think of it. And I can see why Plush said that - she's still windmilling.
  17. If she builds up strength and gets the right technique going, in theory there's no reason she couldn't.
  18. She's skating too slow and has no momentum to carry through the combo. If there's one thing I hope Plush can teach her, it's to skate with sufficient speed. Then maybe the other problems will also get better. Sufficient speed = enough momentum to fully rotate 4 turns, for example. At least that's what the physics would suggest. Yuzu has spoiled me for anyone else. He's so darn fast on the ice that everyone else looks like a turtle by comparison. But after watching him, it really opens your eyes to how essential having good speed is for things like jumps.
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