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2018/19 Coaching changes

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LOL LOL LOL! I'm sooo LOLed RN!!!

Zhenya liked a comment that translates like hmmm: "Zhenya, sent everyone to hell (tell everyone f**k off) (actually there he used VERy strong curse in Russian but I think it's the closest curse word in English will be this two xD). Adequate people will accept any decision."


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The plot thickens: our First Channel TV has announced a program with some exclusive Eteri commentary + what SMS she sent to Zhenya. 


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Eteri Tutberidze right now was on Russian goverment 1st channel. She said she didn't know abt Zhenya leaving and that they had that dialog:

Женя сказала: не могли удержать Алину ещё год в юниорах? Этери сказала: Женя, как ты можешь такое говорить, мы дали всем одинаковые шансы.

Zhenya: You can't able make Alina stay in juniors for 1 more year?

Eteri: Zhenya, how can you say smth like that, we gave to all the same chances.


OK, and now there will be so many DIRT. OMG, Pray for Zhenya really...

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Oh, what I remember for now - Eteri claims she has been trying to track down Zhenya by text messages in mid-April, but Zhenya wouldn’t answer. She said that Zhenya cried out when she lost: “Why couldn’t you withhold Alina for another year as a junior?”

And she’s mortally offended with Brian Orser and his dismissive words about Sasha Trusova - which were misinterpreted on our TV. So she takes this as a challenge from Orser. Lol 

That woman will never grow up. The battle lines are here. 

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I hope Zhenya spills all the tea now. What is wrong with Eteri? Why can't she ever let her good students go without flinging mud all over them? And you know what, I don't even believe Zhenya would have said anything of the sort except in a moment of really emotional low. In which case it should be treated like one of those unwise confessions, not aired on national TV. 

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4 minutes ago, WinForPooh said:

I hope Zhenya spills all the tea now. What is wrong with Eteri? Why can't she ever let her good students go without flinging mud all over them? And you know what, I don't even believe Zhenya would have said anything of the sort except in a moment of really emotional low. In which case it should be treated like one of those unwise confessions, not aired on national TV. 


No, seriously, this is ... well. Depends what Zhenya's agent decides but if she goes for blood and she may very well decide to, this can turn so ugly.

Bad, bad move. Sigh.

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