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4 hours ago, MrPudding said:

Just finished watching Onmyoji 1 and I got goosebumps at some parts of the movie only because of the soundtrack. Because I could see Yuzu skating. :tongueyuzu: 

The movie was good, I think I have to watch Onmyoji 2 now.

As for the costume, in this movie apart from purple Seimei.. there were red, white, brownish-orange(?) and 2 shades of blue. I'd say Yuzu would chose blue just because it's his winning colour but we'll see :tumblr_inline_n2pje2YFXq1qdlkyg:


For anyone that want to watch it : Onmyoji


I liked the lighter shade of blue in the movie, it would look good on Yuzu, but a more intimidating colour for Seimei 2.0 would be better imo.







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2 minutes ago, kaerb said:

Hah. I'm watching Onmyouji for the first time and jeez, even if I didn't know about all the parallels in history/physical appearance, I'd know this character suits Yuzu purely by the look of trollishness on Nomura Mansai's face at the beginning. As they say in Japanese...そっくり :xD:


I was watching it a couple of weeks ago for the first time and oh my god: that smirk in the first scene where they ask him to kill a butterfly!! :laughing: So much sass :biggrin:


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46 minutes ago, kaerb said:

Hah. I'm watching Onmyouji for the first time and jeez, even if I didn't know about all the parallels in history/physical appearance, I'd know this character suits Yuzu purely by the look of trollishness on Nomura Mansai's face at the beginning. As they say in Japanese...そっくり :xD:


The trolling is what I enjoyed the most, too. He's just so chill but playful at the same time, helpful and caring when others are in need, and then he has a couple of oh shit moments that you see him drop the lightness and get serious and... yep, very good match for Yuzuru :darklordyuzu:

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Just finished Onmyoji 2 and boy that took a while :tumblr_inline_ngf9rfSFWo1qid2nw: I agree with @Murieleirum, it was a bit draggy.

I like Onmyoji 1 more. For me it showed more of Seimei and his personality and better story development with other characters especially Hiromasa. The second movie was a bit more focused on the others and a few slow-mo scenes :laughing:. But watching the movie really helps give a better understanding of SEIMEI program. 

Did Yuzu watch both movies with Shae or was it only the first one?

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7 minutes ago, MrPudding said:

Did Yuzu watch both movies with Shae or was it only the first one?


I'm not sure about Shae, but I'm 100% sure Yuzuru watched them both. Maybe watched them more than one time. Watching himself in the mirror and imitating Seimei's moves during the fight scenes. <3 

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4 hours ago, MrPudding said:

Just finished Onmyoji 2 and boy that took a while :tumblr_inline_ngf9rfSFWo1qid2nw: I agree with @Murieleirum, it was a bit draggy.

I like Onmyoji 1 more. For me it showed more of Seimei and his personality and better story development with other characters especially Hiromasa. The second movie was a bit more focused on the others and a few slow-mo scenes :laughing:. But watching the movie really helps give a better understanding of SEIMEI program. 

Did Yuzu watch both movies with Shae or was it only the first one?


I agree about the second movie, but I forgive them because I love the ending.


Seimei's dance was beautiful and loved that part so much I keep going back to watch it :tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid:


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34 minutes ago, Neenah said:


I agree about the second movie, but I forgive them because I love the ending.

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Seimei's dance was beautiful and loved that part so much I keep going back to watch it :tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid:


I can't agree on the opinion of the second movie because both were draggy to me, thank you lagging DM, but if we talk about the flow of the film...again can't say anything, because as soon as the main battle theme is used I was going 'EEEK!!!Yuzu's stseq!!!!' and until the melody didn't change I didn't really pay attention :facepalm::facepalm:

Also, second film made me a little more positive about red!Seimei costume...(forget about the fact that red and violet were apparently reserved for priestesses and not priests? Idk about that, red as one curiosity or other, so I'm taking it with a grain of salt...even if Yuzu would pull it off regardless of connotations xD)

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