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Everything posted by CiaoCiao

  1. Any way to rewatch the show?🥺🥺
  2. Is it the transation of the article? Or of the podcast too? Because I just listened to the podcast and Ambesi is like a genius.
  3. Ahahahaha I'll have nothing against it if he goes to IdF because it's the only GP where I can actually go... But I'll be happy to see Nathan too, because I saw him last year at IdF and I started to like him too or maybe HIS CURLS uhh
  4. That's a nice theory! (Isn't Gandalf sleeping with eyes open too?)
  5. What about Aljona Savchenko as first? For the gold medal and the long career?
  6. An italian newspaper said she wanted to train where she feels more confortable and "at home", and they thanked Mishin who "gave her back the jumps". I don't know if a change right before Europeans and Olympics makes sense...
  7. Aside from the jump face, the way the costume swells is just Edit: oh... i just... can't see the image anymore...
  8. I am so happy to be still able to vote for Carolina among the currently active skaters... I'm so happy she's still competing
  9. I did this Hana Wa Saku watercolor last week... It's an Ex that I loved so much
  10. Yesterday I was like: "OMG OMG Yuzu set new world record score, look, LOOK" and I was super excited and happy, and my mother was like "Okay, beautiful, but stay calm." and my father said something like "yes, can we speak about something else now?" I'm just happy that my grandmother exists and she's a true figure skating fan and she like Yuzu so much, she's always interested and watches competitions with me. I'm not superstitious usually, but I become every time Yuzu skates. Sometimes I feel that if i don't watch the competitions he will do bad, or more often that if I watch it I will bring him bad luck or something like this. I know it looks presumptuous but I always feel that if I watch him live I would somehow influence the ice, and bring bad luck, just because I'm not a lucky person. It's stupid but there's. I hope to wash away this feeling soon because I really want to go to worlds in Milan this year and if Yuzuru goes, I want to support him, not to bring bad luck.
  11. Yes!!! Our little Max, I remember him asking for 100 already two or three years ago. Certainly since Seimei.
  12. I was focused on yuzu and shoma, and I just noticed that javi is smiling in yuzu's style
  13. my favorites http://media.tumblr.com/0bb2810c460ca6a87cbe3055866e8a62/tumblr_inline_nhegew0NkL1r84cyg.gif
  14. As long as it's not a Johnny Weir's idea... Yuzu's idea would make the costume even more precious.
  15. I wrote an haiku when I saw the Requiem for the first time it's nothing incredible, and I don't know if I translated it well because I wrote it in italian... A soul drawn on the ice from the touch of sweet skates. My amazed eyes!
  16. not with Yuzu but thanks for starting this thread!!!
  17. He reminds me of a baby coming down a slide.
  18. Sorry, I went lost with my thoughts without understanding well I'm just to excited that I found the courage to write posts
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