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Everything posted by rockstaryuzu

  1. Very nice to see him, but why does he look like a bobblehead doll? Something about the way the shadows are falling on his neck makes his head look a bit disconnected, or something?
  2. A MacBook, yeah. But there's using Apple products, and then there's being into Apple and having everything Mac possible.
  3. I could picture Her Majesty being quite entranced by him. she's known to love excellent things and Yuzu is adorable to boot. I definitely can't hang out today, but everyone else have fun!
  4. I hope it's not a bad injury. For some reason hearing this made me feel like it might be.
  5. You can bet that if she were still skating and a serious contender for medals, RusFed would be flat out with the denials and going on the attack against WADA and basically doing their best to cover up and keep her skating. The fact that she's retired gives them a chance to pretend they actually care about whether their athletes are doping or not.
  6. Probably depends on how he does in Beijing, but he's also got the not-so-small matter of compulsory Korean military service to contend with, as all the Korean boys do.
  7. Jun's just cute as a button, isn't he? That did my heart good watching it.
  8. LOL! The boys are throwing K-Pop hearts! Cute!
  9. "CBE"? Can a Japanese person even receive that? After all, Yuzu's not a subject of the Queen... Also, I just found the cutest new emoji:
  10. I'm kind of wondering why Waseda posted a public link for their graduations. Does it mean they're willing to accommodate the huge level of public interest in Yuzu's graduation, or is it simply an error on their part? IMO this isn't such a great thing to do to all their other graduates... I think I'll just wait for the news footage afterwards, if there is any. This graduation is actually part of Yuzu's private life, so as a fan, I don't feel like I have any business to watch it.
  11. Just because the relationship should be professional, doesn't mean it can't also be close and warm. And a sports team is not a purely professional environment. Teammates do build a bond with each other that is different and more emotionally involved than a regular work environment because they go through so much together. So it's not 'fake' when they talk about friendships with each other. And I think that to mock people who enjoy seeing that kind of friendship and camaraderie on social media, or who admire the coaches who are able to create that kind of environment for their skaters, speaks volumes about the character of the person doing the mocking.
  12. I've noticed that there are lot of people on Twitter who are quite, quite nasty about Brian and TCC, who are gleeful and smug that all this is happening, and saying that those who like and support TCC are 'learning their lesson' about not making a cult of a particular club or idolizing the bond between a coach and skater just because they 'post faked friendship photos on Instagram'. Sweet Mother Mary, I don't know what goes through people's heads for them to say garbage like that. This pandemic is ripping all kinds of people apart who were together and happy with each other before, and it's downright tragic. It's no less tragic for it to happen to a sports team or figure skating club than to any other group of friends. I know we're not supposed to drag up drama from outside social media on here, but when I see people taking that much evil enjoyment over someone else's pain...
  13. Are they even going to hold CoC? I thought China had banned all sports events until 2021 too
  14. It's sad to think about. Her technique was just getting good. If this had been a normal season, I honestly think we all would have been amazed by her. Instead we get to watch Eteri put her foot through a Rembrandt.
  15. I haven't wanted to say it out loud, but I'm starting to wonder if Beijing will even happen, myself.
  16. ....well, their pride was hurt when she left, so of course they're going to feel vindicated now. . But what will it take for them to realize that Eteri's methods are utterly toxic? Evgenia's complete collapse? All I can say is, she looked so beautiful and strong doing Exogenesis and Memoirs of a Geisha last year, jumps notwithstanding. I don't want to see that woman disappear into another generic starved-to-death spindly Eteribot (with the concurrent bad technique) again.
  17. One hopes that Eteri has also learned something from all her skaters running away from her and will be willing to treat Zhenya on equal terms as an adult. And that Daniil one day takes a choreography class. One can hope for many things. But thank you for the thought.
  18. Whilst Eteri was conveniently ignoring how much she's been shading Evgenia all this time. Anyway, it's one thing to go back to the old coach. it's another thing to be able to work with them again after having grown as a person. I really wonder how this is going to go.
  19. I'm beginning to feel like this pandemic is going to be disastrous for TCC completely.
  20. At least for now. Brian specifically said he didn't know if Evgenia would comeback to him after the pandemic is over. So maybe she'll be back, who knows. Evgenia worked so hard to build up a strong and healthy body with lots of muscle and recover from injuries etc....now she'll be back to starving herself and running 15k a night after practicing all day...like how on earth is she supposed to get better from her back injury that way? ...and knowing that there was an option to go to somewhere like St. Petersberg but it got blocked... just adds insult to injury. Also, I hope Morozov makes a full recovery with no symptoms...what a turn of bad luck to test positive right now...
  21. Well, I don't care what anyone says about it , whether it's been too much drama or what - I'm just going to be praying for her from now on, clearly she needs it. I want to see her succeed so much.
  22. Oh my heart is breaking. She was so healthy and happy...and how is she possibly going to be able to go back to those old training methods after having tasted real respect, kindness, and freedom from Brian and Tracy? I've been thinking for a while now that Zhenya's been getting really bad advice from somewhere...since the pandemic she's made bad decision after bad decision...and now this. Man. I don't want to make gloomy predictions, but IMO I'll be surprised if Zhenya makes it to the end of the season now, let alone Beijing. Whoever is advising her, please stop. She needs to do what is healthy, for crying out loud. Two pages back it said that he would remain her chief coach, with Eteri as second coach.
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