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4 minutes ago, axelnojutsu said:

So is Nathan actually going to wear a costume at the final or does he only do that for PR shots :animated-smileys-hands-fingers-01:


i think that's his sp costume from last season? and i think he said he's only going to have his proper costumes for the olympics :laughing: he's leaving us hanging until the last moment

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7 minutes ago, golden said:


i think that's his sp costume from last season? and i think he said he's only going to have his proper costumes for the olympics :laughing: he's leaving us hanging until the last moment

Plot twist: his proper costume will be sparkles on mesh from head to toe :smiley-laughing021:

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4 hours ago, Smultron said:

I think I've read somewhere that he wanted to debut the costumes at nationals but I might be wrong... 


Yup, that's what he said so at GPF we should still be seeing those shirts.


I admit I am not sure I get this rationale of debuting the costumes at Nats but :shrug:

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11 hours ago, SparkleSalad said:

Tiny ballet Nathan. From this to dad shirts. Bring it back!





bb Nathan (with proper costume) so cuuuuuuuuute:tumblr_inline_mzx8zzarLt1r8msi5:

yes please, bring real costumes back!!!!:angrypooh: (wishing he'll get some inspiration from Adam and Jason, Please guys, corrupt your teammate, or at least whoever is in charge of his costumes:snonegai:)

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2 hours ago, kamotejojo said:

Gorgeousness runs in their family. <3


Seriously. If I didn't love them so much I'd hate them. Bogarting all the good looks. -_-


20 minutes ago, yuzuangel said:

omg wow...


Right? I wish my ballet concerts had those production values! I mean, he trained with a ballet company so of course it's amazing. I'm okay with a million more pieces about his ballet background if they publish cute photos like this with them. :P

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