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Everything posted by cherry

  1. 相关人士的话 大概是觉得UR的跳跃是“教科书”一般;柚子就算破WR也只能是“空洞”“无感情”的 :xD: 奥运嘛 我爸妈看滑冰的时候 也看不懂细节 什么crossover transitions 什么stsq 看见跳跃 看见好像很“艺术”的表演和歌曲 就会看的很愉悦 大概从我爸妈的角度能隐约理解奥运的审美
  2. I like all the 4A and maybe quints talk All these goals keep Yuzu going forward! the r thing... But I hope I see it after the Olympics or I am not sure if my heart can take it :bow:
  3. 很好很好~昨日有Legend牛,今日有新鲜牛~!! 终于啊要开始编舞了吗(?) 好期待好期待…… 看到目前其他选手公布的曲目,我希望他能选一点大气不俗套的歌曲,来一点"清流” :devil: 大家心目中有什么心头好吗 哇 我最喜欢讨论音乐这个话题了 有兴趣的话可以去Yuzuru Hanyu板块看一下Music Talk那里分享一下你喜欢的选曲 嗯... 我感觉H&L被underscored除了政治问题外不说 其中一个原因就是H&L是一个很特殊和细腻的programme 需要足够了解yuzu 还有有这份感性的人才能感受到这个节目多美 #我对裁判已经没有期待了! yuzu也说过H&L不如阴阳师那么受欢迎的问题 所以我觉得奥运季的话,羽生的选曲这次会保守一点,不一定选用烂了的曲子,但是起码也是大众容易理解的音乐 warhorse之所以是warhorse还是有理由的 :xD: 我私心的话希望可以来一个jazz/blues的节目 然后再来一个古典音乐 (谁在说yuzu的posture不够“balletic""classy"的就该好好看看chopin!!!) 最好是像罗朱1.0那样,细腻至于有戏剧化和激情的表演,符合裁判口味,而且也能够把yuzu的热血呈现出来 我觉得这几种曲风都挺符合奥运的审美的 至于选那一首歌我就想不到了23333
  4. You need 50 to graduate from Mushroom to Tissue box. After that, the rank increases every 100 posts :) wow hydro you're already at 400+ :bow:
  5. Mine too. I mean one of my favourites because I just can't choose one. :love: me too! here's a list of my favs I love your blog! It is so well-written, a pleasure to read! thanks for sharing. OT: narcissa how should I call you now with the name change?
  6. I :rofl2: at Mura's costume when I saw it. But I prefer awful but interesting costumes to boring ones At least they give me a good laugh!
  7. it looks so easy when they show the process... but I'm still stuck at matchman level :bow:
  8. I request a hidden happy ending where the player lived happily ever after with all Yuzus
  9. Hahaha happy 1 week everybody! We are still young and hopefully we will improve and be better for the days to come and could provide a good experience, a peaceful place and a happy home for current and future Yuzuru fans in the future. Let's continue supporting Yuzuru :yay: :pooh: happy pooh for everyone!
  10. All I know is that Satoko resumed training in May, so she should have sufficient time.
  11. meh, they're so busy trying to show the world that they're the "good guys" and "NOT yuzu haters!!! rabid yuzu fans are the ones who are unreasonable! see, we post positive news about hanyu ALL THE TIME! yuzu fans are just over sensitive and aggressive!" i'm wary of anything GS posts now eh it's a nice gesture, I wouldn't read too much into it. Nor should we be concerned :)
  12. My votes Etude - look at how beautiful he is! who else can wear this? And I love the gradient (source: unknown, got it from here ) H&L - it somehow reminds me of etude, and yes I love the colour scheme Chopin 2.0 - It's simple but elegant and classy. I love the golden details - gold matches yuzu ;) R&J 1.0 Hana ni Nare
  13. woah we already have 9000+ posts on Planet Hanyu
  14. same R&J 1.0 is one of my all-time favourites. Yuzu is a hot-blooded and passionate athlete and I particularly love it when he displays this in his performance. I still remember NHK 2015 Despite Chopin being a classical and ethereal piece, he can't hold back his killer look at the end of the programme. love it.
  15. i mean...if it's yuzu...I think he can sell any warhorse programme to me. I kinda like POTO I am not worried about his programme choice, I think he is aware how he should choose it + he is mature enough to excel (and surpass) a warhorse programme
  16. Oh I haven't watched that before! (thank you weiyan) he's so cute :pbow:
  17. When tv programme also uses Yuzu as a meme (this face deserves )
  18. I believe one needs 25 posts to access that part, it's labeled adult, just to be on the safe side. Good thinking. And thanks! I need to be more proactive now. :angel: Once you fulfill the requirement, you may go to "user control panel --> usergroups --> The Church" to apply for church membership
  19. 我....我...今天膜牛的方式不能在公开论坛说 :embSwan:
  20. I like a lot of the banners - they're all amazing. Can we have a monthly banner? :goe:
  21. I absolutely agree. That's why I :roll: my eyes when notorious conspiracists from the old FF claim that Orser favors Javier more. Where are they getting the ideas from? Was he supposed to ignore Javier's boot problem/complaint at Boston? He can't praise Javier during interviews? Obviously Orser has flaws and is still learning as a coach, but to accuse him of favoritism every single time something goes wrong for Yuzuru...:wtf: Agreed. Tbh we don't know anything behind the cameras - maybe he is favouring one, maybe he is not. It's one's freedom to like/dislike Orser and his approach, but the fact that Yuzu decides to stay with Orser and TCC explains a lot. Not that we can't criticise Orser's flaws, but at least we should respect Yuzu's own autonomous decision.
  22. I like R&J and Chopin most-maybe gold is my thing :love: Hydro, I found this and I think you might be interested! :pbow: ufochen007 asked her nail artist to design her nails based on Notte Stellata (you can see more when you clicked on the link)
  23. On a positive note, most commentators and audience seem to have a higher standard of everything when it comes to Yuzu :xD:
  24. I have read the comments below the article. Can't agree more. Also, Brian's hair would disagree if we say Yuzu is the type to do what he is asked to without questions (source: http://eggplantgifs.tumblr.com)
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