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8 minutes ago, kaeryth said:

Isn't the theme to this years 24H "secrets"? I wonder what "secret" Hiromi Go has? Otherwise it's a really random collab...


I can't hep thinking they had someone else planned and it didn't work out... the silhouette last week doesn't have anything to do with Hiromi Go...


(I admit I had been thinking of Yoshiki,though the silhouette doesn't really fit his current look either - though I think it fits him better than Hiromi Go... -, partly because he really is a big artist, but also he has asthma and that's always been an issue for him as well. So it'd have been a nice way of rounding up the circle...)

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Found the full early documentary of 16yr old Yuzu called 'The New Star of Figure Skating' (there's Pt 2 and 3) - I've seen clips of his mother making his costume and also parts from this, but not the full documentary. Anyone know if there are English subs for the full thing and can link? Otherwise, happy to translate some fun tidbits (also, the clips of him repeatedly falling while trying to master his quads makes me wince so hard but also feel so inspired :tumblr_inline_mqt4gi2T9v1qz4rgp: )

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4 minutes ago, kaerb said:

Found the full early documentary of 16yr old Yuzu called 'The New Star of Figure Skating' (there's Pt 2 and 3) - I've seen clips of his mother making his costume around but not the full documentary. Anyone know if there are English subs for the full thing and can link? Otherwise, happy to translate some fun tidbits ( : 


I haven't seen the translation of this around. I may haven't searched well, but I'm pretty sure there's no official subtitles yet! 

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Quick speed translation exercise since I was watching it myself before ( :


Some of my thoughts from watching:

  • I think this puts into perspective just how difficult quads are and what an amazing feat they are to achieve. I think in the quad race nowadays, we often take that fact for granted -- just seeing Yuzu practice the 4T back then and fail so many times (he jumped 50 in one session and only landed one...) made me wince so hard but also admire the strength and persistence of figure skaters so much more... and now they're all jumping like 4 quads (that being said, the transition from triples to quads is probably such a huge hurdle to cross and it hopefully gets easier):tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:
  • I thought it was very interesting and perhaps fortunate that Yuzu's jump technique issue basically meant he couldn't land the jump until he fixed his position/technique (as opposed to perhaps other athletes with problems in their technique that allowed them to land the jump but with issues or minor strains that build up over time. The latter is harder to spot especially with a busylazy/lenient coach I think). Sometimes that's honestly just luck of the draw (and I'm glad Nanami Abe was so mindful of the technique issues)
  • Even at 16, Yuzu really was pretty good at identifying his own weaknesses and what he needed to do. Also, the dislike of talking about injuries/attributing failure to injuries was there from the beginning.....


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