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Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet (13/67)

  1. Ahh, I still did have hopes for Orange Colored Sky, it was a nice program and I liked the music. But if she didn't feel alright with it, then that's fair. And I hope she can work well with Misha, since they get along in general. To be honest I would rather see her FS replaced than the SP, but I guess replacing a FS mid-season would be a bigger deal, and maybe she feels there's still potential in it. Either way, keeping my fingers crossed the change works for her. (while still being somewhat anxious about all this)
  2. Ahh, 4th! Just behind the podium. That does warrant me some kuyashii too, doesn't it? Kidding though, very happy with the score and first in pairs, too... it might have been the most predictable discipline It was fun, thank you very much @Joey!
  3. There will be one more show, in Ostrava! This is the ticket website: https://www.ticketportal.cz/event/FIRE-ON-ICE Since Ostrava is about an hour drive away from where I live, it took me more or less 1 second to decide that I'm going. It's in nearly a year but still, so happy that I'm going to see Javi!
  4. Already voted several times as well, cause why not. On my most recent vote, the captcha word it gave me was "chin". I found it strangely appropriate.
  5. Caro has had really sh*tty luck this season... I hope she gets well soon
  6. Ohh, a streaming party, fun! Not sure if I make it home by then though but if I do, I'll try to join!
  7. I got exactly the same one as in the picture! Two of them, actually! (one for SP and one for FS) Maybe we looked for our goats in the same places...
  8. Same - ahh, I literally just submitted my guesses with them in GPF (how many more withdrawals before this thing even starts? )
  9. This is fun! I've entered my guesses - probably at least a pinch of wishful thinking in there, but oh well, might as well try to force some stuff on the universe
  10. Rainna


    Totally agreed. I do love many of his "softer" looks, but, by default, I'll pretty much always prefer a darker style over a softer style. And he pulls it off so, so well...
  11. I think I'd actually prefer this, or even darker/more red. He's had so many blue costumes but we almost never get to see him in a colour like this. Also definitely more "autumnal". But the original blue is beautiful too, not complaining
  12. It is gorgeous! While I think the last, black one fits the program best (kind of?), the blue one is just generally stunning
  13. This I voted for Helsinki, although really without much conviction. Not even sure I even want that to happen, because I feel I might not make it back home alive if that's the case Really almost anything can happen at this point, can't it?
  14. It's a really cool edit! The song fits well, it's powerful... just like Waka Thanks for making and sharing!
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