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Everything posted by rockstaryuzu

  1. Well, that makes me very excited. Can't wait to see it.
  2. There's only one flaw in Yuzu, as far as I'm concerned, and it's that we simply don't get to see enough of his performances, or of him.
  3. It's the overhead lighting, and that event actually did take place in a museum, so it wouldn't be amiss to see them like that. That reminds me... isn't Yuzu already in a Madame Tussaud's in Japan somewhere? I thought they made one of him in PW costume.
  4. Google says 180, but he's young enough that he could still be growing
  5. Jun's exactly 180cm, Roman's 184. Well, maybe it's not enough to make a difference.
  6. @FlyingCamel I can't remember whether it's that video, or one of his pandemic blogs, but somewhere along the way, Roman mentions that dancing BTS is out of his comfort zone because he's not trained to move that way - he's more of a ballet guy (seems incongruous to his personality, but anyway :)) and used to being smooth and flowy, not sharp and precise. While, Jun, on the other hand, dances this style all the time and has posted quite a bit on his insta. Also, I think Jun's shorter. It probably makes a difference.
  7. I kind of love that Roman's gone all Army...I'm bit past the BTS age range myself but it's fun watching someone else get into a fandom. Also I like the way Roman has decided to lean into pandemic hair.
  8. That or he went through bucketsful of lipbalm and Vaseline!
  9. Not to mention the risk of frostbite...it's never stopped him. He just loves Ice-chan, germs and all...
  10. @Anni Welcome! Thanks for posting part 2 of the Tsuzuki interview. Part 1 caused us all some confusion when we tried to figure out what he meant by talking about Yuzu and love. Turns out all he means is that falling in love might expand the range of Yuzu's artistic expression...honestly, I'm not sure I agree. I think Yuzu is already expressing the most ardent and passionate love he has, when he skates.
  11. Oooh, pretty! That's the work of an amazing colourist.
  12. And didn't Brian just say last week in the NBC interview that he doesn't want any of his overseas skaters to risk coming back to Canada until it's 100% certain they'll be allowed back in? He said something to the effect of Jason being a bit of a test case.
  13. Agree. Plus, 'Institute of Foreign Relations'? That sounds like a very serious and heavy course of study. She might not have time to continue competing.
  14. Par for the course for them, unfortunately. “We should give equal chances to everyone” Eteri Tutberidze in May 2018. Equal chances, my foot! Girls that comply get everything, girls that don't get deliberately shafted, regardless of their talent.
  15. Somehow I'm disappointed, I had something a bit more genie-like in mind.
  16. Canadian boys are always up for a good joke! But none of this would be possible without the stunning majesty that is... The Waist TM. So jealous of Roman, getting to touch it twice!!
  17. A little coda to Roman's Yuzu waist moment reflection today: This : ロマン君 is popping up in the Japanese fans' tweets. It's 'Roman-kun', of course, but for some reason the translate function on my Twitter keeps translating it as 'Romantic'. . . . I has no words. Today has been an absolute gift. Thank you Roman.
  18. I think one is pretty well known - it might the same one @FlyingCamel is calling the 'white mask' lady - the one who follows him through airports and hotels and tries to get on the team bus if she can...there's video of her online and that's where I saw it. The other is someone who has tried to get close to several skaters, not just Yuzu, and that's all I'm going to say publicly, because I think they're someone who needs mental help.
  19. Present company excepted! Sorry about that!
  20. ...we'd all have to pretend to care about other things while secretly pining for Yuzu...
  21. ....I personally* know of at least two people who've done this.... *I know of two people from social media, not people I'm personally acquainted with.
  22. Roman's reply: https://twitter.com/_romansadovsky/status/1293607966126608384?s=20 @Veveco beat me to it!
  23. I see! Well, fresh crumbs for me then, because I didn't know Yuzu had done it!
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