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16 minutes ago, Skrimblo_iced said:

women's lineup for skate canada goated fr fr and jun and donovan are coming to america--still so weird not seeing yuzu on there lol

My friend force me to look at the assignment..... so Shoma is taking Yuzu's path to do SC and NHK..... hmmmmmm, and ilia for Espoo. This is a ~7000 court, so to fill enough audience, I suspect ISU will use 4A as marketing strategy :(

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1 hour ago, JanMary said:

wow they hid it for so many years



What a treasure unearthed and, apparently, unknown  :girlsigh: because before discovering this planet, I only navigated by youtube and I still have this link where we see its competitions / gala and this until 2020 at the JNATS and this one does not appear not ??? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMF04B_54nQ&list=PLMXZxJKAy8Fopn-b7ShYD3Pn81JOKuqBR   and it's really a surprise of choice  :10815002: and here is my latest discovery, which you will understand better than me ..... and surely ( NO it's pretty OK) it's just PRAISE 


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKXWSIqIeNU   and you will have to click to find the video, because youtube does not allow it?????? and :puddingpooh:ENJOY

44 minutes ago, CiONTUw4A said:





I saw him YES and heard these WOOOOOOO/ AHHHHHH/YEAHHHHHH  :drama:  :woop:  and for the next assignments, I will support K Aymoz 

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Just now, Yuzuwinnie said:


What a treasure unearthed and, apparently, unknown  :girlsigh: because before discovering this planet, I only navigated by youtube and I still have this link where we see its competitions / gala and this until 2020 at the JNATS and this one does not appear not ??? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMF04B_54nQ&list=PLMXZxJKAy8Fopn-b7ShYD3Pn81JOKuqBR   and it's really a surprise of choice  :10815002: and here is my latest discovery, which you will understand better than me ..... and surely ( NO it's pretty OK) it's just PRAISE 

yes I think it's the first time we got the chance to see this program, I'm thrilled

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Guest Mary_kyo

My parents and grandparents were FS fans and so since childhood, I was more and less, followed and watched the competitions with them. But now, seeing the list, no joy was sparked in my heart anymore. This is the end for me. I guess I'm following my parents path and stop watching senior competitions all together. I recommend novice competitions to everyone though, the real passionate skaters with much less corruption and politicking are there. I will crawl back to my cave and enjoy those little tiny skaters performing to their heart contents, without predetermined results and much less racism, homophobia and misogynist setbacks. 

I owe Yuzu a lot though, both to his otherworldly skating which was my source of inspiration (in personal life and also as a researcher) and his unparalleled personality that taught me a lot. I will eagerly only focus on his journey from now on and I'm so excited to see his ongoing journey toward conquering unbelievable mountains. I bet you all that the best is yet to come.  

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2 hours ago, Xiupia said:

Skating Hong Kong posted the full short program they’ve been posting pics from!


2004/2005 Novice Championship, enjoy mushroom Yuzu already displaying good skating skills!



Also, for anyone who can, download it and leave a comment on the video itself! 


I can see why Yuzu was so eager to please his mushroom self. I watch it and can only think of the word 厳しい: strict.

It looks as if the skill of that little mushroom didn't match the idea he wants to convey. Still amazing because MUSHROOM ON ICE, but you can tell it is no ordinary mushroom

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Sharing this news as I thought it was interesting, and it's my first time hearing of it. :) Apologies if shared before.




Rika shares that her one-handed cartwheel collaboration with Yuzu was suggested by him, and Yuzu practised and mastered it in half a day. Rika was very surprised because it requires a very strong core and she had to practice a lot in the off-season to master it.


Welp, in my imagination, kitty Yuzu doesn't need practice to be able to cartwheel, so this is a surprise to me. :xD:

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2 hours ago, CiONTUw4A said:



Oh no whaaaat? I thought i had seen mose pics/videos by now and he was happy on all of them 😞


I know it would only be natural for a sensitive, passionate person like Yuzu to shed a few tears at the end of a huge era, but it still stings.

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