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17 hours ago, Mary_kyo said:

This is a really nice thread about Yuzu, FS and the sad corrupted story after 2018



Fair competition between the two would have been so exciting.


Exactly my thought when I first learned about the so called rivalry. I was prepared to support them both, I’d imagine the competition would be exciting, since you wouldn’t know who would win. 

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2 hours ago, CiONTUw4A said:


Poetic justice. 



I do feel like this has more to do with how the US is trying to have its cake and eat it too. What with diplomatically boycotting it, running ugly headlines about everything Beijing 2022, even lamenting the preventive health care measures as dystopian (look, there are many things, let’s just say, sensitive politically and environmentally about this Oly, but this pandemic adjustment is not one of those things, ffs), but also still wanting to profit from it. You can’t have it both ways, gees.

But yeah, if your poster boy does not have even a fraction of the charisma that Yuzuru has, you stand no chance. It’s not the main reason for this flop, but it doesn’t help, certainly.

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Google translation: "[Male Hanyu fan limited MAD] A message of gratitude to Hanyu from a male Hanyu fan. We will do our best to send love and gratitude to you for your success in the Beijing Olympics! Congratulations on 4A certification! This is a message from a total of 15 men! It's a pretty long video, so continue to YouTube! There is also a messy video with Dundun ♪"



I hope some kind satellite can translate a bit for  us! :tumblr_inline_nhkezmYSxk1qid2nw: :67638860:

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Article asking questions (and giving answers) about why Yuzuru had a press conference at the Olys when he hadn't won a medal and wasn't announcing retirement....(they really need to ask??)


(Google translate under spoiler)



Yuzuru Hanyu, who was fourth in the men's figure skating at the Beijing Winter Olympics, said at a press conference on February 14, "Why are you not a medalist?" "I wasn't announcing your retirement ..." Some doubts came out. The Japanese Olympic Committee (JOC) explained the reason, "Because there are many individual interview applications from media companies and it is difficult to respond individually," but there are still doubts. We asked Akio Yamaguchi, a public relations consultant, about this press conference.


"I said I was 9 years old and jump!" Impressive

Q. How would you rate Yuzuru Hanyu's press conference being set up? It was neither a medalist nor a retirement interview.

Mr. Yamaguchi: As a public relations advisor, I thought that Hanyu's press conference should have been held, and I'm glad that it was held.

Hanyu is a world superstar who has received more than 20,000 fan letters from the Beijing Olympic Committee. If he had won the Olympics for the third time in a row, a storm of blessings would have occurred all over the world and he would have become a representative of the times. That is why many reporters must have been more motivated to interview after receiving the result of 4th place. I think there were a lot of questions I wanted to ask, such as "How does Hanyu take this result?" "Why did he miss the medal?" "What do you think about your future competitive life?" In fact, it seems that as many as 200 reporters gathered at the press conference.

"Hanyu, an unusual press conference" "Why are you not a medalist? I read a newspaper article with a headline such as "It wasn't an announcement of retirement ...". It doesn't make sense. We applied for coverage from more than 100 media. I think that self-contradiction is also serious. If you think that "a player who missed a medal will hold a press conference immediately after the competition, it is a prerequisite to announce his retirement", the media is insensitive to the desires of not only Hanyu fans but also the people. I think"

Q. Isn't it not uncommon to have a press conference because there are many applications for individual coverage?

Mr. Yamaguchi "It's not uncommon. In fact, most press conferences about scandals are held because there are too many applications for individual coverage. I have seen the" Press Conference Manuals "of several companies and organizations. However, most of them contain words such as "If there are 5 or more applications for individual coverage on the same theme, consider holding a press conference."

Furthermore, even if it is due to time constraints, I think that if you select only a few companies from a large number of applications and get interviewed, you will be criticized by the refused media as "unfair". increase. I think Hanyu agreed to hold a large press conference, thinking that he should respond fairly to all applications for coverage as much as possible. "

Q. Please tell me the advantages and disadvantages of having a press conference instead of individual interviews.

Mr. Yamaguchi "The merit of the press conference is that we can respond to interview requests from many media at once. It does not matter what kind of media, such as newspapers, television, magazines, and internet media. Even in Japan, there are more than 200 people. It is not uncommon for reporters to attend interviews.

At a press conference, the organizer (speaker) usually gives a speech first, followed by a question and answer session. It is a merit from the host side. This is because this side speaks first, so it is easy to develop the claim. It will be easier to take the initiative in the question and answer session.

On the other hand, from the interview side, the press conference has a limited amount of time for questions and answers because many media participate in the conference. At large conferences, the majority of reporters are not given the opportunity to ask questions. So it's harder to dig deeper and listen than individual interviews. This is a big disadvantage for the interviewer. Also, even if a reporter has information that should be called "special news", if you ask a related question at a press conference, all the participating reporters will know it, and it will no longer be a special news. I have no choice but to think of another interview method. "

Q. What are your thoughts on Hanyu's press conference?

Mr. Yamaguchi "I think that the press conference of Hanyu would have been a disappointing press conference for the media who expected" Is it a retirement announcement? " I thought it was a rare, valuable and interesting press conference where I could listen carefully to my voice.

For example, the comment "That's because I told you to jump when I was 9 years old" was particularly interesting, and I strongly felt that I was particular about the four-and-a-half-turn Axel jump challenge at the Beijing Olympics. I understood that Hanyu said, "The image of a four-and-a-half-turn accelerator that seems to be beautiful with a thin axis and a high jump was completed at the age of nine." .. "Since then, I've been pursuing all kinds of technical quests to this day, but I finally arrived at the image when I was nine years old. It was an accelerator that only I could do, just for myself. "

I think there was an option to reduce the difficulty and prioritize victory or defeat under adverse conditions such as injury. Hanyu entrusted his fate to his 9-year-old word "jump." He said, "I was able to perform the best I have ever done," and strongly impressed me with further challenges in the future. "

Q. How do you communicate on the media side?

Mr. Yamaguchi "As far as I know, Japanese TV conveys Hanyu's feelings accurately and from a warm perspective. On the other hand, some newspapers say," Sit down and talk to the player who won the medal. A hearing meeting is set, but the meeting of Hanyu, who is in 4th place, should not have been held. "

There was criticism on some nets that Hanyu was a "want to get out". I don't think it will hit at all. In terms of companies and organizations, "departure shop" is a bright topic such as good business performance or introduction of epoch-making new products to the market. People who want to appear but hide in the clouds before anyone else when it comes to unfavorable projects such as scandals.

For Hanyu, I don't think the press conference after finishing 4th was an exciting press conference. I could have refused. Even so, I think I accepted the press conference because I thought I had tried hard for four and a half turns, I had a strong sense of responsibility not to run away, and I wanted to thank fans all over the world. "

Q. At the beginning, Hanyu mentioned that it is one of the infection control measures, saying, "When you interview in the mix zone, it will be inevitably dense." If Corona's illness had an effect on Hanyu's press conference setting, do you think that such an opportunity will disappear once the new Corona converges?

Mr. Yamaguchi "I don't think Corona is related. The mixed zone is a place prepared for reporters to have a brief interview with athletes immediately after the competition, and it is usually not so large. Reporters here. However, I think that the press conference like this one was realized because he was Hanyu. Many reporters applied for coverage, so I think it was possible. The interview was held in a large area where everyone could participate.

Hanyu is a special case, and even if you don't get a medal, reporters from all over the world apply for coverage, and even if you don't feel like it, it's important to deal with reporters. Whether or not you will be born in the future will determine whether or not you have these opportunities in the future. "


(Otonanser editorial department)


This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
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22 minutes ago, Pammi said:



Article asking questions (and giving answers) about why Yuzuru had a press conference at the Olys when he hadn't won a medal and wasn't announcing retirement....(they really need to ask??)


(Google translate under spoiler)


  Reveal hidden contents

Yuzuru Hanyu, who was fourth in the men's figure skating at the Beijing Winter Olympics, said at a press conference on February 14, "Why are you not a medalist?" "I wasn't announcing your retirement ..." Some doubts came out. The Japanese Olympic Committee (JOC) explained the reason, "Because there are many individual interview applications from media companies and it is difficult to respond individually," but there are still doubts. We asked Akio Yamaguchi, a public relations consultant, about this press conference.


"I said I was 9 years old and jump!" Impressive

Q. How would you rate Yuzuru Hanyu's press conference being set up? It was neither a medalist nor a retirement interview.

Mr. Yamaguchi: As a public relations advisor, I thought that Hanyu's press conference should have been held, and I'm glad that it was held.

Hanyu is a world superstar who has received more than 20,000 fan letters from the Beijing Olympic Committee. If he had won the Olympics for the third time in a row, a storm of blessings would have occurred all over the world and he would have become a representative of the times. That is why many reporters must have been more motivated to interview after receiving the result of 4th place. I think there were a lot of questions I wanted to ask, such as "How does Hanyu take this result?" "Why did he miss the medal?" "What do you think about your future competitive life?" In fact, it seems that as many as 200 reporters gathered at the press conference.

"Hanyu, an unusual press conference" "Why are you not a medalist? I read a newspaper article with a headline such as "It wasn't an announcement of retirement ...". It doesn't make sense. We applied for coverage from more than 100 media. I think that self-contradiction is also serious. If you think that "a player who missed a medal will hold a press conference immediately after the competition, it is a prerequisite to announce his retirement", the media is insensitive to the desires of not only Hanyu fans but also the people. I think"

Q. Isn't it not uncommon to have a press conference because there are many applications for individual coverage?

Mr. Yamaguchi "It's not uncommon. In fact, most press conferences about scandals are held because there are too many applications for individual coverage. I have seen the" Press Conference Manuals "of several companies and organizations. However, most of them contain words such as "If there are 5 or more applications for individual coverage on the same theme, consider holding a press conference."

Furthermore, even if it is due to time constraints, I think that if you select only a few companies from a large number of applications and get interviewed, you will be criticized by the refused media as "unfair". increase. I think Hanyu agreed to hold a large press conference, thinking that he should respond fairly to all applications for coverage as much as possible. "

Q. Please tell me the advantages and disadvantages of having a press conference instead of individual interviews.

Mr. Yamaguchi "The merit of the press conference is that we can respond to interview requests from many media at once. It does not matter what kind of media, such as newspapers, television, magazines, and internet media. Even in Japan, there are more than 200 people. It is not uncommon for reporters to attend interviews.

At a press conference, the organizer (speaker) usually gives a speech first, followed by a question and answer session. It is a merit from the host side. This is because this side speaks first, so it is easy to develop the claim. It will be easier to take the initiative in the question and answer session.

On the other hand, from the interview side, the press conference has a limited amount of time for questions and answers because many media participate in the conference. At large conferences, the majority of reporters are not given the opportunity to ask questions. So it's harder to dig deeper and listen than individual interviews. This is a big disadvantage for the interviewer. Also, even if a reporter has information that should be called "special news", if you ask a related question at a press conference, all the participating reporters will know it, and it will no longer be a special news. I have no choice but to think of another interview method. "

Q. What are your thoughts on Hanyu's press conference?

Mr. Yamaguchi "I think that the press conference of Hanyu would have been a disappointing press conference for the media who expected" Is it a retirement announcement? " I thought it was a rare, valuable and interesting press conference where I could listen carefully to my voice.

For example, the comment "That's because I told you to jump when I was 9 years old" was particularly interesting, and I strongly felt that I was particular about the four-and-a-half-turn Axel jump challenge at the Beijing Olympics. I understood that Hanyu said, "The image of a four-and-a-half-turn accelerator that seems to be beautiful with a thin axis and a high jump was completed at the age of nine." .. "Since then, I've been pursuing all kinds of technical quests to this day, but I finally arrived at the image when I was nine years old. It was an accelerator that only I could do, just for myself. "

I think there was an option to reduce the difficulty and prioritize victory or defeat under adverse conditions such as injury. Hanyu entrusted his fate to his 9-year-old word "jump." He said, "I was able to perform the best I have ever done," and strongly impressed me with further challenges in the future. "

Q. How do you communicate on the media side?

Mr. Yamaguchi "As far as I know, Japanese TV conveys Hanyu's feelings accurately and from a warm perspective. On the other hand, some newspapers say," Sit down and talk to the player who won the medal. A hearing meeting is set, but the meeting of Hanyu, who is in 4th place, should not have been held. "

There was criticism on some nets that Hanyu was a "want to get out". I don't think it will hit at all. In terms of companies and organizations, "departure shop" is a bright topic such as good business performance or introduction of epoch-making new products to the market. People who want to appear but hide in the clouds before anyone else when it comes to unfavorable projects such as scandals.

For Hanyu, I don't think the press conference after finishing 4th was an exciting press conference. I could have refused. Even so, I think I accepted the press conference because I thought I had tried hard for four and a half turns, I had a strong sense of responsibility not to run away, and I wanted to thank fans all over the world. "

Q. At the beginning, Hanyu mentioned that it is one of the infection control measures, saying, "When you interview in the mix zone, it will be inevitably dense." If Corona's illness had an effect on Hanyu's press conference setting, do you think that such an opportunity will disappear once the new Corona converges?

Mr. Yamaguchi "I don't think Corona is related. The mixed zone is a place prepared for reporters to have a brief interview with athletes immediately after the competition, and it is usually not so large. Reporters here. However, I think that the press conference like this one was realized because he was Hanyu. Many reporters applied for coverage, so I think it was possible. The interview was held in a large area where everyone could participate.

Hanyu is a special case, and even if you don't get a medal, reporters from all over the world apply for coverage, and even if you don't feel like it, it's important to deal with reporters. Whether or not you will be born in the future will determine whether or not you have these opportunities in the future. "


(Otonanser editorial department)


I’m struggling to articulate myself, but I will try: were many surprised about his standing and fame at the world stage? Because the flabbergasted tone I’ve been reading these past weeks seem to indicate so. Although I do understand that it seems weird that an athlete of a smaller sport would have this event without a retirement announcement after “losing”.

Yuzu’s press conference reminded me of big sports; clubs and big names generally have to give statements after a game regardless. 

I know people say fanyus are delusional, but I’m convinced he is bigger than the sport / fs.

Hiding some negativity:



I don’t appreciate much the consistent reminder that “ah, if only he had won, he would be history!” thing that I’ve bee gathering from Japan media (this is not the first time I’ve seen something like it). Dunno if is something missed in translation. 
When will they recognize his standing?? 

thank you for posting it! 

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18 hours ago, cereus said:

A new Yuzu diary to add to the "hmmm, should I buy this?" list:




This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].

does anyone have any previous version to share their observations?

i'm a stationery nerd, so already have too many planners, but if paper is of good quality, i want this!

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53 minutes ago, kay said:

does anyone have any previous version to share their observations?

i'm a stationery nerd, so already have too many planners, but if paper is of good quality, i want this!

Do you want pics? I own the last one. I think the quality is good, but before committing to a purchase, if you want some example pages, im happy to share.


Im heading to work, but when I get home I can do it 😊. Another bonus are the nice pics of Yuzu thrown in lol

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