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Posts posted by fireovertheice

  1. 2 hours ago, LadyLou said:

    Are you computing only quads in the free skate? In GPF 2016 Yuzu landed only 3 clean quads, iirc he fell on second 4S (and got the +REP). I remember 4CC was the first time he managed to land 4 quads.

    ETA: I'm also confused about GOEs. In the scoresheet from ISU they are different :confused:



    You are right: my bad. I don't know if a made a mistake in checking the scores on the Skating Scores site or if is a problem of wrong cut&paste (these are the data for Nathan...:facepalm:).

    I am sorry about that: I will check again all the data to be sure they are right.  However I will edit the previous post adding also the sources (yesterday at the end I was a liitle in rush, so I didn't).



  2. In the light of what has been said in the last post (by @kiches, @Forcefield and @Murieleirum) i report also here these posts, with some data about success of quads, 4 quads performances and GOEs for quads for Nathan, Shoma and Yuzuru.





    It's clearly -  as kiches said - a good progression in the last season for Yuzuru and in some part also Nathan and Shoma, and something more erratic and also less interesting to see - at least for me - this part of the season from Uno and Chen.

  3. And now - just to compare - the data for Yuzu (only 8 comps and more important without the last two of this season, because of the WD :():


    1) ACI 2016: 2 quads (the 4Lo and the 4S)

    2) SC 2016: 2 quads (the 4S and the 4t)

    3) NHK 2016: 3 quads (the 4Lo, 4S and the 4T), with positive GOE, from 2.29 (2nd quad) to 1.57 (last one)

    4) GPF 2016: 3 quads with positive GOE, from 2.57 (first quad) to 0.26 (last one)

    5) 4CC 2017: 4 quads with positive GOE, from 2.14 (first quad) to 1.14 (last one in the combo)

    6) WC 2017: 4 quads with positive GOE, from 2.71 (2nd quad) to 2.43 (last one in the combo)

    7) ACI 2017: 1 quad (the 4S in the combo)

    8) CoR 2017: 2 quads (the 4Lz and the 4T in the combo)


    So in the last 8 comps Yuzu landed 1 quad in one, 2 quad in two, 3 quads in two and 4 quads in two. In these last the GOEs have never surpassed 2.71 and are in average from 2.14 to 1.14. It's interesting to see is his progression in the last season, then followed closely by Chen, who peaked too early to fail at WC though.

    Yuzu PCS are still higher than those of Shoma and Nathan, also if not so much as in the first half of the last season.

    *Source: http://skatingscores.com/


    This year the trend for Nathan and Shoma for the moment seems more erratic than in the first part of the previous season. For Yuzu is not possible to say, obviously.


    Edit: after the post of @LadyLou I corrected the data for GPF 2016 and the general count.

  4. 16 hours ago, Lunna said:

    Disaster competition :waffle: I feel like only Voronov deserved a medal today. Mika was his usual self, at least second part was good. I dunno what happened to Shoma and Nate: are they too tired, too much presser or maybe 5 quads in FS are really too much? And can Nate have a new shirt already?


    My question is: also how many times Nathan and Shoma landed not 5, but at least 4 clean quads and with positive GOEs?


    If I saw well this is the situation for Nathan starting from last season (his first senior):

    1) Finlandia Trophy 2016: only 1 quad (the 4T in the combo)

    2) TdF 2016: 2 quads (the 4Lz in the initial combo, and the 4F)

    3) NHK 2016: 2 quads (the 4F in combo, and the 4T in combo)

    4) GPF 2016: 4 quads with positive GOE, from 2.00 (first quad) to 0.71 (last one)

    5) 4CC 2017: 4 quads with positive GOE, from 2.43 (first quad) to 1.29 (last one); here attempted also the 5th quad

    6) WC 2017: 2 quads (the 4F combo and the single 4F)

    7) USA IC 2017: 2 quads (planned apparently to do so)

    8) CoR 2017: 4 quads with positive GOE, from 2.00 (first quad) to 0.57 (the 3rd)

    9) SA 2017: 2 quads (4Lz in the initial combo and the single 4Lz)

    10) GPF 2017: 2 quads (4Lz in the initial combo and the 4T in the combo)


    So in the last 10 comps Nathan landed 1 quad in one, 2 quad in six, and 4 quads only in three. In these last the GOEs have never surpassed 2.43 and are in average about 2.00 for 4Lz and 4Lz combo, much lesser (0.50-1.80) for the other quads.


    Now for Shoma (not counting the eventual UR problem...):

    1) LT 2016: only 1 quad (4T)

    2) SA 2016: 3 quads (4F,  4T and 4T in the combo), with positive GOE, from 2.29 (2nd quad) to 1.43 (last one)

    3) Cor 2016: 2 quads (4F and 4T)

    4) GPF 2016: 2 quads (4F and 4T in the combo)

    5) 4CC 2017: 3 quads (4Lo, 4F and 4T in the combo), with positive GOE, from 2.43 (1st quad) to 1.29 (last one)

    6) WC 2017: 3 quads (4Lo, 4F and 4T in the combo), with positive GOE, from 2.14 (last quad) to 1.14 (2nd one)

    7) LT 2017: 4 quads with positive GOE, from 2.00 (3rd quad) to 0.80 (first one)

    8) SC 2017: 2 quads (4Lo and  4T in the combo)

    9) IDF 2017: 2 quads (4Lo and  4T in the combo)

    10) GPF 2017: 2 quads (4S and 4F)


    So in the last 10 comps Shoma landed 1 quad in one, 2 quad in five, 3 quad in three and 4 quads only in one (Lombardia Trophy at the beginning of this season). In this last he GOEs have never surpassed 2.00 and are in average about 0.80-1.80 for the other quads.

    * Source: http://skatingscores.com/


    I know that they have to push and to try to have success, but it seems to me that they are still too far from that: Shoma seems now farther from this goal than Nathan; still we have to consider that Shoma has better PCS than Nathan. 

    Pity that Yuzu is injured. I really hope that he can recover well and soon to see how he can fit and perform again in this sportive race.

  5. So, I watched also this segment of competition of the men. There is not so much to say more than is already is done (the UR not called here and in the SP, the laughble PCS scores, the non existent - to me - IN...).


    I thought: "It's true. Each of the top contenders has a lot of stress on himself for different reasons (already mentioned before by someone of you). It was for that". But then I thought at all the stressful situation in which Yuzuru delivered (from 2011 all the most important ones, with the exception of Boston, if you want).


    Then I thought also: "It's just because they are too young, mentally and emotionally. They have still to grow in this aspect". And maybe this is the problem, at least for Nathan and Shoma.

    Maybe after Yuzuru won over the older and more experienced and acclaimed Chan, most people has taken for granted that a youngster with strong technical content could easily do the fantastic things Yuzu did at GP and Sochi in 2013-2014 to overcome the "uncles" and Yuzuru himself. With Chen, also with the choices of his programs this year, they are trying to play the same/similar game that Brian-Yuzu did in 2013-2014 (modern and smart SP to cover stifness and to underline youth and freshness of the skater; FS with more slow and emphatic music, strong packed in TES to cover the difference in PCS).

    But I am afraid that Nathan is not Yuzu, not only from the point of view of talent in skating, but also in term of personality and mental strenght. We will see next months. For Shoma the situation is different but maybe we will see better at Nats.

    In the meantime, after I watched the FS of the men in this GPF, I felt the urgent need to look again at this (when BESP commentators still loved him...).



    I know that the technical content is not comparable. But I have the impression that the huge difference in the performances is not because - or not only - because of this...:waffle:. And here he was just 17 (younger than them), it was WC and this was his first senior season (a very stressful situation, indeed).

    P.S. PCS in line with the time: 83.00.

  6. 7 minutes ago, Hydroblade said:

    :tumblr_inline_n18qr5AMus1qid2nw:  I'm really nervous. I basically told them that if they could show him the map, even if he didn't read the messages, that would be ok. I don't think that's pushy, is it?

    (cue overthinking lol)

    I s2g this is more nerve-wracking than approaching Tracy and giving her the swans. Or actually calling Yuzu's name when he was in front of me, this is so weird lol.


    I think you did very well :2thumbsup:! Don't be nervous: you did an awesome job and, more important, with passion and patience, virtues that he can understand very well (he has 'eyes' for this sort of dedication, I think).

    Hopefully the link will reach him (cross all the fingers). Now you can rest and simply enjoy the the fact that today is HIS birth day :10815002:.

  7. I have finally seen the performances of the men. The SP od Nathan remains the smarter and more agreable one in this comp; still I don't like so much his skating style / general stiffness and also the spins here were too slow and not well done. Also: can you explain to me how do you read his IN of this...? Which is the relation with Clementine "Nemesis"?

    I still don't buy the IN and CO for Shoma "Winter", but it's clear that the judges don't agree with me, though I have to recognize that, aside from the quality crossovers and in general two-feet skating, he was the best in SS here (but not so much over 9...!). I see other problems here in the spins.

    I like very much the jumps and the skate of Kolyada, but still he has a lot to improve in this SP.  For the other three I agree with a lot of things already said here before.


    Said that, after what I have seen in this and in last season, and also after some explanations given by Ambesi&Dolfini in their last podcasts and some good posts of gkelly in a couple of new threads in GS, my conclusion is that PCS are becoming a lost battle till the OGM.

    If you have a planned high technical content - that the judges know before, obviously - , a certain reputation/ background - also known by the judges - and you are skating in the last / top group, automatically scores are starting at 8.25/9.00.

    Then it depends on the comps, on the competitors and on relative cleaness to score more in the range of 8.50-9,00 or to surpass them, scoring in the 9.00-9.50 or more.

    Considered that GPF is seen as an elite/top comp, they had already in mind to scores the firsts among 9.00-9.50 to layer down proportionally for the others.


    The set up for the scores is made essentially by the impression received in SS, with TR set at 0.10-0.25 less than them just "because" - i.e. without really look at them for difficulty, variety etc..., but because this is the range in which they usually are in comparison with SS - an by the smartness of CO combined with a sometimes very artificial IN, that have immediate reflection also in PE, despite the actual performance.


    I say again that Yuzuru has been all the time very conscious of that, and his plan (to rise the BV and to mantain high quality of jumps to have good GOEs, not lowering guard in PCS) was the best to play in his position.

    At the end of the six performances I realised once again how I miss Yuzu's skating: to me these were some more or less good skates, but I could not perceive any soul in them nor I could see any fire flying out there on the ice ...

  8. 13 minutes ago, ruruzest said:

    Does anyone have the same problem like mine on iPhone ? 

    The window for instruction doesn’t the close down button 


    I don't see the close down button at first, but if I try to move the window with two fingers or I rotate the screen it appears and I can close it. Try in this way.

  9. 3 minutes ago, sweetwater said:

    Did you just refresh the page?
    In my case closing the tab and trying to access the page again from the link provided on the first page worked.
    (If you’ve already done this, sorry)


    Thank you so much for the suggestion: I already tried but still not seeing the stripe with the messages. But really I don't want bother too much. Just saying because really we don't know if and how Yuzu will have access to this map, but hopefully he could see in all its richness and its beauty (I like this "solar" and potentially fluffy world !).


  10. If I recall the suggestions until nowe were:

    - TCC twitter account

    - Team Cricket /@teamcricketskating on Fb (they have posted the photo of the bus stop, so...)


    Eventually also a post to fb ANA or an e-mail to ANA, but it seemed the less direct and probable way to someone.


    1 minute ago, Hydroblade said:

    Hmm i tried an iPhone emulator and it displays the correct layout for mobile :13877886:

    Anyone else with an actual iPhone can check as well? The mobile layout is supposed to be the map at the top and the messages at the bottom :tumblr_inline_ncmif7esGm1rpglid:


    I checked again now: I see the map on the top - with all the Poohs - and the white stripe at the bottom. I hope that someone else with an other IPhone could also check. 


  11. 1 minute ago, Hydroblade said:

    Yeah, the stripe is where the messages are supposed to be displayed :tumblr_inline_ncmif7esGm1rpglid: and it seems i have to tweak the mobile cutoff eek...


    I am so sorry for you, and sorrier because really I cannot help you. Do what you can and what is the best to be read by Yuzuru. It doesn't bother me for Firefox (is one among so many different browsers...) but for the IPhone, because last that I saw he had an IPhone, also if actually I don't know now.

    Thank you again for your patience. Let us know when You have done and sent it :tumblr_inline_n18qraikFP1qid2nw:

  12. 12 minutes ago, Hydroblade said:

    The map stops working when garbage characters make their way into the messages :tumblr_inline_ncmif7esGm1rpglid: so i have to go and manually edit those corrupted messages eek.


    Poor Hydro .... :ohno:



    you know the size of your phone? maybe i have to tweak the cutoff size to display the mobile layout...


    These are the general measures of IPhone 6: Height: 5.44 inches (138.1 mm); Width: 2.64 inches (67.0 mm).

    However I see the white stripe also on the desktop version with firefox: the mute map and a lateral mute stripe.

  13. I drop here just to inform @Hydroblade that the map is not working on Firefox - again - plus now is not entirely functional on iPhone too (i.e. I have problem to close the initial message to look at the map; I don't see the list but just a white stripe alongside the map  :( ) . I hope that at least for IPhone could be functional soon, so that you will be able to send the link to TCC via twitter and/or fb.


    Besides these problems, a last suggestion: now that there are so many Poohs, would be not better to make open the map on the Pooh Rain Forecast setting, with the possibility to switch after to the detailed version? Or it's too complicate to do now?


    Last: now that the deadline is so close, I thank you again for you hard work :thanks:! May be the Force of Pooh be with you in this last part of the task  :POOH: !

  14. 28 minutes ago, Xen said:

    I think it's probably best we use the official twitter account and just tag TCC. My feeling is ANA official account might not know what to do with it since it's more commercially driven. And for JSF, do they have an active twitter account?


    Thinking well, you are probably right about JSF: plus with so many skaters they do have, I do no think that they would to do this kind of "service" for every one and they cannot make any exception.

    With ANA I would try to give a shot though, just because they are commercial and know the power of fandom and they have decided to sponsor JUST THIS skater. So that we have at least two probabilities that someway the messages could reach Yuzu for his birthday (if everything will march properly...).


    Absolutely agree on the tone of the messages and, mostly, on the fact that there's no need to mention other athletes in them. I don't know if is the case to briefly mention this in the opening message or is better let it go and just spreading the concept in more casual way, to create less fuss about it?

  15. 41 minutes ago, PapiandPooh421 said:

    Is this the plan? If there is no negative implications I'll gladly do it!! :smile:

    Edit: I mean the RTing and tagging TCC and ANA. I don't know JSF's email add and I really don't speak and write Japanese so... 😂 


    I like your enthusiasm :tumblr_inline_mueoe3Yabh1qdlkyg:! But I think that for all these maybe is better to ask to @Hydroblade and all the others who had the original idea and are currently working on the project, because only them know its status and when it will be ready to send the link and / or the messages. It will be also more meaningful to send it by the general accounts of the Planet, IMO.

    In the meantime we can make suggestions for it and spam the link to collect messages as much as possible until tomorrow. I am sure that people who know well Japanese will be glad to help with a short text message, if necessary.


    P.S. It's not working again with Firefox, while yesterday evening (Europe central zone time) was working wery well also with this browser...


  16. 6 hours ago, kaerb said:

    We can @ the TCC twitter in a reply to the original tweet and maybe email a link to JSF? 


    Yes, I think these two things could work :2thumbsup:and maybe also an email to or any other kind of messages on social with the link to ANA with the kind request to let him know it? As his main sponsor they will be glad to see how he is followed all over the world and they have surely the way to contact him, if they want it.


    Any other kind of idea it will be welcome: after all this hard work from Hydro and all those nice messages, we have to make this happen for his birthday, imagining a look like this  :devilYuzu: while he will look at the Pooh, satellites and bows rain on global scale :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:!


  17. Yep. I tried and I think that @LadyLou is right: it's a problem of browser. I can't see the simbols and messages using firefox, while I can see and read all of them with my IPhone.


    I hope that @Hydroblade could fix this last problem, because it would be very nice to collect and to make him read as much birthday messages as possible.

    What I like very much is the idea that with this system he can have not only a Pooh rain at World level, but also that he can have all of the messages always with him on his IPhone, to give a look everytime he whishes ... :devilYuzu:

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