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Posts posted by fireovertheice

  1. Hi all!

    I started again with my silly counts of crossovers, one foot skating & change directions (for now: later maybe transitions...).


    However, this is the first result for crossovers / crossunders for the first top four skaters, with indication of reduction in the number of crossovers in percentage compared to last year when LP/FP lasted 4,5 mins instead of 4 mins (-20%).


    Shoma Uno

    SP: 21 crossovers / crossunders

    LP: 39 crossovers / crossunders > - 20% in comparison to 2017


    Yuzuru Hanyu

    SP: 12 crossovers / crossunders

    LP: 19 crossovers / crossunders > - 27% in comparison to 2017


    Mikhail Kolyada

    SP: 12 crossovers / crossunders

    LP: 26 crossovers / crossunders > - 19% in comparison to 2017


    Jason Brown

    SP: 9 crossovers / crossunders

    LP: 28 crossovers / crossunders > - 20% in comparison to 2017


    So: in the LP/FP while all the others have decreased the number of crossovers almost in direct proportion of the reduction of time (and of one jump), Yuzuru has reduced them much, much more. And we are just at the beginning of the season.

    I would like so much to have a nice confrontation about this with our dear judge n. 2  at ACI (Doug Wilson) so that he can explain me better who he was looking at to give his 7.50 score in TR or to understand if he values so much crossovers as TR that he had to score Yuzu so low because of the reduction.... :yznotimpressed:



  2. I just looked at Rika Kihira FS at Onderi Nepela and I have to say a love that program as much as I like Rika and her way to be a complete package: from beautiful jumps, to speed and SS (that are growing), posture and arms and also the capacity of performing, that's coming out with more maturity, for her age and experience speaking : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qn6vSA9-aJI.

    Tom Dixon has crafted some of the best coreographies for the Japanese ladies in these last years and I absolutely prefer them to those of DW and of LN (except Satoko's "Sayuri").

    Rika is exactly "A beautiful storm" on the ice (and in a very competitive field). I hope she can mantain calm and to have good performances on the next and more important stages.

    This is also Rika's twitter update from the competition: https://twitter.com/rika_kihira/stat...23854032252934

  3. I have to say I am really happy not only for his choices (i liked always so much that FS of Plushy)  but - more - because he chose them: you can feel finally a sense of acomplishment that he is starting to realize, and also he understood what is the right thing to do as human being and athlete in this point of his life, i.e. something for himself without the pressure of the thought of the others (also if I am not sure he will really able completely to do it).


    Wel done Yuzu! I hope you can really enjoing your time, and the process to accomplish your next goal: an insanely beautifull 4A  :knc_yuzu1:    :knc_yuzu2:    :darklordyuzu:

  4. Yes Yata, speaking of Carolina you are right, but the field of senior ladies in the last years has been a little more stagnating than the men's field. We will see: I am also very curious. I hope just the there will be not nasty things from fans, like happend in the past.

  5. From one point of view I am happy that a very good perfomer and good skater like Daisuke want to come back.

    From another point of view I am a little disappointed for the new emerging skaters, that will risk to suffer for this. And frankly I do not understand very well his decision: maybe Japan has not a strong third competitor - yet - but the first two ones are who they are, aka the best in the world. And i did not understand also the motivation coming to him from Nats 2017 he has mentioned: maybe for a problem of nuance in the translation? Can someone explain me better or it's just a way to say ?


    Moreover: it has been not possible really to catch up for Patrick with superior SS, superior Fed (meaning: power), less time break, younger age. So which are his probabilities also with high PCS and with the new rules to be among the top five ?



  6. 11 minutes ago, Bilge said:

    His performances are poetry, and even his technical movements are poetry because of how natural and innate they are - A. Dolfini   (taken from @fireovertheice's sig;))


    Yes, that's a beautiful and meaningful comment by Angelo Dolfini (and in Italian it sounds so, so nicely). And it's also in some way what Yuzu said in recent times about how he intend his jumps/technical elements, if I recall correctly.

  7. So, you have already said everything. Very glad to have seen live the performances of Deniss and Tomono: they saved my saturday morning.


    Also the first part of Dima FS was good from my point of view and some other performances of the first groups were nice, too: with a crowd so generous in clapping and cheering the atmosphere seemed set for very good thing for the last group.


    If Keegan had not the same brilliant skate of Nats, Shoma and Boyang really broke my heart. Boyang was setting for the jumps always to late and coming always to close to the borders. The first lutz was under my seats and it was really scaring (and he tried the distance several times during the warm up, so...?).


    When also Vincent splatted all over too the atmosphere was really so down that I could not enjoy the comp of Nathan. However his program also live feels a bit empty to me, and he was not so fast as I could have imagined. The first two jumps were good, very much less the others (and to me there was a couple of UR too).

    I understand from where his score comes (see his Oly score already 215 etc. when he was so behind in the comp, plus the PCS given to some other skaters before him here...); still he didn't perform or at least I didn't see it or feel anything seeing him skating. So, to me there's no way his PE and IN scores could surpass the 9s. I don't speak about SS, because it's clear that I don't understand how the judges score them (or I do understand but if so it's a joke, a cruel joke for the skaters...).


    Congratulations to the winners of the last comp of this strange season and to all the others that could put there a performance that they can be proud and/or happy for.

  8. As other people of the Planet I was there too: few of my thoughts before sleeping (and before the mens's comp of tomorrow...).

    The skate of the night was Wakaba's :7938863: :tumblr_inline_mueoe3Yabh1qdlkyg:. She was so fast and dynamic, with flow on elements, accurate in spins and in most part of the choreography. The 'thing' she had more in comparison of any other athlete was the force and the passion, more clearly in the second part of the program and in the final sequence. With the help of the music she built a beautiful moment. At the end of her performance when all the people in the arena was standing and clapping so loud was something of epic, almost on Yuzu scale (but not quite there ;)). I was so so happy for her!.


    Kaetlyn had a very good performance too: better spins than before, some movements were more polished and good jumps. Just I don't like so much her program and I can't feel it/her: my bad. Deserved win anyway.


    Satoko was faster than I expected but we know the problems with her jumps: I am happy for her because she worked very hard this year coming back from injury, but It's a pity she can't really fix this issue.


    Other good performances for me were those of Laurine (her FS is a crowd pleaser, or at least for the italian audience), of Loena and also of Bradie (also if not at the level JW would pretend).


    I think nobody expected Carolina would win here: personally I had just hoped she could give a nice and more clean possible performance to medal (bronze) or just to finish fourth, but on an higher note.


    Last: I felt so so so sorry for Alina. When she fell the first time a gigantic "gasp" rose from all the arena, so loud as the big round of applause welcomed her when she was taking position at the beginning of the performance. And when she continued to fall, people was clapping and cheering to give her strenght to get up and to go on. But at the end she was in tears. Poor child: I hope she can rest a bit now and find again the serenity and the strength to go on.

    My mind went also to Yuzu: to bear all the pressure like he does, is something really extraordinary :bow:...chapeau !

  9. On 17/3/2018 at 7:39 PM, fireovertheice said:

     A friend of mine has four tickets for men's free (all her family...that cannot go anymore), Gold numerato B30, row 9 seats 5-8, price 30 euros each. If you are interested send me a PM so that I can give you her contacts.


    The same friend has also a last ticket for ladies free, that she sells for half price: Platinum numb. Sect. B28, row 1. PM me if you are interested.

  10. After a lot of videos with epic/fighting/glorious music, a new celebration video for the second olympic gold on the notes of a ballade:

    羽生結弦【MAD】平昌五輪金メダルおめでとう yuzuru hanyu 2018 PyeongChang Olympics Gold Medal Congratulations!! by Yuzu Honey


  11. 1 hour ago, ellaarrar said:

    Hello! A friend and I are dying to go to the men's free and the gala, it'd be a lifesaver if anyone had tickets (possibly seated together) for those events!! :peekapooh:Thank you so much 

     A friend of mine has four tickets for men's free (all her family...that cannot go anymore), Gold numerato B30, row 9 seats 5-8, price 30 euros each. If you are interested send me a PM so that I can give you her contacts.



  12. 4 hours ago, moni said:

    Hello, do any of you speak Italian? I am re-selling my ticket and I need to translate the letter authorizing the withdrawal into Italian. It's just one formal sentence. Would somebody be able to help? :snonegai:



    If you still need it, contact me through PM so that I can gladly help you.

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