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1 hour ago, Xen said:

hmm....I wonder if the version we saw at ACI was the final version. The skate guards he used for the actual FS warmup was his old ones, not the new ones. o_O So maybe it was a hint? But in all seriousness, there were a couple photos of him twisting and turning a bit in the seimei outfit, and have to say, it looks tighter than I expected.

why I said I'll wait for CoR to form my final opinion about this seasons costume

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12 hours ago, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said:


While I get why so many are so taken with a black outfit for SEIMEI, I never quite understood why you all think it's a good idea. Even though it gives off a cool effect, with the nature of SEIMEI, black seems more reminiscent of the dark forces of evil he's supposed to be fighting. In any fanart of it I've seen, while pretty, the overall image always comes off as dark with an evil quality to it. Especially with the foxish aura Seimei exudes. That's probably neither the message nor image Hanyu or anybody else for the matter wants the program to project. I don't think it is, anyway.


Which is why I get why he wanted to stick to light colors. Black would've worked real well for anything else but even if it does look good for SEIMEI, it would completely deviate from the image I think he wants to present, which is good and an aura infused with light energy. Not dark!Seimei. 


And while we're on the subject of his SEIMEI costume, I'm thinking he might wanna rethink the silver elements. It goes very well with the white and the gold finishings but it's *silver*. xxD Speaking of the gold bits of his costume(s), although far from over the top and even tasteful, subtle definitely isn't something that's in Hanyu's nature. >_<

I get wanting to keep the white colours of the 'good' side but for the sake of recycling discourse and just plain media coverage (news reports showing old footage can be confusing now), I wish he would at least change the accent colours so it says 'new costume, new program'. Showing some first time viewers both programs (ACI and GPF), they absolutely can't see a difference - it's only fans who care who notice the updated details. I'd wager most commentators also wouldn't care to know the difference - white, purple and green = same costume to them =__=


Still holding out hope for CoR but can't imagine why he'd invest time and money into making an updated and new costume just for one Challenger competition. I do like that it's shorter so we can see more leg movements) and the updated embroidery but not a fan of the shade of green at all.


But hey, if he needs this to skate his best, then I won't begrudge him this.


(Also lol he clearly doesn't know about the Olympic superstition which is hilarious considering how superstitious he is).

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15 hours ago, kaerb said:

I get wanting to keep the white colours of the 'good' side but for the sake of recycling discourse and just plain media coverage (news reports showing old footage can be confusing now), I wish he would at least change the accent colours so it says 'new costume, new program'. Showing some first time viewers both programs (ACI and GPF), they absolutely can't see a difference - it's only fans who care who notice the updated details. I'd wager most commentators also wouldn't care to know the difference - white, purple and green = same costume to them =__=


Still holding out hope for CoR but can't imagine why he'd invest time and money into making an updated and new costume just for one Challenger competition. I do like that it's shorter so we can see more leg movements) and the updated embroidery but not a fan of the shade of green at all.


But hey, if he needs this to skate his best, then I won't begrudge him this.


(Also lol he clearly doesn't know about the Olympic superstition which is hilarious considering how superstitious he is).


I  agree with this completely. Having a different costume is the easiest way to make the program look fresh and different, which is why even though I really like the new version, I don't think it is the best decision. 

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16 時間前, kaerbさんが言いました:

I get wanting to keep the white colours of the 'good' side but for the sake of recycling discourse and just plain media coverage (news reports showing old footage can be confusing now), I wish he would at least change the accent colours so it says 'new costume, new program'. Showing some first time viewers both programs (ACI and GPF), they absolutely can't see a difference - it's only fans who care who notice the updated details. I'd wager most commentators also wouldn't care to know the difference - white, purple and green = same costume to them =__=


I have to admit it doesn't bother me at all because I'm not sensitive to details like that, lol. He could wear what he did before and I wouldn't complain. I actually thought it was at first until I realized the cut is looser to resemble the actual traditional Heian noble garb more (think it's called suikan or something), and the white is brighter with a lot less going on on it. I think the flare at the sleeves are bigger too. Hope those new details don't get in the way of the dynamics of his performance too much. Oh, and after I realized it wasn't the same costume, I went on to think it was unfinished.


But anyway, for a costume to bother me, it has to be a real eyesore. Even R&J 2.0 didn't bother me. Probably because it's worn by Hanyu and I thought he looked okay in it. It probably won't look okay on anybody else. The only costume he had that ever bothered me was that first one he had for Vertigo back when he was in his teens.


Maybe we should all count our blessings that it's at least cool and utterly different from R&J 2.0, which was his last FS costume at the Olympics. People who remember him from then and didn't know what to make of what he wore would be in for a real treat. >_<


16 時間前, kaerbさんが言いました:

(Also lol he clearly doesn't know about the Olympic superstition which is hilarious considering how superstitious he is).


Has nobody ever won OGM with at least some measure of gold details on their costume? I find that hard to believe somehow...


And I doubt too many things escape his notice, least of all a detail like that. He's a data sorta guy. So maybe someone in the past, male or female, had won in it after all? Or he's just determined that gold's his lucky color? He's known to have them on some of his other personal belongings. He's subtle like that, that Hanyu fellow. 9.9

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On 2017. 09. 24. at 4:10 PM, ralucutzagy said:

So, guys, what do you think about Zuzu's new SEIMEI costume? Not much of a difference but still, can I say that I like this new one more than the old one (I was a fan show SEIMEI costume anyway, lol) ... looks less busy in details and more elegant ... Yuzu looks stunning wearing it! :tumblr_inline_mzx8s4JRlX1r8msi5::tumblr_inline_mzx8xsVPrg1r8msi5:

vs.old one




The first time I saw it I was a bit surprised because it was so sparkly compared to the old one. It may be because of the cameras at ACI too. They were more like fan cameras, not like big ones they usually use at GP events or other big competitions. On bigger cameras costumes usually look less sparkly.


What I love about the new costume is the new collar which looks beautiful, it's looks more like the costumes in the movie.

I like purple and the different shade of green, I think they go together well. The gold inner sleeve is one of the most beautiful part of the costume:




Also the green part is more detailed and sparkly than it was on Seimei 1.0 costume.

But I still need to get used to the silver+gold embroidery in the front.I love gold but it I don't really like gold and silver together. There's green (and some purple?) in it, too, which is nice.




I'm curious if there will be any major changes (like a new costume) at CoR or this will be the final version. At ACI Seimei looked tighter than the Chopin costume :laughing:


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5 hours ago, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said:


I have to admit it doesn't bother me at all because I'm not sensitive to details like that, lol. He could wear what he did before and I wouldn't complain. I actually thought it was at first until I realized the cut is looser to resemble the actual traditional Heian noble garb more (think it's called suikan or something), and the white is brighter with a lot less going on on it. I think the flare at the sleeves are bigger too. Hope those new details don't get in the way of the dynamics of his performance too much. Oh, and after I realized it wasn't the same costume, I went on to think it was unfinished.


But anyway, for a costume to bother me, it has to be a real eyesore. Even R&J 2.0 didn't bother me. Probably because it's worn by Hanyu and I thought he looked okay in it. It probably won't look okay on anybody else. The only costume he had that ever bothered me was that first one he had for Vertigo back when he was in his teens.


I'm a very visual person so the costume issue bothers me much more. And to clarify - it's not so much that I have an issue with the costume itself, it's beautifully suitable (though I wish he went tighter and not looser with the cut). I didn't think Seimei was at risk of getting a RJ 2.0 treatment.


But it's a mistake to think fashion and packaging doesn't matter and fashion is often the biggest way to make a statement or reinforce a message. For Yuzu, a new costume was his biggest weapon against the recycling narrative - it was the easiest way to at least create the illusion of freshness and not give people that doubtful 'haven't I seen this before??' feeling (and a way for long time fans who are not Yuzu supporters to at least not roll their eyes and close the tab immediately).


Because if even his die hard fans had to do a double take before they realised it was a different costume...then you haven't changed the costume, no matter how many small details have been changed.


In this, I really wish he would take a leaf out of Shoma's book because Shoma's team are doing right by him when it comes to packaging. Sigh. Well, we can only hope and pray for CoR.


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2 minutes ago, kaerb said:

Because if even his die hard fans had to do a double take before they realised it was a different costume...then you haven't changed the costume, no matter how many small details have been changed.

I totally agree with you, even though I don't like to criticize Yuzu at all if I can help it. It took me a while to see that it was a new costume, and even then I had to think about it for a bit, especially whether it was a new costume or just new sequins on the old one (it was the front that gave it away). And tbh there was an air of disappointment when we saw it because we thought it was the same one. But whatever works for Yuzuru.

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5 minutes ago, sallycinnamon said:


The first time I saw it I was a bit surprised because it was so sparkly compared to the old one. It may be because of the cameras at ACI too. They were more like fan cameras, not like big ones they usually use at GP events or other big competitions. On bigger cameras costumes usually look less sparkly.


What I love about the new costume is the new collar which looks beautiful, it's looks more like the costumes in the movie.

I like purple and the different shade of green, I think they go together well. The gold inner sleeve is one of the most beautiful part of the costume:




Also the green part is more detailed and sparkly than it was on Seimei 1.0 costume.

But I still need to get used to the silver+gold embroidery in the front.I love gold but it I don't really like gold and silver together. There's green (and some purple?) in it, too, which is nice.




I'm curious if there will be any major changes (like a new costume) at CoR or this will be the final version. At ACI Seimei looked tighter than the Chopin costume :laughing:


That's a lot of gold lol. The inner sleeves are a unmistakeable, it's literally metallic haha. I...am surprised, tbh. It looks lovely, but it makes me anxious...

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2 minutes ago, yuzuangel said:

That's a lot of gold lol. The inner sleeves are a unmistakeable, it's literally metallic haha. I...am surprised, tbh. It looks lovely, but it makes me anxious...


And the inner sleeves will look even nicer if Yuzu finds his black gloves next time :laughing: Black will highlight gold.

It's ok, you shouldn't worry :consoling2:Wearing gold or silver doesn't change anything.




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1 minute ago, yuzuangel said:

I totally agree with you, even though I don't like to criticize Yuzu at all if I can help it. It took me a while to see that it was a new costume -- it was the front that gave it away -- and tbh there was an air of disappointment when we saw it because we thought it was the same one. But whatever works for Yuzuru.

I think a lot of criticism aimed at him is often unwarranted but I do think this decision is something that is worth criticising - it's the first ball he and his team have truly dropped for the season and it annoys me because it would have been so easy to fix, he just needed someone with the right advice to convince him.


It also...I don't know, I'm slightly worried if he feels like he has to basically replicate the exact conditions that led to the WR last time. Maybe its not actually the case but from a fashion interpretation perspective, it feels like he's clinging hard to the past. That degree of superstition is a bit concerning. Hopefully it was just...no one on his team thinking from a PR perspective (from what I gather, TCC aren't really about that life). 


I'm refraining from wailing too much until we know for certain at CoR so I'll stop now but I have a bad feeling this is the final Seimei costume (and also that he's not gonna change much of Chopin either. Lol I'm a natural pessimist). Please prove me wrong Yuzu

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14 minutes ago, kaerb said:

It also...I don't know, I'm slightly worried if he feels like he has to basically replicate the exact conditions that led to the WR last time. Maybe its not actually the case but from a fashion interpretation perspective, it feels like he's clinging hard to the past. That degree of superstition is a bit concerning. Hopefully it was just...no one on his team thinking from a PR perspective (from what I gather, TCC aren't really about that life). 


That's what it seems like, and it is a little bit concerning that he needs everything perfect in order to skate well; any small amount of rattling throws him off. I think it's especially concerning that after 2015 GPF he basically cannot make a mistake in a program and bounce back ... before that, say 2013 GPF, even the FS at the Olympics, many of his most inspired skates came after a mistake. I hope he skates absolutely perfectly at the Olympics, because I don't know what will happen if there's a flaw in his first jumping pass. And the fact that it's going to be a quad lutz is also concerning.


But then again Yuzu faces the most pressure to be perfect than anyone else, not just from himself but media, fans, other competitors, etc. And it's really different to be the chasee than the chaser, and to be a skater who not only wants to win but also to perform the way he wants. Skaters like Nathan and Shoma don't have pressure to be perfect because all that really matters is that they stay solidly second behind Yuzuru and then wait for Yuzuru to make mistakes. IMO they're not like Yuzu in that the performance matters as much as the medal. And that's why we love him so much.

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