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Everything posted by rockstaryuzu

  1. both are wildly overrated. Life is about watching Yuzu, isn't it?
  2. Funny coda to this: Quite by coincidence, today was the day my trainer decided I should go from 30 seconds of plank to 60 seconds of plank, so I had him distract me by talking about figure skating. It worked, too. My trainer is a hockey player. I'm sure he finds my Yuzu blather silly but he goes along with it, and he was pretty amused by the plank competition idea. He wanted to know if other skaters had ever done anything similar.
  3. Doesn't surprise me. Anytime there's close-up video of his hands, it's easy to see that his hands are strong.
  4. several months later: So how many people wouldn't have even dreamed of ever doing a plank until Citizen (C-chan) initiated the contest, prompted by Yuzu's confession that he's doing planks to keep in shape right now? Edit: I'm referring to this: Which translated, says that Citizen will be holding a contest in China, on weibo, where the person who submits video of them doing a plank the longest , will win an autographed Yuzu photo.
  5. If so, C-chan has no idea what they've let themselves in for... because I'm sure there's somebody in the vast Chinese fandom who can plank for at least ten minutes or more...maybe more than one. We can discuss terms. Actually, it might be fun to do it along with Yuzu's programs. See who can plank for the length of LGC, like that. Maybe if we're sufficiently distracted by the PPOS, we won't even notice that we're planking.
  6. Or we could do it as a Zoom meeting and have a couple of adjudicators watch everyone. And to level the playing field a bit, we could award prizes for things like 'most creative fail', etc
  7. Yes. I feel sorry for the Guinness people who have to travel the world over witnessing stuff like that. It must get very routine after a while
  8. You say that like it would be a bad thing... ...what if we did our own planking contest on the Planet? It'd give us something to do while pining for Yuzu and I'm sure we could rustle up some kind of prizes...
  9. The Chinese version of 'here, just take my money please'. LOL! I actually wonder what's going to come of this. The world record for holding a plank is 8 hours, 15 minutes, and 15 seconds, by a 62 year old former US Marine.
  10. So here's Yuzu starting a whole fitness craze without intending to...
  11. Yes, the thing he does at the very end is what I was talking about.
  12. Oh Lord. I struggle to accomplish even one of those...
  13. Have to agree...those abs weren't built by planks alone. I have seen video of him doing rotational-type exercises with something like a resistance band (or a pulley and weights) as well, from one of the FaOI news vids.
  14. Eh, depends on which ones. Side planks are evil like the devil but a regular plank isn't too bad.
  15. never mind Brian. I'm steeling myself to hear 'well I've landed it (4A) but kuyashii desu it's not perfect yet...'
  16. About Roman's video: the most important thing he said, IMO, was 1. "The ISU can't force us to compete" and that the GP competitions for this year don't count for world standings, so there's no pressure to do them, and 2. "if I don't think it's safe, I won't go" - which he then elaborated on, essentially saying that most skaters are able to weigh the risks and make an informed choice. He also pointed out that the plan to hold GP events is just that - a plan - and can easily be dropped or changed if needed. And he's right: if no standings come out of GP this year, then the only incentive pushing skaters to go is their own motivation.
  17. White Wall-kun joins Pooh-san and Ice-chan in Yuzu's supporting cast?
  18. Yuzu needs to discover the joys of Duchamp ties. My brother collects them and they are exquisite, and would complement Yuzu perfectly
  19. I feel so watered! I might not even be a cactus anymore!
  20. He looks so cute in a suit. Handsome, yes, but also cute. How does he do it?
  21. So gorgeous. Fashion models only wish they looked like this...
  22. As amazing as he is, when I look at him I see a very human person. I just don't necessarily consider that a 'flaw'.
  23. come on, now. That does not compute. 
  24. He could stream a daily video of his cool-down exercises and stroking practice every day for a year, no jumps, no spins, nothing but edges and speed, and I would not grow tired of it.
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