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Everything posted by fireovertheice

  1. Just to complete the reasoning of my latest post (after that I'll quit because work is calling...and also I do not know if this is the right thread), I counted also the timing of different parts of Nathan Chen's FS at COR. In.Step. Seq.: 21 sec. 1st jump (4Lz+3T: 4.60 sec.) + 20 sec. ca > 2nd jump (4Flip: 4.20 sec.) + 19 sec. > 3rd jump (4S: 4.10 sec.) 1st Comb. Spin (CCSp4): 15.05 sec. Step Seq (StSq3).: 54 sec. + transit. 11 sec. 4th jump (4T+2T+2Lo: 4.32 sec.) + 6.80 sec. > 5th jump (pop 2T: 2.59 sec.) + 19 sec. > 6th jump (3A: 2.72 sec.) + 11.00 sec. > 7th jump (3Axel+ 2T<: 6.30 sec.) + 7 sec. > 8th jump (3Lz: 3.09 sec.) Choreo Sequence (ChSq1): 20.50 sec. 2nd Comb. Spin (FCCoSp4) : 17.27 sec. 3rd Comb. Spin (CCOSp1V): 20.98 sec. So, in total (almost 4.24 min. program): One foot skating in step and choreo sequences + various transition elements): almost 38.50/39 sec. Jumping time: almost 31,92 sec. Spinning time: almost 53,30 sec. Spinning time is similar to that of Yuzuru: the difference is in the time of the jumps (slower in settings, slower in rotation) and in the transitions, for more time two footed if not for very brief moments, mostly of 1-2.5 seconds each (with the exception of the step sequence, that instead is mostly on one foot). The time between each jump is longer too.
  2. @Joey asked Yep, you understood well: I counted for them in the same way I did for Yuzu. Just I was to busy/ lazy to count also for them the jumping time and the spinning time. Maybe i could do one of the next days. Sure, for some of them it is to count a major time to setting for the jumps; but in some cases major time is used two-feet skating, also if head, torso and arms are moving often and wery well, and also a lesser velocity in the skating in general is clear. Counting these sort of things I realised better how Yuzu has an incredible speed in doing almost everything. And also how this program is still well balanced, all the jumps now included aside.
  3. I have roughly counted also the time of the one foot skating in the step and choreo sequences + various transition elements of some other skaters in the FS showed in the competions of this season held until now. Here you are: Javier Fernandez, FS: Man of la Mancha (Don Qixote) – AC 2017 > One foot skating in step and choreo sequences + various transition elements: almost 53/53.50 sec. Nathan Chen FS: Mao’s last dancer/Rite of Spring – COR 2017 > One foot skating in step and choreo sequences + various transition elements: almost 38.50/39 sec. Shoma Uno FS: Turandot – SC 2017 > One foot skating in step and choreo sequences + various transition elements: almost 36.30/37 sec. To note: Javier has more one foot skating in the transition elements troughout all the program, plus step seq. and choreo seq., while Nathan and Shoma have one foot skating more concentrated in the sequences. Nathan has little bit more complex/more time one foot skated sequences than Shoma . Edit: I calculated again the timing for Nathan for each part of the program (see my next post) and his one foot time skating in total is around 38.50/39 sec. Then I calculated again the timing for Shoma and it's something more also for him (his movements one foot are so tiny and quick that I had to observe a lot of time and also in slomo) : so I corrected my previous version of this post. I will see with also the timing in different competions, just out of curiosity.
  4. So, on slightly different topics: today, reading some of your post about the time between Yuzuru jumps in SEIMEI, plus all the question of one foot skating, I made some calculations of the timing of this program in the last COR. This is the result: In.Step. Seq.: 20.5 sec. 1st jump (4Lutz: 2.80 sec.) + 22 sec. ca > 2nd jump (3 Loop: 2.10) + 8.30 sec. > 3rd jump (3Flip: 2.50 sec.) 1st Comb. Spin (FCCOSp4): 23 sec. Step Seq (StSq3).: 50 sec. + transit. 16 sec. 4th jump (4 salchow: 2.40 sec.) + 17.50 sec. > 5th jump (pop 2T: 1.50 sec.) + 16 sec. > 6th jump (combination 4T+3T: 4 sec.) + 3.50 sec. > 7th jump (3Axel+ 2T: 2.90 sec.) + 5.50 > 8th jump (3Axel: 2.40 sec.) 2nd Comb. Spin (FCSSp4): 13.80 sec. Choreo Sequence (ChSq1): 33.40 sec. 3rd Comb. Spin (CCOSp4): 17.50 sec. More in general: One foot skating in step and choreo sequences + various transition elements): almost 58.40/59.00 sec. Jump time (obviously, beginning and landing on one foot): almost 20.60/21.00 sec. Spinning time on one foot: 54.30 sec. Total: almost 2.22/23 minutes on one foot, i.e. half of the time of the program (= 4.44 min. based on the rough calculation above) To note: the timing in the jumps and between some of them, especially the last axels Edit: P.S. Some difficoult transitions or coreographic movements on two feet, such as the ina bauer or the spread eagles and so forth, are not included in the last calculations, but one can not forget them thinking about the complexity and the difficulty of this program.
  5. Yes, I think that the blog you mentioned is written by one of the persons quoted - correctly - by Max in the same podcast at this point: "Some who are following us and saying hi, Carolina, Ilaria, Francesco etc. etc. have tried the system through simulations, applying the new criteria that some ISU officials have talked about recently, to the World Championships. The rank would have stayed exactly the same. And the best technical scores would have stayed above 110. Translated: the right intervention to do ISN'T that". It would be nice if ISU could know these simulations and these interesting reflections, that sadly I have not seen elsewhere...
  6. Yes that is what Ambesi inteded (that one he is not developing is the 4Flip): maybe there was a typo in my post and this was not clear. Sorry
  7. 1) I listened again the podcast to be sure (the volume of audio of Max's parts is not always the best: they assure the problem will be fixed for the next podcasts) and he says that: Yuzuru in training is capable to "close" literally 5 type of quads on six type of jumps; that one he is not developing is the 4Flip, but rather the 4A, that he is be capable to "close" at around of 30% of the attempts. And then he underlines in conclusion: We are speaking of 4A...we will see it in the next seasons...but the novelty of this season is the Lutz. In Italian: "Yuzuru è un atleta che in allenamento chiude comodamente 5 quadrupli di 6, quello che non ha sviluppato è il (4)Flip, invece l'Axel (quadruplo) lo chiude, magari con il 30% (di possibilità) ma lo chiude...il 4Axel, non so se mi spiego, lo vedremo in gara nelle stagioni che verranno....ma la novità di quest'anno è il 4Lutz." 2) I do think that Yuzuru has not showed so much of 4Lutz and, more, of 4Axel, in the first case because it is not at the level in terms of beauty that he wants yet, and in the second because the succes rate is still too low. But there could be also other reasons that others have already mentioned.
  8. No, he is very clear and straightforward . But what I likes in him that it seems to not have particular biases, and at least not that of nationality one. For example in the same podcast he said important things about Carolina Kostner, among which the fact that, in spite to be a beautifull and skilled skater, her skating programs now are "surpassed" by a FS that is changed from 2014 also in the ladies field.
  9. This is what Ambesi said he is training. But we don't know it for sure (also if the man seems to be always very informed about yuzu). And the fact that he is training it, doesn't mean necessarily he will decide to do it in also competition: probably it will depend by the success of the two versions and also by what it will happen during the season.
  10. Ambesi didn't say anything about the transitions in and out of this jump. Just that he is training with the two versions of the program, with this difference in the first jump. I image possibly with different transitions. Before he was saying that Yuzuru could win OG also with a "simplified" SP program, i.e. with the 4S, as we have seen in ACI, but he would not do it, but rather go for 4Loop or 4Lutz because we know... he is Yuzuru Hanyu :). He is an athlete who wants to push the sport and himself to the limit. Also about the 4A he said only that thing about the 30% rate of success. He said also in an other occasion before, if I remember correctly.
  11. I have just finished to listen Max podcast too, and I absolutely agree with @LadyLou on the point above. I think he is one of the most informed journalist i have heard in this field. And the amounts of things he knows about all the skaters, also all the junior, is unbelievable. Other interesting things he said, following me, are: 1) It seems that Yuzuru is training his SP in two versions, one with the 4loop and another with the 4lutz as first jump. We will see in the next competitions 2) He thinks that Yuzuru will land (not this year) the 4axel, repeating that for now the rate success of this jump seems to be around 30%. 3) He stressed a lot the problem of the quality of the jumps and transitions in men but also in ladies fields 4) All the last part where he discusses the problems of the score and the judging: the current situation and the supposed changes after this OGM cycle. One point he underlines, and I agree with him, is that the lowering the points of jumps will change not so much. It will be better to review the way GOE are given and, more, how PCS are given. Also, an aspect that he can't understand - and me neither - why we look at protocols where the PCS seem to follow TES and not to be valued for themselves and where all the components have the same average marks: so, for example, if SS are in the range of the 8-9's, also all the other components are almost the same, while you could have someone with brilliant skating skills, scoring in the 8-9's in that part, but with a scarce interpretation or lame coreography, that should get a lower score (like in 6-7's).
  12. Also before a possible translation, it's possible to know about what he is so salty? And you can post here or pm me a link or the information to reach those podcasts? Thanks a lot !
  13. This is the translation reported by yude in Yuzu's GS thread: http://www.asahi.com/articles/ASK9Q2CWMK9QUTQP004.html In LP, Yuzuru is planning two 3A and three quads in the latter half. He won't do 4Lo in this competition. Orser says 4Ltz is a part of the plans and a goal for this season. Orser says Yuzuru's condition is the best ever. The pain in his right knee is a little and he doesn't need (special) treatment. But to feel the pain means the body is trying to say something, so Orser decided to water down the programs technically. Orser thinks the cause of the pain is fatigue from the practice. Edit: I was posting contemporary with @kaerb whose translation was also more complete than the other I found: thanks to you all for this work of translation from Japanese
  14. Grazie per le nuove @Murieleirum ! Io purtroppo mi potrò liberare dal lavoro solo per un paio di giorni e dunque cercherò di acquistare i biglietti per le singole competizioni quando usciranno. Spero che tu riesca a farti prendere tra i volontari (e che tu ci possa fare un rapporto "dettagliato" e documentato da tante foto o video di Yuzu, mi raccomando.....)
  15. Salve è da un poco che il thread non è attivo: quindi intanto un saluto a tutt* Volevo sapere se avete dei suggerimenti per la zona di Milano nella quale cercare un b&b dove stare per i prossimi mondiali. Io pensavo qualche zona vicino alle fermate della M2 ma non so, perché non conosco bene la città. Ogni vostra eventuale indicazione sarà preziosa, grazie!
  16. This beautiful video of Axel Yuzu has already been posted in the general thread by @Amarante (thanks!) https://planethanyu.com/topic/3-general-yuzuru-chat/?do=findComment&comment=45231 I post it also here for the sake of the completness of the thread : 羽生結弦 × Yuzuru Hanyu ~ Hope & Legacy
  17. While we are waiting news photos and new footages from FaOI, last days some new MAD appeared in the web. This is "Fire" by 宋果果 (We are the champions, we are on fire...and nothing's gonna be the same ) And this is "Legend" by YUZU 桑的文档里藏着盆地 (just...speechless )
  18. Thank you @liha: yes I thought to do the same and it worked (I have just updated my previous post). But from what you say maybe was a major problem in connecting with firefox (though I had no problem in the connession to other sites in the meantime).
  19. Hi, sorry to bother you but today I had a new problem: first I signed in, and I had to do it twice, as if I was not recognized as user, then I accessed the thread to read / post (that about FaOI in Kobe), but every time after that I tryed to go to the home or to refresh, I was signed out, so that I had to resign (every time twice) and so on...can you check if is a site problem or my problem (I'm connecting via laptop through firefox). Thank you in advance EDIT: I tryed to solve the problem quitting firefox and connecting again, and it seems that now the access to the site works properly. So maybe it was my problem...?
  20. Done! It was so difficult to choose only five among them....Congratulations to all of you who created all these beautiful banners
  21. dear @gladi thank you so much for this accurate and insightful translation I understand that trying to translate Yuzu's toughts&words (I am always amazed by his awareness and his depth in analyzing things) is not an easy task...
  22. Ok, I see that is a general issue and that you are already aware of all. Good woork and good luck (and thank to all the admins and mods for the efforts made and to be made in fixing it !)
  23. Sorry, but last hour I have had also problems to access the site, with firefox as well as with safari, from laptop and tablet both. For me the site/forum was not reachable at all, and the message I received said that the page could be not opened because there were to many readdresses (safari) or something like the server was not responding in the right way (firefox). Now I have had finally the access but the banner looks something like a dotted impressionist painting...
  24. New videos of these last two weeks, by kana kolo (pity for the quality, that seems to be not the max). The music of One OK Rock suits always well to Yuzu (or Yuzu suits always well to every kind of music...)
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