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2 минуты назад, xeyra сказал:

I'm happy we're all assuming Yuzu will be skating in the season after the Olympics at least.

Trying to be positive :kitty: Will be definitely interesting to see Yuzu in new rules

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2 minutes ago, AsteroidB-612 said:

I was thinking they could name it the "Yuzuru triple axel" or "Yuzuru entry" lol :darklordyuzu:

So maybe after many years, after Yuzu r****d.....

"Here comes the triple axel with Yuzu entry, o shame so close, such difficult entry, I guess only Hanyu can execute it with +3GOE":mischief:

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4 minutes ago, fluffypooh said:

So maybe after many years, after Yuzu r****d.....

"Here comes the triple axel with Yuzu entry, o shame so close, such difficult entry, I guess only Hanyu can execute it with +3GOE":mischief:


Give it time. In a few years Gogolev will be doing it on a 4A. :laughing:

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Just now, xeyra said:


Give it time. In a few years Gogolev will be doing it on a 4A. :laughing:

Unless Yuzu beats him to it...Boyang said that he wants to do a program of all quads. That has to get under Yuzuru's skin right?

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The Hanyu Back Counter/Hanyu Entry has a nice ring to it :knc_brian2:


Trigger him away Boyang, if it'll mean Yuzu staying around a few more years out of classic competitive fire (and a sprinkling of pettiness LET'S BE REAL. I love the kid but that jumping-quad-toe-loop-in-front-of-Patrick story always makes me laugh bc of COURSE. He'll be salty 5eva if someone lands 4A and he doesn't). 

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34 minutes ago, kaerb said:

Trigger him away Boyang, if it'll mean Yuzu staying around a few more years out of classic competitive fire (and a sprinkling of pettiness LET'S BE REAL. I love the kid but that jumping-quad-toe-loop-in-front-of-Patrick story always makes me laugh bc of COURSE. He'll be salty 5eva if someone lands 4A and he doesn't). 


If someone beat him to it, I think he'll be so determine to be the first one to land a 4A combo. And he'll still be salty because he didn't be the first for the single 4A :rofl:

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2 hours ago, kaerb said:

The Hanyu Back Counter/Hanyu Entry has a nice ring to it :knc_brian2:


Trigger him away Boyang, if it'll mean Yuzu staying around a few more years out of classic competitive fire (and a sprinkling of pettiness LET'S BE REAL. I love the kid but that jumping-quad-toe-loop-in-front-of-Patrick story always makes me laugh bc of COURSE. He'll be salty 5eva if someone lands 4A and he doesn't). 


OMG, what jumping-4T-in-front-of-Patrick story??? :smiley-happy085: I loved the they-were-cheering-too-much-for-Javi-so-I-did-a-3A one. :winky:

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2 時間前, kaerbさんが言いました:

The Hanyu Back Counter/Hanyu Entry has a nice ring to it :knc_brian2:


Trigger him away Boyang, if it'll mean Yuzu staying around a few more years out of classic competitive fire (and a sprinkling of pettiness LET'S BE REAL. I love the kid but that jumping-quad-toe-loop-in-front-of-Patrick story always makes me laugh bc of COURSE. He'll be salty 5eva if someone lands 4A and he doesn't). 


I never quite got why he chose to do that. S'not like Chan can't jump a beautiful 4T himself...


And not sure if this has been raised before and I've just missed it but this difficult and creative entry/exit thing..maybe it's time they consider rephrasing that rule? Because Hanyu's back counter entry into his 3A is probably really not all that difficult for him anymore. And he's done it so many times now that it's  no longer creative. I mean if they're not going to award him the points for it based on that judgement, it won't be fair to award others for it as, if they were to try it, they'd look a lot more labored and thus it'd be a lot less pretty than the way Hanyu does it. Moreover, it won't be new either. Come to think of it, does anyone else do it but Hanyu? Cos I heard he's able to pull off nice entries and exits for his 3A  more effortlessly cos of the particular way he jumps his Axel, which seemingly no one else in the field--nay, sport seems to be doing but him? I know others are doing the SE but what of the BC?


Anyway, the only reason it's even easy for him to pull off this particular stunt now is due to the sheer amount of effort he's put into honing it when he was younger so if they're awarding others points for effort, it wouldn't be fair to not give him the marks today for all the time and sweat he's invested into it before, which clearly, others haven't. 


So maybe they revise difficult into say, impressive and give points according to how effortless it looks, or just simply list out the existing techniques according to difficulty level and how effortlessly they are executed and only award separate points for creativity for entries/exits that are actually completely original? I dunno...the way it is now may have worked before but it just seems iffy now that Hanyu has set the bar so high.


...aaaand I apparently have no idea how to keep my posts short. Sorry 'bout that. Heh.

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3 minutes ago, kaeryth said:

Just an observation... but it seems that the people that motivate him the most are Patrick and Boyang? I haven't heard him talk about being pumped up/motivated with regards to other skaters. (Also, people cheering for another skater before it's his turn to skate.. haha)


I'm sure losing to Nathan at 4CC motivated him also. :laughing:

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