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Everything posted by yuzuangel

  1. That particular forum is now closed to the public for now :P
  2. hahaha fast aren't they Iirc this photo appeared really fast, like the next day after the FS. lovely and he looks
  3. thank you! i actually tried something different just now but i have no clue how to feel about it x'D i actually really like working with pixel art but i haven't done any in weeks... so it kinda didn't work out as well as i hoped ;; i also need to get used to drawing his hair, they way i draw hair normally isn't very compatible orz is this pop star!yuzu? :P
  4. Well, Hana Ni Nare got only 1 vote less than Requiem :P I agree, Requiem is so good, it might be my favorite Yuzu program, if only there weren't so many other amazing yuzu programs. Actually I wrote about my favorite programs ever ^^ BTW I LOVE YOUR AVATAR. yuzuangel, I loved reading your thoughts on all those programs! Boston's Requiem really was something special. I remember writing just after the FS and the fan thread had become immersed in anger, sadness, confusion, that perhaps the Requiem he had yet to perform would help to heal both himself and the fans as well. It's a program that reminds us that there's more to competitions than winning or losing, there's more to figure skating than competitions. It's a program about suffering, pain, but also hope, and life. I'm not sure if you've seen it, but our very own alia jackson has a version slowed down to 60%. The effects on the audio are like a slow submersion into a deep, calm water. It's remarkable in his sheer musicality (watch out for the timing on the 3Lo, the 3A, and the arm movements on his flying camel spin right after) but also offers a brilliant and haunting perspective on this sublime program. thank you! i love writing about figure skating :D and i'm not really emotionally stable enough right now to rewatch requiem, but i will put it on my list for next time :)
  5. Well, Hana Ni Nare got only 1 vote less than Requiem :P I agree, Requiem is so good, it might be my favorite Yuzu program, if only there weren't so many other amazing yuzu programs. Actually I wrote about my favorite programs ever ^^ BTW I LOVE YOUR AVATAR.
  6. isn't there another one where patrick is eyeing Yuzu's Olympic gold medal? xD
  7. Then we can have twin phones I really like yours too, runrun has the cutest fanarts HAHAHAHAHA reposting as embed:
  8. Yes, there is a white and gold one, much better then the blue one. Now, I wish for the same shirt but in black. This is perfect, too.
  9. It's not a real costume. It's a photoshop. :love: But a very good idea! It's soooooooooooooooooo gooooooooooddd
  10. wow i really like all of these :space:
  11. Honestly, if he wins anything other than silver, I would be a little worried... <-- holy crap so hot
  12. I have a feeling 4x WC will be a magic number for him but more is good too
  13. I can't stop laughing :rofl2: But he's very expressive :goe: OMG THIS IS HILARIOUS!!!!!!!! :rofl2: :bow: :rotfl: OMG GORGEOUS I CAN'T STOP TYPING IN ALL CAPS JAFPEWJPOAIWE;FLWKEFALWE
  14. "by a crazy margin" :rofl2: [tweet]859508116869853188[/tweet]
  15. Would love to see her wearing something like Elena Illinykh (sp?) Sochi dress. (That dress was seriously the most beautiful figure skating dress I've ever seen.)
  16. One thing I won't miss is everyone on Golden Skate talking about how Jason is best artiste 5evarrrrrrrrrr
  17. Aww, now I'm sad, since I preemptively claimed post #100,000 on the FF, but now it will never happen
  18. People who saw her live usually say she is quite slow...and her programs are quite empty after all. It's hard to judge when it comes to "performance", I do think she's not bad when it comes to interpretation. She definitely deserves a bit more, but how much more? She's a lovely skater, but she definitely has her weak points there. Yeah I did see her live and she is slow. Her skating really lacks any power. But I agree...if she lands 5 triples and 2 > triples, she deserves more than 102 ...
  19. I would love to see it! there you go i guess orz i always feel weird about drawing people. or maybe it's fanart idk i'm so used to anthropomorphic characters and animals that everything else looks strange in my style at least to me. i also maybe should've chosen an easier costume and maybe used a reference for anatomy purposes but this was born out of an in-class doodle so ;; swan yuzu <3 i lovee it :love:
  20. wow, one of the most gorgeous photos i've ever seen :love:
  21. yeah, use [image] tag can't change tag without advanced hosting yet
  22. Yeah, I do wish it for him, I think Team Canada deserves it the most.
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