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Everything posted by rockstaryuzu

  1. It's reassuring to know Hanyuconomy carries on as normal despite everything. See? The world's not ending yet.
  2. ...I have lots to say but maybe I better not. I can't imagine why this needed to be a competition, though.
  3. Fixed it for you. Not that I'd be able to keep up with Yuzu on skates but maybe he'd let me crib some ideas for getting faster.
  4. Oh my gosh, I want it now. But there's no way I could possibly get it. It's probably already sold out.
  5. I say go for it! I'm tempted by the calendar myself, it will look great in my lab. Don't know if my colleagues would appreciate it though.
  6. Oh my goodness....his soft voice is just......making me wobbly at the knees... But you know, guys, as nice as this is, at this point I'd rather be seeing him skating. I hope he's in full training right now, whether he has to do it long-distance on the phone or not. Yuzu, I miss your skating, kid! Yuzu probably got one.
  7. Because BTS is having a HUGE moment - the song Joseph is dancing to here debuted on the Billboard Hot 100 at the #1 spot and stayed there two weeks, totally unheard of for almost any band you'd care to name. I love that the statue of the Blessed Mother is his audience. Good kid. Also, he's got the choreography down...better than me at any rate. Also, just in case anyone's interested....I still haven't heard a word from the volunteer organizers for SCI after putting my name in to help out...and there's still nothing on the website. it's five weeks away and still no news...
  8. If he's not real, though, then who is that guy in all the blurry photos and videos in my phone camera reel?
  9. I'd love to help out but i really don't have any of the skills that would be useful here. If there's a role for a willing pair of hands that just need to be told what to do, let me know.
  10. ....but then how do you know who wins the argument if both sides are being full-blast idiots? Because clearly there's no admitting that one might be wrong.
  11. A man who maintained a 20-year-long skating career with 13 of those years at the top of the game, cannot ever by any definition be a 'lazybones'. Russians really don't hold back when they get going, do they.
  12. Funny thing is, Nebelhorn still doesn't get the crowds, at least as far as I can tell from videos.
  13. yes, I understood that. I thought he was making the comparison to the time when Lysacek did exactly that against him at the 2010 Olympics, and saying that Zhenya shouldn't be hoping for the same thing to happen again. And truly, i think Zhenya's both smarter and tougher than Lysacek so, I'm sure she already knows. @FlyingCamel the thing is, if luck is with her, that might be enough. But in this case, 'luck' involves hoping that none of the quadster girls puts in better skate than her on the day. Which, since it's the Olympics and the pressure is sky-high, could be something that happens. ice is slippery after all. Personally, I think Zhenya knows she needs a quad and wants one but getting one isn't easy.
  14. Just clicked on this link and RT.Com showed me a pop-up inviting me to 'Join the ranks of foreign agents, sign up for our newsletter." Nice, uh, marketing there...
  15. Is he trying to draw a comparison between the two of them? Because, no offense, Zhenya's about 30 times the man Lysacek is...
  16. I wonder if Keiji`s injury is better yet.
  17. Personally I think Yuzu would be more likely to draw Pooh than himself but I agree with you
  18. You can always tell it's Yuzu by the way he moves. Never mind 'moves like Jagger', it's 'moves like Hanyu'
  19. I hope so, because I missed my chance to see it this past March
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