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He's old enough to know better, that's for sure.


I was cautiously optimistic to see where his skating went - his components really did improve quite a bit between when I saw him at WC22 and SkAm22, enough to make me think he might have actually meant it when he said he wanted to work on those and become the complete package. But between the homophobia (and the non-apology apology) and the unprovoked jab at Yuzu, I'm done with him.

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As far as I’m concerned, unless he has issues I’m not aware of, at 18 he’s a bit old to play the teenager card.  I have no time for the  ‘I’m sorry what I said has upset you’ category of ‘apologies’.  I didn’t know much about him before, now I know that he’s immature, suffused with an inflated sense of his own importance and stupid enough to make his sense of entitlement public.  

Between a certain type of unpleasant ‘he man’ posturing common in parts of elite US sport, and the equally distasteful macho culture that persists in a lot of ex soviet circles, one has to wonder what the culture is like at that rink - and indeed in the M household.  I’m glad for JBs sake that he’s at TCC.


It was rude, clumsy and stupid to drag YH into his little games, presumably for attention.  Fortunately he hasn’t much relevance to Ys life now he’s turned pro so we can ignore him.

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2 hours ago, rockstaryuzu said:

I can't help but feel the guy's achievement of jumping the 4A would have shone way brighter if he'd just done it and said nothing. Let it stand as it's own testament, without braggadocio

Far more effective to just turn up and jump it and let others seek you out to ask about it.  

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When you name yourself a "god" of anything, it kind of says everything you need to know about that person.


Other people can attach names to you ( goat or god or whatever) for something you've done or achieved and it's fine, but when you do it yourself, before having achieved anything? It's a bit much. 

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On 4/24/2023 at 3:43 AM, Fay said:

Well, if you ever find me agreeing with TSL about how bad the whole thing was… then it was dire. And I did agree with TSL, gosh. 

Oh darn, I just watched TSL (cos curiosity kills the cat LOL) and... same :ohno:

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2 hours ago, Sombreuil said:

Apparently USFSA is sending him for ‘sensitivity training’…….. weird to see that set of initials and that phrase in the same sentence.

That screams damage control to me LOL. I assume that's gender sensitivity training? Shoulda send him to media training and cultural sensitivity training as well.


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On 4/25/2023 at 4:42 AM, Sombreuil said:

Far more effective to just turn up and jump it and let others seek you out to ask about it.  

I heard about Ilia 4A and Yuzu's ideal 4A are different.Yuzu's 4A is more difficult to achieve. Anyone know what's the difference between the two? 

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On 4/24/2023 at 9:56 PM, river said:

He's old enough to know better, that's for sure.


I was cautiously optimistic to see where his skating went - his components really did improve quite a bit between when I saw him at WC22 and SkAm22, enough to make me think he might have actually meant it when he said he wanted to work on those and become the complete package. But between the homophobia (and the non-apology apology) and the unprovoked jab at Yuzu, I'm done with him.

IM 'works hard' by boasting around with his mouth😂

Yuzu is an extremely 'hard worker' by improving, perfecting his skating skills and jumps.Busy planning and participating in ice shows either his own solo or others (SOI and FAOI)! Bravo! Hard working GOAT🥰😍

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20 hours ago, Melodie said:

That screams damage control to me LOL. I assume that's gender sensitivity training? Shoulda send him to media training and cultural sensitivity training as well.


I just hope that after this "training" he will be more sensitive about what he says or writes, be it in interviews, press conferences or social media. Every word recorded counts and as soon as it enters cyberspace, it is very difficult to delete because people do not forget. Lesson to be learned. Hopefully we will not have to encounter this case in future again. 

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On 4/29/2023 at 8:50 AM, LAY said:

I heard about Ilia 4A and Yuzu's ideal 4A are different.Yuzu's 4A is more difficult to achieve. Anyone know what's the difference between the two? 

Maybe because Yuzu trained it with a difficult entry?

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On 4/28/2023 at 7:46 PM, Sombreuil said:

Apparently USFSA is sending him for ‘sensitivity training’…….. weird to see that set of initials and that phrase in the same sentence.

Well sooner or later the lesson had to hit home. How many times has this happened with problematic comments by US skaters and USFSA let it slide? They're finally waking up to 21st century realities

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On 4/29/2023 at 6:46 AM, Sombreuil said:

Apparently USFSA is sending him for ‘sensitivity training’…….. weird to see that set of initials and that phrase in the same sentence.

One of his social media accounts also disappeared it seems. I'm pretty sure he was forced to do it LOL.

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