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Everything posted by rockstaryuzu

  1. Well, that's a relief. Brian - hold tight to her, please, don't let Zhenya fall! Seriously, this G**d*** virus can just go die in a fire already. F**k.
  2. No, I'm not enjoying it. Honestly this make me want to cry. Zhenya was so happy in Toronto and her skating was so good. Eteri will break her now. THis %$$#@# sucks.
  3. Zhenya's had a horrible run of bad luck if you think about it, ever since her skates broke at RusNats last year. It needs to stop. And then, as the cherry on the cake, the backstabbing <s>witch</s> coach of her past is now pretending to want to help her...and Zhenya has no choice but to go back to her. This is awful. If there's any way at all that Canada Customs will let her in, Zhenya should just come here already. do the quarantine, get it over with, put the whole thing behind her, and get back to training. My heart goes out to her.
  4. All the Chinese fanboys out here putting the rest of us to shame with their Yuzu love...first the planking kid and then this... About the performance itself...this kid's got good lines. Can't tell too much about the rest of his skating in this video. And I applaud his bravery doing the hydroblade with a violin in hand. One fall and the violin would be toast! All in all, bravo for this young man. There must be at least a gala's worth of Yuzu tribute performances out there by now. It would make for a fun show to gather them all together, maybe.
  5. Shows us that someone over there is on the ball at least.
  6. In front of a white wall, don't forget. For that element of spice to give the story flavour.
  7. That's so inappropriate. I have no words.
  8. The magazine stalking him at midnight is just...* shaking my head *
  9. Are you freaking kidding me? what a bunch of *many unprintable words* For starters, Canada is not tabloid gossip immune. If they had got it, it would have made the papers here. And I sincerely doubt they'd be back skating right now.
  10. Even in a bloody pandemic...that sucks so much.
  11. Nah, it was more like...a big confused silence when the scores were announced. Like no one could figure out what they were smoking.
  12. So Google Photos on my phone decided to remind me that this time last year I was seeing this: https://photos.app.goo.gl/7n2q7TG3A73wukAT9
  13. Origin 1 makes Yuzu look like a god descended from Mt. Olympus...which I guess was the general idea...and it is hands-down the best costume for him. Origin 2 is more beautiful, but Origin 1 is the perfect balance of grace and power. Of all the Seimeis, I must say I like highlighter Seimei the best. there's a freshness to it with the green that really speaks to me.
  14. Ah, there's a lot of people that would agree with you about Dory ( the blue with yellow one). Personally I think his worst costumes are the ones he wore for Lotte in the gum ads...
  15. good to see them back posting on YouTube
  16. NOOOOOOOoooooooooOOOOOOOO!!! I love him! I adore his grit. On the other hand, I'm not surprised. He's in his 30s and got injured last year. Continuing on is probably not going to get good results.
  17. but what they've got so far on the tango looks very promising. It could be that they're thinking to keep this year's programs through the Olympic year, too, so in that case it makes sense to change them now. By the way, Gabby cracked me up with her comment about getting into shape in the early season and the way they wonder how they ever got through a 4 minute program. Very relatable. Marjorie and Zach impressing me with West Side Story...
  18. Anyone else checking out the Ice Academy of Montreal Live right now? It's so good to be watching skating again! Hannah Lim and Ye Quan just finished and they were wonderful!
  19. This. This triggers me so much. Maybe as a non-Japanese I have no right to comment but, like, seriously...of all the lame criticisms. The guy does more for Japan in four minutes on the ice than any other civilian they have has done in a year. I have heard from talking to Japanese fans in Kelowna that part of the issue is that Yuzu is from Tohoku, which is apparently looked-down upon in certain circles. As I am not from Japan, I can't comment as to the reality of this at all, so make of it what you will. And just as suggestion, talking about what reasons antis have for being anti, is not really a productive conversation, so should we steer away from it maybe?
  20. So now tell us everything about you: how you first saw Yuzu, what's your favorite jump of his, and whether you like him better with LGC hair ( all slicked back) or Chopin hair (softly framing his face). Inquiring minds want to know. Disclaimer: you are in no way obligated to tell us these things. But share if you want to.
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