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34 minutes ago, Perelandra said:

Of people can play fantasy football league, this is my fantasy skating championship


Let me join the Fantasy Skating Championship!! :10814716:


@Yuzurella What you say makes sense to me too. Only Yuzu's assistance is a guarantee of success, so I wouldn't be surprised if he was the bargaining chip for them to agree to organize the GPs that were left without a venue.
I also don't see it unreasonable that he establishes his base in Champery (the long hug and words with Stephane would be a "see you soon"?) It's true that the GP are somewhat close to each other, a week of rest between GP and GP and with the final, but Yuzu just did a tour with 3 shows every weekend Yuzu style, he's not happy if he doesn't come off the ice half dead, so... Who said scared??



Yes, dreaming is free :happy0007:

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54 minutes ago, Anabel said:

Let me join the Fantasy Skating Championship!! :10814716:


@Yuzurella What you say makes sense to me too. Only Yuzu's assistance is a guarantee of success, so I wouldn't be surprised if he was the bargaining chip for them to agree to organize the GPs that were left without a venue.
I also don't see it unreasonable that he establishes his base in Champery (the long hug and words with Stephane would be a "see you soon"?) It's true that the GP are somewhat close to each other, a week of rest between GP and GP and with the final, but Yuzu just did a tour with 3 shows every weekend Yuzu style, he's not happy if he doesn't come off the ice half dead, so... Who said scared??



Yes, dreaming is free :happy0007:

And if Yuzu uses Champery as temporary training base @Geo1 mentioned that he may have the chance to spend time with Ghislain, which is always beneficial. 

More fantasy skating championship ... Hehehe

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2 hours ago, Yuzurella said:


Let me join in this guessing game. It is possible that both new hosts only agreed to host the GPs if they would get a certain two-time Olympic champion. As far as I know, that's what happened in 2018 for the Helsinki GP.


Perhaps the ISU couldn't make the announcements yet because they're fighting with the JSF over Yuzu. Obviously, the JSF would want to squeeze out as much money as they can with Yuzu by having him compete at the NHK Trophy. (I now have this movie in my mind with the ISU and JSF people bitch slapping each other. :10814716:)


Anyway, if Yuzu should participate in the GP series and get the one in the UK and the one in Finland, it would probably be best if he would stay in Europe until after the GPF, as traveling back and forth would be way too exhausting and time-consuming.


But yeah, we shall see. Life is really never boring as a Fanyu. :tumblr_inline_mqt4grU8ua1qz4rgp:


OR...maybe UK and Finland agreed to host if they were guaranteed Yuzu, but now Yuzu has told them he is not going to do the GP, so everyone is derailed?

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1 hour ago, ImmortalBeloved said:


OR...maybe UK and Finland agreed to host if they were guaranteed Yuzu, but now Yuzu has told them he is not going to do the GP, so everyone is derailed?


I think even the ISU people are not so stupid that they would promise Yuzu's participation in the GPs without getting his confirmation beforehand. And if Yuzu did commit already, it's unlikely he'll change his mind unless there's a very serious reason. In this sense, I just hope and pray that whatever happens, Yuzu is healthy and happy! :smiley-angelic001:


But yeah, it's all just fun speculation. Let's hope we'll get the assignments very soon, hopefully tomorrow. The sale for the Finland GP tickets already starts Monday. Gah! :tumblr_inline_n18qr5AMus1qid2nw:

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8 hours ago, lajoitko said:

I was surfing through GP Finland's website and noticed very interesting picture choice here



Now I'm debating with myself if it means anything and should I gamble with tickets on Monday even in the worst case scenario where we don't have the assignments by then.


And it probably doesn't mean anything since they are using also the winners' picture from GP 2018 elsewhere on the site. But now there is this annoying little voice in my head asking "what if?"

Yep, they're absolutely playing those mind games with us.


In 2018-19 season, the French fed president hinted that Yuzu would be assigned there. Some people bought the IDF tickets just in case it was true. They know how to capitalize on Hanyuconomy.

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