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Yuzu Beloved Angel

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Everything posted by Yuzu Beloved Angel

  1. He is beautiful in every possible way. Yes, you can do a lot more Yuzu, but take care of yourself and rest a little more. We love you and will always support you.
  2. My God...I can't believe this is happening. Yuzu just deserves to be happy. BE HAPPY!!!!!
  3. He is so beautiful. Perfect. Very handsome. KING!!
  4. I believe the interview is after the green room.
  5. This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
  6. Yuzu is fulfilling another protocol of this damn competition. My only concern is for her mental health. Unfortunately he cannot refuse to be there. I'm still processing everything that happened and I imagine how difficult it will be for him to turn over his still-open wounds. He's very, very demanding of himself. Yuzu is the rare gem for this sport, but he is being crushed by this corrupt system. I really wish he was already in Japan with his family recovering from his injury. and far from that scene of horrors and iniquities. It's really cruel what they did to him. Yuzu just deserves a lot of respect and consideration for everything he's built up to this point. I'm really grateful for all the support he's getting from all over the world. We love you Yuzu, please be safe.
  7. I loved the new banner. IT'S BEAUTIFUL!! Thanks to the Administrators and Planet Hanyu. You are awesome.l! I can't sleep well, but after yesterday's training I was calmer and managed to rest. He's healthy and bouncy. No matter what he decides to do, I will support him. I choose Yuzu to win this fight and be very happy with what he does. Ganbate Yuzu!! Ganbate!! .
  8. Thank you for sharing. It's an excellent help. I loved it!!
  9. Congratulations Yuzu!! Arigato! You were amazing.
  10. I still haven't found the words to define Rondo... Grand and magnificent and there's still room to grow. BEAUTIFUL. Merry Christmas Yuzu! Merry Christmas Planet Hanyu! Thank you all for making this place rich with positive energy and emotions. I wish you infinite blessings. May peace, joy, health and prosperity dwell in their lives. Thank you all
  11. Parabéns Yuzu! Desejo-lhe bênçãos e alegrias infinitas. Obrigado por existir e nos deixar orgulhosos e felizes com sua patinação. Você é luz e sabedoria inesquecíveis. Eu vou sempre te apoiar. Seja muito feliz. Saudades. 🎁 🍄
  12. Caro Yuzuu !! "Feliz Aniversário !!! Que todos os seus desejos sejam atendidos. Que você seja muito feliz e saudável e todos seremos felizes. Obrigado por existir e nos dar a grandeza do seu skate. Não importa o resultado, eu sempre irei estaremos apoiando você. Sempre !!! Feliz Aniversário !!! " Yuzu Amado Anjo - Brasil Thank you for everything dear Planet Hanyu
  13. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR PLANET HANYU !! I LOVE YOU!! THANK YOU FOR EXISTING IN MY WORLD. THANK YOU! Finally my internet has improved for this special day. I wish you the best for your lives and that we can be together and happy with Yuzu for many years. ARIGATO YUZU! You are the reason for the existence of this wonderful and fun place. Miss you
  14. I chose SC and RC for Yuzu, but now I'm thinking he might want NHK.
  15. I wish the best for Shoma, but running out of a coach is really too risky. It's a whole season ... Well, I hope he reaches his goals with this decision.
  16. WOOW! This is beautiful! May this day be wonderful for these talented girls. I'm cheering.
  17. I am very happy and proud. He's a fighter and I love his skating. Let's go Sota! I believe you. Ganbatte!
  18. Thank you for this beautiful project. I'm traveling to work, but I was able to respond to the forms. Yuzu and the Planet has a very special meaning for my life. I liked the idea of the shirt with the Planet logo. I believe Yuzu would appreciate.
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